St. Cthulhu
Wow! I am both amazed and thankful for finding this site! Here in fitness-crazed Southern California, fat men are generally considered only slightly more desirable than the Elephant Man -- and even that's debatable in some circles. I can't tell you how many times I've been told I'd be "really cute" if I only got rid of the belly. It is wonderful to know that there are many women out there who not only accept fat men, but find us attractive.
Sorry for my first post not being more original, but right now I'm kind of in awe that this place exists. In future posts I expect I'll have a bit more to say. In the meantime, thanks again for being here.
For what it's worth, here are a couple pictures of me and my gut.
View attachment sitting.jpg
View attachment standing.jpg
View attachment standing2.jpg
Sorry for my first post not being more original, but right now I'm kind of in awe that this place exists. In future posts I expect I'll have a bit more to say. In the meantime, thanks again for being here.
For what it's worth, here are a couple pictures of me and my gut.
View attachment sitting.jpg
View attachment standing.jpg
View attachment standing2.jpg