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Julie’s Inner Conflict - by elroycohen (~BBW, ~WG, Feeding)

Dimensions Magazine

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Steampunk Psycho
Feb 23, 2007
~BBW, ~~WG, Feeding - A story inspired by Jenny's Ploy.

Julie’s Inner Conflict
by elroycohen

“Oh goodness, butter cream frosting on red velvet cupcakes,” Julie moaned as she took a bite of the decadent dessert. “And that’s after you gave me thirds of that lasagna that had more Italian sausage and ricotta cheese then I thought they stocked at our grocery store. You’re really going all out this year.”

“Would you expect any less?” Martin grinned as he watched his wife lick frosting from her lip.

“Well no, not really. But you have started a little early this year,” Julie said cocking an eyebrow accusingly. “I mean you were the one that named your little tradition the Holiday Stuffing, and October twentieth seems to jump the gun a little. Plus I think some would consider it cheating.”

“What can I say,” Martin shrugged, “I saw you binging on Halloween candy last night in front of the TV and I-“

“Smelled blood in the water,” Julie finished. “I swear you could sense my willpower lapse from across the country and you’d probably have a cheesecake FedExed out to me that moment.”

“Can’t blame me for being a little eager. I get a couple months to indulge my fantasy and fatten you up a bit and you get the rest of the year to recover. Should be easy enough for you to keep ahead of me,” Martin said as he got up to clear the table. Even if Julie had been joking about him smelling blood in the water, it was hard not to recognize his talent for being able to tempt his wife into indulging as he cleared three bottles of beer, the plate that held her three helpings of lasagna and two pieces of garlic toast all while she reached for a second cupcake.

In truth the Holiday Stuffing tradition started out very innocently. Julie and Martin and met through friends and dated for six months before they got really serious. It was about then they spent enough time together for Martin to see just how much she loved food and indulged every chance she got. Also Julie could not ignore how much Martin was excited by her eating. The first holidays they spent together Martin encouraged and Julie indulged and the result was a month and a half of decadence and lust that left Julie at least a size larger in January then she had been in November. There some remorse afterwards where Julie worried aloud to Martin that she would be the size of a house if she continued on eating the way she had even if she really enjoyed it. Martin came up with the idea of limiting it to the holidays that would allow him to go all out stuffing her and for her to enjoy it since she would have the rest of the year to burn off the results, and hence the Holiday Stuffing was born, even if it did not get the official title until the following year when the couple got so into the event that Julie commented on more then one occasion that she felt like a turkey being stuffed.

“Oh please,” Julie grunted as she nibbled her second cupcake. “You know better then anybody my track record for diet and exercise. I haven’t been able to keep up with the way I eat during the holidays. I saw the look on your face this past summer when I had to go out and get a bigger swimsuit. So don’t play innocent with me.” She leaned back and lifted her t-shirt up and rolled the waistband of her Sunday sweats down over her food baby.

In fact Martin knew very well how his wife’s had swelled a little more each Holiday Stuffing and shrank down very little between. As much as she loved food she hated diet and absolutely loathed exercise. The plump yet very busty 22 year old Martin married had blossomed into a pudgy yet very, very busty 26 year old. And Julie too had known when she had agreed to the terms that she would most likely not be able to stick to a diet or exercise plan based on past history, but denial was also part of that history and the reasoning to be able to indulge her gluttonous side without guilt worked for her, even though each successive year as she got a little softer and fuller she told herself next year she’d have to buckle down.

“Care to back that point up with numbers?” Martin asked hopefully. There was an unofficial agreement that had developed as part of the Holiday Stuffing where Julie weighed herself once before and once after the stuffing season and allowed Martin to see the numbers. Julie was not supposed to peek any other time and Martin was not supposed to pester her to get on the scale any other time.

Julie sighed. “A stomach stretching stuffing and a weigh-in all before Halloween; you are getting relentless. Just remember, this will be the before weigh-in then.”

“I know it’s early, but I’d be willing to offer a massage with a happy ending.”

“Oh I can’t say no to that any more then I can say no to your cooking,” Julie winked.

Martin nearly sprinted down the hall to get the scale ready while Julie was a little slower lifting her stuffed gut up from the dinning table and heading to the bedroom to strip down. She pulled her shirt over her head and grunted as she reached around to undo the clasp on her 36G cup bra. Huge breasts had been a tradition in her family that seemed to skip every other generation. Menopause had caused Julie’s mother to swell all the way up to a B after a lifetime of being able to go braless while nana stopped trying to find bras that fit after she outgrew all her J cups. Watching her own mounds of stretch mark covered jelly slap down on her belly when freed and Julie knew who she took after.

She shed her pants and eased her gurgling gut into the bathroom where Martin was waiting complete with his notebook that he never let her see, but Julie knew very well he tracked her weights when she was in the mood to let him observe. Admiring the huge boner he was sporting in his own Sunday sweats it was hard for her to not be a little aroused at his excitement.

Julie had no idea what the scale would say. She knew she had some success dieting off last Holiday’s stuffing back in the summer, but a late summer vacation where she ate mostly fried foods and a few weeks of sneaking candy meant for trick-or-treaters probably meant the numbers where going to be high. Of course looking in the mirror should have clued her in to that, but Julie was a master of denial.

She flashed back briefly to her wedding day when her mother made her get up on the scale when she noticed a little paunch on her daughter as she got ready for the ceremony.

“Look at that gut. It’s just like you to blimp out for your wedding day,” her mother nagged as she pushed her toward a scale to help prove her point. Julie knew she wouldn’t stop until she got her way so she obliged.

“142, mom. Are you happy now? I’ve gained a little weight,” she had said sounding annoyed since she was supposed to be getting into her gown.

“I guess that’s not bad for your frame. Not near as bad as when you came home from your freshman year of college and I had to put you on that crash diet to get you back in shape by the end of summer,” her mom said scoldingly as she cupped one of her daughter’s hangers. “But your belly just looked so round I had to see for sure.” She sighed. “If only your groom knew what he was getting into. I would give him some diet tips if I thought it wouldn’t scare him off.”

Julie had blushed, knowing the rounded pooch was due to her indulging on the dozen crullers Martin had sent over that morning with his little note about how happy he was to be marrying her. She figured the less mom knew the better. “I’ll diet as soon as I come back from honeymoon,” she lied, happy that in a few hours she would officially be free of her mom’s nagging about her yo-yoing weight.

Now Julie could barely remember the feeling of being that light as she stepped on the scale, pushed down her tits, sucked in her gut and leaned forward to try and see the readout. She remembered the last time she had stepped on the scale had been just after New Years when Martin had stuffed her up to 185.


Martin’s eyes lit up while Julie’s mouth gaped. She was more then ten pounds heavier then she had been after last year’s stuffing. She had gained as much weight in the off season as she did during. Her mind started to drift to what this year’s stuffing would do to her. Julie had long gotten accustomed to the fact that she would never be a size zero waif with her body type and love of food, and since being with Martin she had even become comfortable with a little extra weight, but 197 for her body type was veering out of pleasantly plump territory into out and out fat. She was startled out of her thought by Martin’s fingers pinching her right nipple. The shock faded to arousal after it was fallowed up by a long passionate kiss.

Martin led her into bed where he made good on his massage promise and the happy ending. Julie forgot all about her weight in the afterglow as she fell asleep in Martin’s arms. She forgot completely about it a few hours later when she woke up and decided she needed a midnight snack of another cupcake.

to be continued

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