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Ladies' Choice (~BHM, ~BBW, ~~WG, eating)

Dimensions Magazine

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Sep 29, 2005
The great white north, eh?
~BHM, ~BBW, Eating, ~SWG - a trio of girls with unique tastes in their boy friends

Ladies' Choice
By Tad​

Author's note: I realized I'd never migrated this old story from my geocities page to Dimensions, and seeing as how geocities is shutting down shortly I decided I'd best rectify that. I've given it a new title and minor edits. I've always liked the characters in this one, but I'm not totally happy with the flow of the story.

Part 1: How it all started

I wasn’t there at the beginning, but I’ve heard the stories about that trip enough times to almost feel like I was there.

You could say that the beginning was farther back; after all Jo-Anne, Valerie, and Louise had been friends for years. They’d drifted apart a little bit following college, but when Louise moved to Manhattan for a job she made sure to invite her friends to visit her, and they accepted. Let me take a moment to sketch the three of them for you, I’ll describe Jay and myself when we enter the story.

Louise is a tall and slight strawberry blonde who could almost be a model if not for a certain ungainliness, and her total lack of interest in what most people think of her. She’s the woman who thinks nothing of wearing knee high bright purple boots every day in the winter. She’s honestly nice and kind, but she has very little regard for the social expectations of most of society, so she was the one who had kicked off most of the three’s adventures over the years.

Valerie was short and petite. At that time she was struggling to find size 0 petite business wear suitable for her increasingly high profile advertising job. In that small package she packed an intensity and determination that would make a grizzly bear think twice before taking her on. She also had strikingly unusual coloring, black hair mixed with fair and freckled skin. She was the one who got them through the adventures that Louise got them into.

Jo-Anne was as tall as Louise, with perfect complexion, long glossy hair, a gorgeous smile and a curvy figure. At this time she easily out-weighed her two friends put together, so those curves were generous, but she was a knock-out if you liked bigger women. Hers was the calm, easygoing, and empathetic nature that helped balance the other two. She could also charm children, animals, random strangers and, as you’ll see, me. She was adventurous in her own way, willing to try almost anything, she was also the one who kept their adventures fun.

Back to Louise taking a job in Manhattan. Jo-Anne and Valerie responded to Louise’s invitation by announcing that they were coming to visit as soon as Louise was settled in. This turned out to be late September. Valerie, who was already a star with Columbus's largest ad agency, had just bought herself a new Mustang and happily offered to drive Jo-Anne. Valerie was still petite, barely over five feet tall with a trimly curved body that looked good in feminine suits, but her friends all knew she had a secret passion for fast cars, power tools, and other things better know as being toys for overgrown boys.

Jo-Anne was glad to accept the ride. She was a decent driver, but seldom a voluntary one. She simply found driving to be mentally exhausting, so was delighted to ride shotgun. She was also happy not to have to fly as she found most airplane seats uncomfortably snug. The two friends had a good time on the long drive from Columbus down to NYC, catching up on old times and current activities.

Amongst other things, Valerie had a new boyfriend, while Jo-Anne was currently single. Perhaps surprisingly, this was the opposite of the usual case. Despite her size, Jo-Anne had never had a shortage of boyfriends, although she was the first to admit that none of the relationships so far had been especially serious. Valerie, despite her trim figure, had seldom dated, claiming she just hadn't met the right guy yet.

They arrived at Louise's apartment late on Friday night, but all the same went out on the town, finally staggering home in the small hours of the morning. The next day dawned long before the women woke themselves up; they finally dragged themselves out for breakfast around noon. By then, the day was already scorching hot; for all that it was late September.

Louise suggested they drive up Long Island and hit one of the beaches. Valerie and Jo-Anne protested that they hadn't thought to bring bathing suits.

"Oh come on," exclaimed Louise, "you can buy something, then we'll go."

"Ah, you know, I don't think I'll have much luck finding a suit on short notice, at this time of year." pointed out Jo-Anne. "Why don't you two go to the beach, I'll find an air-conditioned Barnes & Noble and meet you tonight."

"We can't go without you, Jo," objected Louise, and then she had a brainstorm "Wait, there are some nude beaches on the island, we could go to one of those!"

"WHAT?" croaked Valerie, always the most modest of the three.

Louise inveigled, "Come on, it's not like you'll see anyone you know. Don't you want to try it, anyway?"

Jo-Anne shrugged her well-padded shoulders. "Why not, its not like a bathing suit hides much of this body anyways."

Outvoted, Valerie gave way.

* * * * * * * * *

It only took the three about half an hour to grab some towels and sunscreen, change into easily removed clothes, buy some munchies at a deli, and jump back in Valerie's car. An hour later, they had found their beach, and with a quick glance at each other and all around them, they quickly stripped.

Nobody seemed to notice. Louise was soon splashing in the waves, reveling in the free feeling of swimming without any coverings. Jo-Anne settled her ample behind down on a towel, with a book, a bottle of juice, and a bag of pretzels. At first Valerie huddled into herself, almost offended that nobody had paid any attention to them stripping down. After a few minutes this egotism became boring, and quickly losing her inhibitions, she went strutting along the beach to explore.

Ten minutes later, she was back, setting out her towel next to Jo-Anne's.

"Joanne, you should see a couple of the guys down the beach, they are huge!"

"Excuse me, I thought nobody paid attention to 'that' on a nude beach."

"NO, not that! No, you couldn't tell that on these guys, I mean they are hugely fat, so big their bellies hang down that far!"

"Big deal, I'm used to seeing fat, I just look in the mirror."

"These guys would make you look skinny, honest! You should come see."

Getting Jo-Anne to leave her book behind and to go for a walk would have been a losing proposition for most people most of the time. Valerie was sure that her determination would overcome Jo-Anne’s inertia, but this time she didn’t even have to really push, Jo-Anne put aside her book and came with he friend. Neither girl was surprised to see Louise had joined into a Frisbee game; she had always been the most sociable of the three when she was in one of her daring moods. Not that she was very accurate with the Frisbee, but that didn’t seem to be deterring her any.

They finally found the fat guys standing in line at a charity barbecue. Jo-Anne admitted that she could happily eat a hamburger, so she joined the line, saying “You can hang with me, so you have more time to check them out.”

The men were older, probably in their mid-40's, and indeed simply calling them fat hardly did them justice. They each had enormous guts of almost liquid flab, jutting far out in front of them and hanging a goodly distance down their thighs. One of them got his hamburger just after the girls joined the line, and wandered off to join a slightly plump, rather busty, middle aged woman, who's face lit up when she saw him with his burger. She threw her arms as far around his enormous waist as she could reach and gave him a hug, causing his massive amounts of flab to shift and flow. Then they slowly waddled down the beach together.

A minute later, the second fat guy left the barbecue, three hamburgers loaded onto his plate. He slowly made his way up the slope of the beach to a sun canopy. Apparently he had friends there, as they shifted around to make room for him, and someone held his plate as he leaned on a cooler, then lowered himself to his knees, and finally levered himself over into a sitting position. Even from where they were, they could hear his labored breathing after this effort. Finally, he adjusted his belly, leaving it draped over his outstretched legs, drooping over each side and running most of the way to his knees.

By this time, Jo-Anne's burger was ready, and they strolled back to their towels, both lost in their own thoughts.

* * * * * * *

They finally made it back to Louise's apartment well after dark, although the other two teased Louise that her sunburn was bright enough to light up the city. Despite the state of Louise's skin, the three went out again, finding some bars that were definitely distinct from anything they'd ever seen in Columbus. Louise found that at one she could earn free drinks by revealing just how thorough her sunburn was, and her friends finally had to drag out before she passed out. After sleeping in again, and grabbing a noontime breakfast again, Valerie and Jo-Anne had to start the long drive home.

The drive was quiet at first, but gradually caffeine began kicking in, and they began to talk about what they had seen and done that weekend.

Eventually, inevitably, the discussion turned to the nude beach. Maybe this is when it really started. Certainly both of them seemed to have remembered the conversation well, because they've both told me about it, and recall it almost exactly the same way. It went something like this.

"I NEVER thought I'd go walking around nude." Valerie broached the subject.

"I guess I'd never thought about it," replied Jo-Anne. "I guess I figured anyone can go nudist, and I don't really care who sees my body, I'd just never expected to be somewhere like that."

"Yah, anyone sure can go nudist. At least those guys didn't have to worry about getting sun-burn on their wee-wees."

"Wee-wees? Oh grow up, Val."

"Sorry, Miss Cosmopolitan. Well, call them what you will, you have to admit the shade had to be handy for them! The one guy's wife could have pretty much sat in the shade of his belly."

"I think she was too busy squeezing it."

"Yah, geez, I wonder what that feels like?"

"I don't know. I know a lot of the guys I've dated actually like how soft I am. Of course Bruce was always squeezing me, it was like dating a boa constrictor."

Valerie giggled "Oh geez, I forgot how much you always cracked me up. Yah, I guess it could be nice. You know, Jay, the guy I'm dating right now, is actually kind of chunky. Not really fat, but he is nice to hug."

"I've always kind of wondered what it would be like to hug someone like me." Jo-Anne responded softly.

They drove in silence for some minutes, until Valerie said,

"You know, Jo, you should come out with us sometime, Jay is a lot of fun, I think you two would get along."

"Sorry, I don't do the third wheel thing, it never works out well."

"I suppose. Wait, I know, its your birthday in a few weeks, I should have you over for supper, and you could meet him." After some more discussion, it was agreed.


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