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Melissa 22:Denial - by BillieJoe (~BBW(Multiple), Eating, Romance, Stuckage, ~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW(Multiple) , Eating, Romance, Stuckage, ~SWG - Mel and Natasha are both in denial of their expanding bodies, each wanting to prove the other wrong!

Melissa 22: Denial and so many goodies!
by Billiejoe

(Click here for prior installment)

"Poo." huffed Melissa, "It's all poo!"

Melissa was seething that her obnoxious cousin was coming to stay. Natasha was such a rude individual. Not only was she a typical snobby teenager. Mel worried about Nat making fun of her about her weight. She always tended to, and she’d been nothing but mean to Ashlee, who fortunately was now away to college.

At least she got to keep her bedroom to herself. Nat would stay in the spare room. Mel loved her room. It was one of the best in the house. Pink walls, ensuite, nice view of town behind the pine trees out the window, it was Mel's little paradise from the rest of the world.

She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling of her room when her mum knocked on the door.

"Honey, Natasha is here. Come say hello."

Melissa sighed to herself before crawling out the door in a slump. She wandered down the hall and into the spare room, where Nat was busy unpacking her clothes.

"Hey." said Mel, overtly unenthusiastic.

"Hey buddy." said Nat, surprisingly cheery.

"Enjoy the stay and what not." said Mel, only to make small talk.

"Oh I won’t be THAT much of a hassle." winked Nat.

Mel's mum entered, "Well isn't this nice!"

"Hmm." grunted both girls. Mel's mum was unfazed.

"How does meatloaf and veggies sound for dinner?"

Nat scrunched up her face, "Eww, no that's yuck."

Mel smirked skeptically as her mum was a little shocked.

"Don't worry about me, Aunty Judy." said Nat, "I'll get take away with my boyfriend."

"Oh....ok" replied Mel's mum, disappointed.

"I wouldn't eat too much take away, tubby." sneered Mel, staring at Nat's clearly growing tummy.

Natasha scowled, covering her belly with her hands, "I am not fat! Look who's talking!"

"Yes Mel, you can hardly call Natasha overweight." agreed her mum.

For some strange reason, Mel felt like bursting into tears right there. She resisted though, and simply stormed off back to her room.

"I'm sorry, Natasha, " said Mel's mum, "Melissa can be so stubborn sometimes."

"Oh it's ok, Aunt Judy." Nat smiled angelically.

Melissa's mum left the room as Nat picked out her clothes for tonight. She wriggled herself out of her clothes and stepped her legs into her jeans. She twisted and squirmed her pants up and over her thighs, which were getting quite soft and pillowy.

Natasha was definitely putting on weight, even though she wouldn't admit it. She was a little too arrogant to believe that she was putting on weight. It was all due to excessive partying since school had finished up. And considering she had made fun of many a fat girl in her time (Ashlee especially), she wasn't exactly willing to admit that she herself was getting a little rounder.

"Ugh, did these pants shrink or something? Oof!" she complained, kicking her chubby legs around to get comfortable. The jeans hugged tightly around her hips and bottom, her butt cheeks crammed tightly in the denim. She looked down at the open jean flaps in front of her. She inhaled deeply, her belly squeezing into her spine and gave the flaps an almighty tug. Her fingers trembled as her red face scrunched up in exertion.

"Oooh..." she moaned, releasing her breath and realising her pants her still unbuttoned.

Natasha had indeed developed a pot belly of her own.

"Meh, whatever. They must have shrunk, I mean, it's not like I'm fat or anything."

Natasha proceeded to squeeze her plump middle into a red singlet top before tying back her insanely curly hair. She twisted her mouth and looked at her tubby gut in the dresser mirror. Tanned flesh bulged out between her open jean flaps as she tried to pull her singlet down to cover the ring of exposed dough. Her love handles oozed over the sides as the singlet snapped straight back up, this time revealing her deep, dark belly button.

"Hmm....I need more clothes...." she hummed to herself.

She wandered off to have whatt would be a fattening dinner with her boyfriend, Darren, thinking nothing of here blimping body.


Later that night, Melissa lay in her bed trying to sleep. She often had trouble sleeping, she could never shut off her mind and just relax. To her frustration, Mel was just about to nod off when she heard the front door open.

"Argh....Nat...." she grumbled to herself, pressing her pillow over her ears.

Mel rolled over, her eyes blurry and her head groggy, her clock read 12:05am in red lights. Nat had been out all night with her boyfriend. Mel's rage heightened when the stomping of footsteps plodded up the stairs. Could Nat be more inconsiderate and noisy? Melissa knew she couldn't complain to her mum about this, she always slept like a rock and probably couldn't hear Natasha at this moment.

Mel eventually got up and waddled her tubby body into the spare room.

"Could you please be quiet! I'm trying to sleep!" hissed Mel.

"Haha, did I wake you?" smirked Natasha.

Mel glared at her angrily.

"Woah, man, you look like a banshee!" laughed Nat.

Melissa's mouth dropped. Sure her head was dishevelled from tossing and turning in her bed, and her pajamas left nothing to the imagination, but there was no need for comments like that.

"Shut up, fatso." mumbled Melissa.

"Hoho!" chuckled Nat, "Listen Mel, just because you're in denial about how fat you are doesn't mean you and go calling others fatsos!"

Mel fumbled around her mind for a comeback but she was just too tired. Natasha tummy was looking rather stuffed though. Bulging out between her open pants.

"Couldn't button those, huh tubby guts?" sniggered Mel.

"Says you, get a load of your pj's." replied Nat calmly.

Melissa wore pink boy leg undies which wedged tightly up her bum crack and left considerable portions of butt cheek poking out the bottoms. Her ass crack was generously exposed at the back, and at the front her creamy white thighs threatened to jiggle uncontrollably at the slightest nudge. Her pale yellow singlet rode up and allowed her tummy and love handles to bulge outwards from her body, her extra flesh having nowhere else to go. Her massive breasts looked like that could tear her top open, deep welling cleavage in plain view.

"Look whatever..." huffed Melissa, "I may be fat, but at least I can admit it. It took me ages to stop denying it. If you're just going to get fatter and do nothing about it, you may as well accept it."

Mel was quite proud of her little speech, but Nat was unaffected.

"Mel honey, I am not fat." replied Natasha.

How did she stay so calm? Mel wished she had the same trait.

"Besides, I can't help it if my boyfriend buys me nice things, including food."

"Good night, Nat." mumbled Mel, wanting to end the conversation.

Melissa trudged back to bed, feeling more sedated than ever. She really should give Nick a call. Mel really wasn't making enough effort to see him. Nick was a good guy, Mel shouldn't be selfish and waste her opportunity to have a good relationship with him. Mel surpassingly fell asleep almost immediately.


"Oh my goodness I can't wait!" giggled Melissa.

She eagerly paced through the mall to the chocolate shop. She still couldn't believe her luck. Getting a job at her favorite hangout. This could only be good. It was still the holiday season for a few more weeks, before Mel was supposed to start settling down and looking for career options. What better way to fill time than part time work.

However, the new job ran the risk of filling her pants more than it filled time. Already being a woman of zaftig figure, Mel would struggle with the temptation to stuff her face. Melissa by now had completely forgotten her promise to not gain weight over the holiday season. And there was no denying she had packed on a few more pounds, although she was reluctant to step on the scales and face her fears of more weight gain. To her, she was still just over 200 pounds, no more, hopefully less. But there was no doubt she had put on a lot of weight over Christmas.

Melissa wandered into the shop, eyes glowing and mouth beaming. The brown wooden walls of the shop made her drool almost as much as the abundance of colored paper wrapped around various chocolate products.

"Oh.....how am I going to be able to concentrate!" she gasped.

"Melissa, how are you?" smiled Ronald Evans, her new boss.

"Oh, very good thank you." replied Melissa, trying to be as polite as possible. She wanted to make a good impression.

"Are you excited?" asked Mr. Evans.

Melissa giggled, "Oh very much so."

"Excellent! Well your friend Penelope is out the back stacking the shelves. I'll get you started there too and then tell you how the cash register works."

"Ok!" hyped Mel. At least she had someone she knew there in Penny. Even though they did only meet earlier in the week, Mel felt she related well with her. And Ronald Evans. Mel thought he was adorable. She reminded him of an elf or a garden gnome due to his jolly nature. Melissa didn't dawdle in hustling out the back to stack the shelves.

"Hey Penny!" said Mel.

"Oh Mel! Hey." replied Penny, "Are you helping with shelf stacking?"

"Yep. Yep."

Penny and Melissa got to work. It a have been boring and repetitive simple work, but the pair were loving the fact they were working in a chocolate shop. Mel's eyes widened at the sight of Penny's large rump. Her ass wasn't nearly as big as Mel's, but it certainly was on the plump side.

"So you say you put on weight by winning that chocolate competition?" asked Mel curiously.

"Hehe, yeah...." blushed Penny, "I just love chocolate so much, I couldn't help eating it all the time.

Everyone noticed I was putting on weight except me. I was in denial so bad."

"I hear you..." said Mel.

"But one day...it smacked me in the face. I was eating a bar of chocolate like I usually do, and my boyfriend says to me, Penny you're too fat. I don't think we should date anymore."

Mel's mouth dropped.

"I know huh," said Penny, reacting to Mel's expression, "I was so upset when we broke up that I ate more and more. I noticed I was getting fat. Really fat. I grew out of all my clothes, and my ass just kept swelling. And eventually.....I ended up like this."

"That is so sad!" frowned Melissa.

"Yeah.....but ah well. I'm over it now." shrugged Penny, "How about you? Were you always big?"

"No....I was in denial forever. Even after I had several situations where it was staring me in the face."

Penny tilted her head, "Like how?"

"I....kinda....got stuck in the doorway to our attic...." mumbled Melissa.

Penny laughed as Melissa's face went bright red.

"What?! Stop laughing! My butt was too big ok?" stomped Mel light-heartedly.

"Oh sorry Mel, that's just hilarious!" giggled Penny.

Three more hours past and it was time for Melissa and Penny to finish up. Mel was taught how the cash register worked and how to handle cash and customers. It was all a bit overwhelming, but she was coping.

"Well that's a wrap, you girls can go home now." said Mr. Evans, "Feel free to take some chocolate home with you when you finish work."

Mel's jaw dropped. Could this job get any better? Mel maybe sure she took heaps of chocolate home with her.


Melissa waddled home, snacking on several chocolate bars at once. Her butt cheeks bounced up and down in her tight jeans, both ballooning cheeks wanting to move higher than the other. Her massive bum would rise up and cause her ass crack to bulge out of the top of her jeans, Mel distastefully having to pull them back up the whole time. Her plump tummy pooched out from the between her jeans and white button top, which stretched tight across her bulbous breasts. She was jiggling all over the place, her body unable to control it's wobbling.

"Teehee, this is great!" she giggled to herself as she walked up the front steps, "All the chocolate I ever want!"

Melissa nearly fainted in fright when her mum suddenly opened the door in front of her.

"Woah, mum don't scare me like that!" gasped Mel.

"Sorry honey." replied her mum, "How was work?"

"Awesome! I get free chocolate whenever I want!" smiled Mel.

"Hmm...well just don't overindulge. You should be watching your figure, missy."

"Mum, I am watching my figure ok? I promised myself I wouldn't put on weight over Christmas." said Mel defiantly.

Her mum's eyes ballooned, "Oh.....I see....Well Melissa, it really doesn't look like you've kept you promise." said her mum, regaining her composure.

"Mum!!! I have not gotten fatter! I know it!" huffed Mel.

"Sweetie, you really can't stay in denial about this." frowned her mum.

"I'm not!!! I've watched what I've eaten." stammered Mel.

"Melissa, you're eating two chocolate bars at once as we speak! Oh, fine I'll drop it. But I'm going to be hounding you over the next few months to shape up and start looking for a career."

"Yes mum." pouted Melissa.

Melissa finally entered the house after her mother's rant, before pausing in the kitchen.

"Where's Nat?" asked Mel.

"Hmm? Oh she's with her boyfriend again.....I swear, it's almost as if she just doesn't want to talk to us." said her puzzled mum.

Melissa smirked, before the mention of boyfriends brought Nick to mind.

"Oh...mum, just randomly, can I see if Nick wants to come over for dinner?" asked Mel hopefully.

"Sure." replied her mum with minimum hesitation.

Melissa clapped her hands with glee and ran upstairs to call her boyfriend. She was so excited, it had been ages since they had spoken, really something Melissa had to fix.

Nick ended up coming over for dinner. He seemed eager, probably because he hadn't seen his girlfriend in so long. The pair hung out in Melissa's room most of the night, and without Nat bothering her, Melissa was quite content.

"Is everything alright, Nick?" asked Mel as the pair sat on her bed.

Nick paused, "Yeah...why?"

"I dunno....you know you can tell me if there's something up."

Melissa already knew what was wrong.

"We aren't....you know....seeing each other that often." stumbled Nick.

Melissa took a breath.

"I know." she said, "It's my fault, I get too distracted and forget." Mel twirled part of Nick's blonde hair in her finger.

"Don't apologise."

"Nono, I am sorry. I'll make effort from now on." she swore.

Nick nodded, he couldn't complain with that. The couple looked at each other for a second before leaning into each other and kissing. Nick slowly pushed Mel down onto the bed before the door opened suddenly. Melissa and Nick leapt up and began to adjust themselves, before realizing it was only Natasha.

"Sorry guys!" she smirked wickedly, "Mel, can I borrow your hairdryer?"

Melissa flopped back on her bed, annoyed.

"In the ensuite." she huffed.

Natasha took her time wandering into Mel's bathroom and getting the hairdryer, before leaving with a grin.

Melissa sighed, embarrassed and annoyed, "You can knock next time!" she yelled.

"Sorry, hon." said Mel to Nick, who seemed just as irritated.

"Ah don't worry about it." replied Nick.

Melissa smiled at Nick again.

"Where were we?" giggled Mel cheekily.


A few weeks passed. Melissa made more effort to see Nick, and the two were growing a lot closer. Melissa became closer to her new friend Penny too, working at the chocolate shop. Christie tried to lose weight, but ended up putting on a few more pounds, and Vicky managed to lose a few herself. Melissa on the other hand, was making no effort to lose weight. She was still gaining from Christmas, and was becoming increasingly lazy in the hot summer days. Natasha was the same. She was packing on the weight like no tomorrow.

Her expansion, though was nothing compared to Nat. Nat was fattening all over mostly, developing a chubby pot belly, plump bottom and thighs. She must have at least been around 170 pounds by now, and getting rounder every day. She had hearty breakfasts, then a couple of fast food meals, virtually never coming by for dinner. But she always seemed to have a supply oif snacks on hand for later in the evening.

Melissa mum finally noticed Natasha putting on weight, and was beginning to encourage her to eat healthy much like Mel. But Nat wasn't interested, and simply continued to eat takeaway most meals. Melissa mum was getting frustrated.

"This is great." sighed Melissa to herself, "No school, awesome job.....so much time to just laze around."

She sat on the lounge watching midday TV. Slouched in a comfortable position, jeans unbuttoned and a bag of chips next to her, Mel was in heaven. Until here mother entered the fray.

Melissa hadn't noticed her mother yet, standing in the doorway to the lounge room. Her mum watched as her daughter chuckled at the TV, her plump belly bouncing and jiggling as she laughed. Every time Melissa breathed, her tummy would bloat up, rolling over her pants even more. Her inflated blubber roll pushed her jean flaps further apart, and pushed her top up, exposing a large, thick roll of fat.

"Melissa...." said her mum.

"Yeah mah..." replied Mel, eyes not leaving the TV screen.

"How much do you weigh now?"

"I dunno, haven't weighed myself."

"It's a beautiful day, why not go outside and get some fresh air?"


"Will you do it just for me?" asked her mother.

"Nah. Too hot."

Melissa's mum had had it.

"Melissa, that's it. You need exercise, you've become a fat, lazy slob!"

Melissa scoffed through a mouthful of chips, "I am not too fat!"

"Yes you are, missy. Look at your stomach." Melissa felt her mum's finger sink into her belly flesh.

Her paunch jiggled erratically.

"Everyone puts on a little weight over the holidays!" complained Mel, "It's normal!"

"Oh but I thought you said you haven't put on weight!" smirked her mother.

Melissa's eyes widened, she was stumped.

"Haha! You can't outwit your old mother, Melissa." laughed Judy, "You're going to the gym this afternoon to get a full body check. I want to know how much you weigh and how much you're going to lose!"

"Ugh!" huffed Mel, struggling to haul herself to her feet.



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