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BOTH Marital Consultant (BHM to SSBHM, BW to BBW, explicit)

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2014
Newport News
Lingerie Shopping for My Wife

My wife's 48th birthday was coming up and I was thinking about procuring some sexy lingerie for her and maybe some sexy underwear for myself. After close to 25 years of marriage, we were still far from sexually adventurous and I thought some sexy undergarments might spice things up or at least give both of us a good laugh!

What gave me the idea was my wife's mention that a friend of hers had run into an old neighbor ours from the neighborhood we had lived in ten years before. Her name was Wanda and she and her college sweetheart, Sandy, were both accountants with small local firms. They were about five years younger than my wife and I, but we became really close, for a while at least, until my wife Julie and I moved to a bigger house in a better neighborhood with better schools for our twin sons.

As often happens with old neightbors, we lost track of one another after a couple of years and about a year after that we heard from another ex-neighbor that Jeff and Wanda had quit their jobs to start a new business that was about as far as they could get from accounting -- a sexy lingerie and sex toy store!

My wife and I laughed about it and started referring to Wanda as "Wicked" Wanda. And we heard from several people that the store was doing extremely well at its location in a suburban strip shopping center. But being the sexual conservatives we were, neither my wife nor I ever ventured into the place, although the thought did cross my mind once in a while because Wanda had a truly wicked body that I had always admired (she was kind of the girl next door but with the tightest sexiest ass I had ever seen and an impressive, but not overdone, pair of breasts. While I loved my wife, I did lust from time-to-time after Wanda and was really jealous of Jeff for having landed such a disproportionately cute and sexy bride.

But I digress. Julie came home one Saturday after meeting another old neighbor for lunch and reported that Wanda and Sandy had gotten divorced. When I asked about the store, she reported that Wanda got it in the settlement, but apparently was afraid that she might lose it if business didn't improve. That's when the lightbulb went off in my head and I thought about surpising Julie on her birthday with something from Wanda's wicked little shop.

I was still a little leary of going into a shop like that, fearing that someone we knew might see me and report back to Julie, or worse, to friends or business associates. But the next Saturday morning, I screwed up my courage and put on my best fitting pair of slacks and polo shirt, wanting to look my best for Wanda after all these years.

I was really curious to see how she would react upon seeing me, since back in the day she had always been kind of flirty around me. I never quite understood it and figured maybe she was that way with all guys, after all I was a pudgy hubby back then, 5'10" and about 225 pounds when we moved away. And in the ten years since I had packed on a LOT more weight, so much so that I had outgrown our 300 pound capacity bathroom scale. The last time I had been to the doctor -- about a year ago -- I checked in at around 325, but on this day I had no idea what I now weighed. I was actually kind of hoping that Wanda had gained weight too so I wouldn't feel so self-conscious (kind of like the old Violent Femmes lyrics, "I hope you got fat, really, really, really fat!").

On my way out the door, Julie asked where I was off to, and I said "oh, just running some errands hon." Twenty minutes later I was sitting in my car in front of Wanda's shop trying to convince myself to get out and go in. Finally I decided to make my move, looked around quickly to make sure no one was watching, and entered her little shop of sexy desires.

Despite my 100 pound + weight gain, Wanda recognized me right away and came out from behind the counter to give me a big hug, lingering a little long I thought with her arms around my mid-section. "Looks like somebody's wife is a feeder," she said with a little giggle. Being a secret afficionado of Fantasy Feeder and Dimensions, plus having my own Tumblr weight gain page, I knew exactly what she meant and responded "I wish," then patted my tummy and confirmed that the gain was all mine.

Wanda smiled and said "well you've done quite a good job, that's one impressive belly!" I blushed and she added, "don't worry, you look great, in fact, when we were neighbors I always suspected you had the potential to be a much bigger man." Then she added, "plus, look at me, I've gained a little weight too."

That she had, adding maybe twenty or thirty pounds, which had the effect of rounding out her already perfect ass cheeks a bit and adding a little to her awesome bustline too. I reciproacted and told her she looked great too, then she asked what had brought me in that lovely morning. I explained that Julie's birthday was coming up in a few weeks and I was thinking about some sexy lingerie for her and something sexy for me too.

She asked how Julie was (well) and if she was still as beautiful as she was ten years prior (indeed), then asked if I knew her size. "A 12 I believe, maybe a 10 in some stuff." "We can handle that," she responded.

Then she took a look at my midsection and said "no offense, but you're going to be a LOT more difficult to fit," then poked me in the belly with her index finger. "I love how fat you've gotten, but at the same time I can't believe how fat you've gotten!" Then she continued, "I used to carry some 2X mens items, but there was never that much demand, so all I carry now are regular XLs, and I don't think you'd have a chance of getting one of those on. And even if I had some 2X's left, you look to be at least a 3X and maybe even ready for a 4X!"

"OK, OK, I said, I get it, I'm fat."

"That you are big boy, but I'm betting Julie loves you this big."

"I dunno," I said, "that's one of the reasons I was thinking about some sexy underwear for me, to see how she'd respond and what she'd say."

"She'd be a fool if she didn't love it, I know I'd love it if a man your size came into bed wearing something like that."

"Thanks for saying that Wanda."

"No, I really mean it, and I'm going to make it my mission to find you something that will really impress Julie. How about some toys?"

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well, I've got a couple of really fat guys, bigger than you actually, who come in with their wives sometimes. And those guys are really into bondage -- handcuffs, silky restraints, and what not -- so that their skinny wives can bind them to the bedposts and stuff them silly with donuts or pie or whatever. Then, when they're all filled up, the wives can have their way with them. That sounds pretty good doesn't it?"

I thought it sounded great but said "I'm not sure Julie would be into that, so maybe let's think of something else." Wanda showed me around the shop, but no toys looked quite right for me and my conservative wife. She even had me look through a couple of catalogs, but again nothing looked quite right. Eventually I suggested that she show me some slinky lingerie and that would be my sexy birthday gift.

After browsing the shop with items ranging from the absurd to the sublime, I settled on a sexy, but moderately conservative number in crimson and a size 12, and had Wanda wrap it up. As I was preparing to leave she reminded me that if it didn't work out for any reason to have Julie bring it back for something else. Then Wanda kind of surprised me, saying she wasn't going to forget about me and that she planned to check out some suppliers to see if she could find something that would fit me in a 3- or 4X. I thanked her and she gave me a hug goodbye and said "we're going to find you something to make you the sexiest fatty in town!"

Julie's birthday was two weeks later and, after giving her some more conventional presents, sheepishly handed her the box from Wanda's shop. She instantly recognized the name of the shop and inquired "what do we have here?" "Open it and see," I said, then let me undress you so you can try it on."

She opened it and said "oh my, I'm not sure I'm ready for something this sexy." And unfortunately, she wasn't, as after I stripped off her clothes the lingerie fit in some places but not in others. It turns out I misunderestimated her size and that she really required a size 14. She was a little embarrassed but I did my best to show her that I thought she was super-sexy with or without the lingerie. We had a nice little round of sex, her on top of my big belly, nothing awe inspring, but nice and sweet, just what you'd expect after almost 25 years of marriage.

The next morning, I served Julie breakfast in bed, followed by another nice little round of lovemaking and with great difficulty I was on top that time. It was difficult with my belly in the way and I ultimately had to spread her legs wide, then hoist and drop my belly on top of hers, with her helping with her hands to guide my manhood into her hot wet womanhood. I half expected a comment or two about how fat I'd gotten over the last few years, but nothing ...

After we both had our showers, I told her that Wanda had asked about her and would love to see her and that she should go by the shop to return the lingerie. She agreed that would be a good idea as she had heard good things about their underwear and lingerie selection. I offered to go with her to help make a replacement selection, but she insisted on going solo.

Soon enough I learned it was a mistake sending her back in alone! That decision would have a lasting impact on my waistline and my love life ...

Invitation for a Return Visit

Julie returned that afternoon, more giddy than usual, but empty-handed. I asked if Wanda hadn't had anything she liked and Julie responded that she had seen a lot she liked but that Wanda had proposed a slightly different plan that involved both of us.

When I asked for the details, Julie sauntered over to me (and she never sauntered), gave me a huge wet kiss, then tugged my polo shirt out of my jeans and started pulling it over my head, revealing my big bloated belly. "Hmmm, what's gotten into you," I asked.

"Well big boy (and she never called me "big boy" or any other names), talking to Wanda it occurred to me how much weight you've gained over the last few years and I just want to make a closer inspection." Then she loosened my 56-inch belt and tugged my 54-inch jeans that I'd recently bought from DXL (because no other store carries my size) below my belly overhang to see firsthand just how much I had gained over the years, squeezing my big soft bottom roll, then lifting my belly and letting it drop a few times.

"You really have gotten fat and I hadn't noticed just how much until Wanda mentioned it." "Remind me to thank Wanda," I said.

Julie continued, "she was just totally fascinated by how much you've gained since she last saw you. She asked me how much you weighed and I said I didn't know. Then she asked how much I thought you weighed and I said 'I dunno, maybe 280.' She just started to laugh, I mean really guffawing, and told me 'he weighs a LOT more than that -- he's gotta be 325 pounds and then some!' I told her 'my husband can't possibly be over 300 pounds' and she said 'well ask him then.' And I said I would, so big boy, how much do you weigh?"

I squirmed a bit and said "I dunno." "What do you mean you don't know? and if you don't know let's march you over to the scale mister." When I looked sheepishly at her she said "so you have outgrown our scale, haven't you?" I shook my head yes, in shame, and she got a big smile on her face and said, "well, I'm just going to have to buy a bigger scale for my big boy, but first, Wanda wants us to come back by her store after she closes at 5."

Again I asked "what for?" "Well, she has some ideas on how to spice up our marriage and apparently she does 'consulting' like this for several couples. And she'd really like to work with us because, as she said, you're 'so damn fat.'

"But what is she going to do tonight?"

"Well, she wants to take measurements from both of us for some sexy garments and then maybe show us some toys that might help spice things up."

"But she told me she didn't have anything that would fit me," I said.

"That's why she wants to take measurements, silly. She found a supplier that can produce stuff in your size on special order. Imagine being so fat that you have to have things special ordered for you ..."

Then Julie started pawing me again and slid my jeans all the way down to my ankles, then my underwear. "Hmmm," she said, "looks like these undies are a little snug, my fat man may have to move up a size ... or two." Then she slowly backed me up to the edge of the bed and gave me a shove, sending me hard onto the mattress and making my belly and moobs wobble like crazy. She just laughed and said "how about some fries with that shake Fatty?" Then she did a little striptease (and she never does stripteases) and climbed on top of me.

Whatever it was that Wanda said or did to her that afternoon, I wanted her to keep doing it!

My Return Visit

Julie and I had the best sex we'd had in a while. She was hyper-energetic and seemed to have great fun playing with my big belly and squeezing my moobs (something else she never did) and teasing me about how much I had gained since we first met. When we finished up, we went into the shower together to clean up and we got each other fired up again and spent so much time fooling around that the hot water gave out on us!

Who knew that Wanda could bring this out in her after one short visit to the shop?

We arrived back at the shop a little late, a quarter after 5, and Wanda gave each of us a big hug and invited us into a room in the back of the shop, which to our surprise contained a queen bed and quite a few contraptions we'd never even imagined, including a sex sling hung from the ceiling. I walked over and checked it out but Wanda said, "don't worry, we won't try to get you in that -- we don't want the ceiling to collapse!" "Ha ha" I said, "just pick on the fat guy."

"Now let's get down to business," she said. "I need you both to strip down to nothing so I can get some measurements." When we both looked a little surprised, she said "don't worry, your's aren't the first naked customers I've ever seen and, besides, I'll give you both robes to wear. At that Julie asked "do you have one that will fit him?" And Wanda responded, "in fact I do, I had a customer come in last year and order a 5X robe and he never came in to pick it up, so I'll give it to Tubby here no charge." Julie laughed and poked me in the belly and said "imagine being so fat that you can wear a 5X!" Wanda comforted me somewhat by saying "it will be big on him," but then she added, "but I bet he fills it up in no time, huh big boy?"

Wanda brough us our robes and surprisingly the 5X wasn't all that huge on me. I imagined another thirty pounds would fill it up as Wanda surmised. After trying on the robes, Wanda asked that we take them off for a minute for our first measurement, grabbed my hand and led me to adjoining bathroom where sat what appeared to be a heavy duty scale with a wider than normal platform. "Oh goody," said Julie, "we get to see how much you weigh after all."

"Oh grief," I said, and climbed on the scale. No one was more shocked than I when I found it was a talking scale and it barked out that I was an astronomical 341 pounds! "Oh my God," said Julie and "told you" said Wanda.

Julie slapped me on my naked ass and asked rhetorically, "do you realize you've gained 176 pounds since we first met? You've more than doubled in size Tubby! And to think I thought back then that I never wanted a fat husband ..." "Well you definitely have one now," laughed Wanda.

Having taken the full brunt of the jokes, I then insisted that Julie climb onboard and she did so gladly, saying "no matter what I weigh, you'll still be fatter than me!" Then the scale barked at her "162 pounds," which was only three pounds less than I weighed when we met and probably 40 pounds more than she weighed back then. While she looked a little appalled she could at least take solace that I outweighed her two-to-one and then some.

Wanda then instructed us that she needed to take the other measurements before we put the robes back on, going with Julie first, then me. When it was my turn, she stretched the tape measure as far as she could around my midsection and it came up short! "Oh damn, I have the four foot tape meaure and I need the six foot one," she said with a chuckle and Julie started giggling uncontrollably. When Wanda returned, she stretched it around my belly with ease, but then came the bad news.

"Hmmm, a 53-inch waist. You like to eat, don't you big boy? And it shows -- congratulations, you've eaten yourself out of a 3X and into a 4X. And if you keep eating like you apparently are, you'll be a 5X in no time flat," as she patted me on my belly, making it jiggle, again to Julie's amusement.

After taking four or five other measurements, Wanda said "I just cannot believe how fat you've gotten Jimmy (that's my name if I haven't mentioned it before)." Then she asked me if I had been a fat kid. "I suppose so," I said, and Julie shook her head yes, having seen my childhood photos.

Then Wanda looked at Julie and said "well then, it makes sense then why Jimmy has gained so much weight over the last few years." "What makes sense?," Julie responded. "Well, every man I've ever known who was fat as a child seems to have the exact same fantasy, and that is to be a very fat man. It's true even of the guys who are now skinny, they dream of being super fat, like 500 pounds or more. I think this," as she reached down and gave my belly a good shake, "is a case of Jimmy just living out his fantasy. It's probably even his destiny. Am I right, big boy?"

"I wouldn't say that," I started, but Wanda interrupted me, saying "bullshit, you eat more and more to get fatter and fatter and you get off on it, don't you?" Before I could respond, she continued, "don't worry big boy, I'm like your shrink, I understand and respect that and I'm here to help Julie here embrace your fantasy as her own and help you to become the even fatter man of your dreams."

Then Julie started massaging my shoulders and the big pads of back fat that surrounded them and whispered in my ear "I think I'd like you fatter."

Wanda smiled at us and said to me, "that's pretty hot, isn't it big boy?" I shook my head yes and she said "and I bet you're pretty excited under all that blubber, aren't you?" And I shook my head yes again. Wanda then said "well then, hoist that blubber up and show Julie what's hiding underneath there." When I did my wife saw that I was painfully erect and blushed a bit.

Wanda then suggested that Julie take me over to the bed and give me a blow job, which hardened me just a notch more. But Julie got a perplexed look on her face and I knew why and Julie soon guessed. "Are you telling me that you've never given your husband a BJ, as long as you two have been married? Julie sheepishly shook her head no and Wanda said, "don't worry, Coach Wanda is going to show you how."

Wanda led me over to the bed and ordered me to hold my belly back for her and she took Julie's hand and wrapped it around my cock. "First you play with it a little, massaging his balls and around the base of the shaft, to get him good and excited, then you tickle the tip of his shaft with your tongue, just like this," and Wanda reached down and did it to me, then flicked the head of my penis with her little finger! "Now you try Julie," and she did. "Then you gently lick the length of the shaft, but slowly, until he moans ... go ahead and try it ... that's it. How does that feel Tubby?" I moaned loudly in response, then Wanda continued her instruction of my wife. "Now gently take him into your mouth and suck a litttle ... that's good ... now get a good brisk up and down motion going with your mouth ... that's it ... slow at first ... now faster." I moan louder and louder and Wanda instructs "faster girl, make that Fatty scream, scream for your wife Fatso, do it Tubby," and I moaned even louder and finally arched my back and screamed aloud as my beautiful wife finally made me cum.

Wanda looked like a proud teacher and said "now that wasn't so hard was it Julie?" She shook her head no, then Wanda asked me "pretty good for a first timer, wasn't she fat boy?" I excitedly shook my head yes.

Wanda then started massaging Julie's shoulder with one hand and stroking my belly with her other hand and said "next week's lesson will be to show Two Ton here how to go down on you properly Julie." Julie looked over her shoulder at Wanda and seemed most excited. Then Wanda slid her hand down Julie's back to stroke her ass cheeks and told us "you guys get cleaned up now and I'll go bring some special toys in to show you."

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