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Late Night - by Jake (JMJ) - (~BBW (multiple), magic, ~SWG)

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Jake (JMJ)

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
BBW (multiple), magic, ~SWG - two roommates are rewarded by a unique inheritance

Author's note: Hello everyone. It's been a long time. I've been going back and forth with this idea in my head and figured I'd put pen to paper, so to speak.

This is not really that great of a story (not that my work is great) but I just wanted to see if I could still write this type of story in this genre.

This is the first part of either a two or three part story (I'm almost done with part two, just figuring out if I want to drag it out much more.


Jake (JMJ)

Late Night
By Jake (JMJ)

"Ah, I hate funerals, they're too depressing." Amy exclaimed.

Amy dropped her keys off on the end table and plopped down on the couch.

"I know what you mean, but she was related to you." Amy's roommate Deanna responded, shutting the door behind her.

"I haven't spoken to my great aunt in literally a decade, no one from my family has. She was a weirdo, she lived in her house with her staff and never left. Once her husband died she stopped having people over and didn't socialize at all. I'm not going to be overly concerned with her leaving this mortal coil."

Deanna removes her shoes and joins her friend on the oversized couch and grins.

"Didn't stop you from accepting that ring she left you", she says before flipping on the tv.

Amy laughs and holds up her hand which now has a red ruby ring on her middle finger.

"Well I mean this is a pretty nice ring and since she left it to me, I couldn't just say no" she states in a rather matter of fact way.

"Wasn't it true she was a Wiccan or something?" Deanna enquuired.

Her shorter friend smiles.

"Haha, rumor is that after my great uncle died she lost herself in the occult and practiced witch craft. Guess it didn't help her when it came to being able to navigate stairs in the dark" she says before taking off her own shoes and scratching her tiny feet.

Deanna frowns at that comment. "Hey, that's not really too nice. It was a little funny but not nice. You shouldn't say stuff like that, your great aunt could be haunting us now, or even worse that ring could be cursed!"

She begins to hysterically laugh as her roommate takes a pillow and smacks her in the face with it playfully.

"Hardy har-har Deanna. I'm sure we are ok, my relative isn't haunting us and this ring is definitely not cursed. What do you think is going to happen? We're gonna magically disappear?" Amy says.

"No, maybe we'll get into an accident? Maybe I'll grow an extra arm?" Deanna suggests.

"I don't think that's going to happen. You worry way too much." says Amy.

Deanna rolls her eyes at Amy and gets up off the couch, adjusting her dress as she does so. "I'm gonna change out of this dress, it's constricting my boobs."

Amy grins as she looks at her friend in her tight black dress. "That's what you get for not going to the gym with me anymore. Your jumbo sized boobs are just gonna grow, along with that little belly."

Deanna looks past her DD sized breasts and pats her round stomach. She has put on about 12 pounds the last few months but it's nothing to get too concerned about she thinks.

"Just makes me more voluptuous is all. Guys like that." she replies.

"They do now but if your stomach grows past those zeppelins they won't!" Amy answers.

The taller girl brushes a strand of black hair from the front of her face. "Whatever you say slim. I'm changing out of these clothes and then probably ordering a pie, you in on that?"

Amy shrugs her shoulders and gets up off the couch.

"Eh why not, I'm pretty hungry myself", she says as she pats her relatively flat stomach. "Although maybe we shouldn't, maybe this ring is cursed and we'll get fat!"

Both girls laugh at the joke. Deanna is first to respond. "Haha yeah, we'll be fatter than those poor girls we saw at Starbucks yesterday!"

"Ha, that'd take quite a few pizzas, those girls were pushing 300 pounds at least. Anyway, order up that pie, I'm gonna hop in a quick shower." says Amy.

Amy ran the warm water over her head as she began to lather up, the water feeling refreshing on her tight toned body. Her brown hair was already soaked as she rubbed soap on her toned arms.

For years Amy had been exercising vigorously and it showed. At just over 100 pounds on her 5-3 body, the 26 year old half Latin half Irish girl from Westchester was taking very good care of herself. She did spin classes three days a week and yoga and kick boxing twice a week to maintain her svelte and in shape appearance.

It was actually at her first yoga class where she meet Deanna and the two hit it off immediately. Both women had recently gotten jobs in the city and were looking for roommates which made them a perfect match. That was three years ago and other than dating a few boys and a job change, not much had changed between the friends. Well, with the exception of a few extra pounds for Deanna.

Not that Deanna was fat, not by a long shot. She had a few inches on Amy (4 to be exact) and also a good 50 pounds on her although most of that was centered in her amazing breasts. Amy wasn't kidding when she called her Italian friends breasts zeppelins, they were gigantic. However, some of the additional pounds had made their way to her stomach and with the stress of her job and lack of exercise lately, Amy was concerned her friend was about to fall of a cliff and into fatness.

"I'll just talk to her about going back to yoga with me tomorrow", she said as she pulled her baggy sweats over her trim thighs and taught butt. "It'll be a good way for her to get back into her routine and I always love the company."

Thoughts if exercise faded from Amy's mind the second she made it into the living room. Sitting on their coffee table was a plethora of food from their favorite pizza place: 4 fully loaded pies, 4 meat calzones, 2 dozen garlic knots, and 2 bottles of Coke. Needless to say, Amy was quite surprised by her roommate's order.

"D! What did you order?"

Deanna's face showed that she too was not able to comprehend the size of this order. "Amy I don't know! I just called up to order a pie and the guy said he knew our number, which I guess I get because we do call often and that he'd give us our usual. I figured that'd just be a pie and maybe knots but then the delivery boy came with all this food!"

"Why would you accept all of this? And why would you pay for it?!?" Amy exclaimed.

"That's the thing, I didn't! I tried telling him that we didn't want all this and for him to take it and he just kept saying we always order this. Then when I told him I didn't have the cash for this he said it was on our house account. I told him we didn't have one and he just laughed and said sure before leaving." Deanna answered.

Amy is quite puzzled by this and contemplates calling the pizzeria. "This makes no sense at all. I think I should call them and straighten this out. I don't want to be charged for this."

"I called them back to explain, the manager laughed at me and told me I was such a kidder and told me he looked forward to our next order, then he hung up. I called back again and they wouldn't pick up." Deanna responded.

The two roommates look at all the food and just stand there in disbelief. Deanna lifts up one of the lids on a pizza box and takes a whiff.

"While I'm still weirded out, I gotta say, these pizzas smell really good." Deanna noted with a gleam of hunger in her eye.

"That may be true but we can't eat them, there was a mistake and I really don't want to be fitted with a 100 dollar bill. Do you?" Amy declared rhetorically.

"I don't but still, how good does this look, how good does it smell?" Deanna answered.

She doesn't want to admit it but Deanna is right, the food does smell incredible.

"Maybe, maybe we can just have on pie and return the rest?" Deanna suggests

"D, they'll charge us for..." Amy starts but her sentence is incomplete.

Deanna isn't paying attention, she's drooling at the pizza. Before Amy can stop her she snatches a slice and takes a bite.

"Oh my word! This is amazing!" Deanna exclaims as she takes a bite. Her entire body is exploding with waves of pleasure as she takes a second bite, the result even more euphoric than the first. She almost collapses from a sensory overload and has to struggle to steady herself.

"You ok D?" Amy asks, concerned for her friend.

She can barely respond. "Amy, this is the most amazing pizza, no, this is the most amazing food I've ever had! It's like heaven! You have to try it!"

"They probably drugged it."asserts Amy.

"If they did it's the best drugs you can buy. Try some." Deanna coaxes.

The skinny girl shakes her head. "No, we'll have to pay for it."

Deanna isn't letting up as she takes another bite. "Ohhh, so good. Fine, if we end up owing them money I'll cover it. I'll take one for the team in this situation."

"Deanna..." Amy protests,

"Just try it!" Deanna demands.

Deanna picks up another slice and places the still warm doughy delight in her friends hand. Amy studies the slice for a moment, counting the calorie content of the sausage, pepperoni, meatball and extra cheese on this slice. She wants to hand it back but something in her head tells her it's ok to indulge.

"This better be as good as you say D." A,y answers tentatively.

Amy takes a bite and instantly she too is lost in the flavor and sensory overload of this pizza. The next bite is just the same and she rushes to finish the slice, each bite flooding her with pleasure. It's not of a sexual nature but it is driving her crazy nonetheless.

Her roommate is already on her second slice as she smiles at Amy, a dabble of grease on her chin. "See, I told you, it's amazing."

Amy is still reeling and has to take a seat on couch. Deanna joins her and adjusts her baggy t-shirt, getting some grease and sauce on it. She pays it no mind and goes to her second slice.

"Mmmm, it's even better than the first one. Dig in Amy, I'm not waiting for you anymore." Deanna exclaims.

"But, this is so unhealthy, we shouldn't eat this" she replies, her voice barely containing the doubt in the last part of that sentence.

Deanna smiles as she takes a big chunk of the second slice out and chews. "Maybe but it's so good! One night won't kill you Amy."

Her head is locked in a battle, part of her knows she shouldn't but the other part remembers how good the food is and wants more. After what seems like eternity, Amy caves and reaches for her second slice.

"You're right D, this is too good. One night can't hurt me or my figure, I can just work it off at the gym tomorrow." Amy finally capitulates.

She had no idea just how wrong she was.

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