High Carb Low Fat Vegan
I am a bit of a 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' fan and just love the laughs the show provides (although I do know a few people who just cannot stand it). Anyways, I am just wondering what kind of a following Mama June has in the BBW community and are there any men on Dims who are attracted to her - as well as her reception in the BBW community. As a Brit, I am curious about how she is viewed in this community as I havent seen a thread about her on here before. I think she is great and adore how much her "Shoogie" loves every last pound and curve of her "volumptious" body (her word not mine! lol) and her confidence regarding her curves. I love it when she compliments herself to the camera and gives the camera a little sugar
) I know size 6 girls who wont compliemnt themselves so I found and find her thoroughly refreshing!