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Melissa 26: Piglet - by Billiejoe (~BBW(Multiple), Romance, ~SWG )

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW(Multiple), Romance, ~SWG - Melissa worries about her future evem thogh Natasha is out of it and Nick is in. Will opportunity beckon?

Melissa 26: Piglet
by Billiejoe

(Click here for prior installment)​

"Melissa! If you don't do something soon, you'll miss out on getting into university!" exclaimed her mum.

"Mum, I've heard you! As if university was the only option anyway."

Melissa had just about had it with her mother's nagging. Lose weight, get your career started. That's all she every heard. It was really testing Mel's short temper. She just wished someone would do it all for her. Being such a lazy girl, Mel really wasn't fussed about her future. The future was to her still ages away.

She had thought about doing an art course at university. But that was all it was. A thought. No action taken whatsoever. Besides, it had been so long since Melissa had painted. She had burnt out something drastic during the last year of school, and had barely put brush to canvas since.

"Christie has her future sorted, why can't you be as motivated?" said her mum.

Melissa felt her blood boil. She hated it when she was compared to others. If her mum was so obsessed with Christie, why not adopt her?!

"Because Christie knows she wants to be a lawyer. I don't know what I want to do!" protested Mel.

"Just do something! It doesn't matter if you don't know what you want, but you won't find it sitting around eating chocolate all day!"

That cut deep, poor Melissa.

"I have a job! What more do you want?!"

"Oh you think a simple job at a chocolate shop will suffice until you retire? Not likely."

"Look, I just don't want to talk about it. I'm late for work now. Thanks mum." huffed Mel sarcastically, before charging out the door. Her angry steps making her fat bum bounce more erratically in the navy blue work pants she was forced to wear. The buttons on her sky blue shirt looked fit to pop off from the pressure of her round breasts and thick tummy.

Melissa was still angry when she arrived at work. Mr. Evans had gone out to stock up on new inventory, leaving Mel and Penny unguarded around shelves full of chocolate.

"My mum's all like, get a job! Then when I get one, all of a sudden it's not good enough for her. What does she expect from me?! I'm not that attractive or smart. The only thing I'm good at is painting, and I haven't done that in ages!"

Penny pressed a piece of chocolate into her plump mouth, "Now you're just feeling sorry for yourself. Stop stressing, most people our age don't know what they want to do."

Mel sighed to herself, a bar of chocolate would calm her down.

Penny and Melissa were really abusing the privilege Ronald had given them. When they were supposed to be working, they were usually sneaking chocolate behind his back. Melissa's self-discipline usually waned to any form of chocolate or candy anyway, but eating so much at work when she shouldn't....It really wasn't a good work ethic.

Even though she was now classified as medically obese, Melissa was still gaining weight. She was really putting on a LOT of weight. She was inflating faster than ever now, considering that in the mere two or so months since Christmas, she had put on well over twenty pounds. Melissa of course hadn't noticed. Truth was, without her Mother's proddinf sge seldom did.

Recent weeks had been more occupied by dealing with her troublesome cousin, Natasha. Plus the hassle of sorting out career, working, keeping up contact with friends, boyfriend, it was all getting a bit overwhelming for Mel, who was supposed to be on holidays. Her little job wasn't very challenging. Which was good from one viewpoint. Mel used work as a way to calm down from other stresses, her mother mainly today.

But the effect of work being her stress reliever was taking its toll. Melissa ate more than she worked at the chocolate shop. It was like a hangout as opposed to a true workplace. Penny and her would just eat and eat while the boss was either out or in the back office. He didn't seem to notice either.

It was really a little depressing, considering Mr. Evans always offered chocolate to the girls after their shift was over. Penny and Mel were usually so stuffed at this point that they simply couldn't eat anymore of it.

"So what are you thinking of doing then?" asked Penny, popping another bite-sized chocolate into her gob.

"Dunno. I want to do something with art. Maybe. I dunno."

It scared Melissa that she didn't know what to do. What if she ended up being some loser who never moves out of their parent's house? She definitely didn't want that.

"That's cool. Something will - oh crap here comes Ron!" hissed Penny.

Penny swallowed her mouthful of chocolate and hid the evidence, but Melissa wasn't so nimble. She turned her back to the store entrance and chewed impatiently. She was struggling, she had literally bitten off more than she could comfortably chew.

"Are you girls doing alright?" asked Mr. Evans, entering with a jolly smile.

"Mmhmm..." mumbled Melissa behind a mouthful of chocolate, before finally forcing it down her throat.

Penny tried not to be suspicious, but the pair of girls were too jittery. Mel turned around to face her employer, who by now had a suspect look on his face.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

"Yep, yep, just fine!" smiled Melissa.

Ronald pointed to Mel's blouse, which had a small trace of chocolate smeared on it.

"What's that?" he asked.

Mel looked down at her ample breasts, "Umm, that's uh...umm..."

"Melissa, I can tell you've been eating our stock. I'll let you off this time, but please don't do it again." scolded Mr. Evans firmly.

Melissa looked down in guilt, "I'm sorry."

Ronald smiled, "Now. On to other business. I want to make this shop more colourful around here. Attract new markets, you know the deal. I was wondering if either of you girls had any ideas?"

Melissa stared blankly.

"Mel paints!" cried out Penny.

Mel stuttered for a response, but Mr. Evans had already registered, "Oh you paint do you dear?"

"I...um...well I haven't for some time. I doubt I'd produce anything of quality."

"Oh nonsense, it's like riding a bike. You never forget talents, no matter how long you go without them."

Mel smiled, not knowing what to say.

"Well then, Melissa. A few paintings around the walls. Might make things more inviting around here, what say? Will you produce a few pictures?" asked Ron.

"Umm...well I guess I could try...."


Melissa now had one more worry on her mind. What could she do to get her artistic flair back?


It soon came time for Natasha to move back with her parents, who had returned from overseas. Her parents were quite surprised at the amount of weight Natasha had put on, there was no doubt they would put her on a strict diet. Nat cringed at the thought.

“Thank you very much for having me.” said Nat, giving Mel’s mum a hug.

“Not a problem, dear.”

Nat’s dad beeped the horn impatiently.

“Ooh, looks like I gotta go.” said Natasha.

She turned to Melissa, who had her arms folded.

“Look, Mel.”

Melissa smirked.

“I’m sorry I got you stuck. No hard feelings?”

“None. Sorry I got you stuck too.” replied Mel.

The two shook hands before giving each other a hug good-bye. Nat waddled off and into her dad’s car. With a solemn wave, she was gone.

“Thank goodness that’s over.” chuffed Mel’s mum.

Melissa burst out laughing. Nat was a difficult person, no doubt. Mel was just glad she had made amends with her before she left.


"My boss wants me to paint for the shop!" cried Melissa.

"So? Who cares, I know you're talented. I was always jealous of you when we were young." replied Christie.

"But I wouldn't know where to begin!"

Chrissy gave Mel a sceptical look, "Dude, you work in a chocolate shop. You ADORE chocolate. Isn't that motivation enough?!"

Mel pondered, "Maybe... I still need to think though."

"A nice coffee will help you think."

Christie had organised for the girls to meet up at her favourite coffee house.

Christie was quite the coffee patron, though the other girls had never really gotten into it. Melissa wasn't too fussed, she had never really tried it.

"I don't like coffee, Christie." complained Melissa.

"Trust me." replied Chrissy, taking a seat in her usual cafe, "Jodes and Vick are coming soon."

Mel looked around, it was a very interesting cafe. She looked out the window to see Jodie and Vicky entering.

"Hey guys." said Vicky cheerily.

Mel and Christie couldn't help notice that Jodie and Vicky had slimmed down. They looked great by most standards and so Melissa was jealous. Jodie's figure had become rather voluptuous, her ample bust flattered by her cute tummy and sexy hips. Vicky had a somewhat smaller chest, but her naturally wide hips seemed to have shed a little fat since the last time they had met. Both were still overweight, but were on track to their goal of remaining voluptuous.

"You guys look a million dollars!" stammered Christie.

Jodie did a curtsey, her red hair shimmering, "You think so?"

"Don't be so vain!" laughed Vicky, "We've been working hard."

"It shows." said Melissa, almost a little spitefully.

Jodie and Vicky nodded at each other. This was a fine day for them. Their hard work was paying off.

"Now anyway, I want to get you guys acquired to the taste of coffee." said Chrissy.

"Yeah, I guess." said Jodie, almost as unenthused as Melissa.

"It's like alcohol, great once you get used to it." added Christie, "Melissa, I think you'd like a mocha. It's like coffee with chocolate."

Mel's eyes lit up, "I guess I can try it."

The girls ordered and soon Mel had a mug of mocha in front of her. She picked it up by the handle with her pinky finger out and took a sip. The sudden warmth in her chest was inviting.

"Oh, yum!!!" she smiled happily.

"Told ya." said Christie, with a tiny espresso cup in front of her.

Vicky frowned at Christie's small cup, "How can that thing be any good? It's got like two drops of coffee in it."

Christie gave her a sceptical look, "I'd let you try it but you'd probably scream. Plus I'd have none left for me!"

Christie drank her espresso and slammed the cup down, "Oh yeah, that's the stuff."

"So we're all done with school and ready to start life, eh?" said Jodie, trying to spark conversation.

Melissa cringed, she hated the future being brought up.

"Yep. Bring it on." said Christie.

Mel decided to open up, "Yeah, my mum's being really irritating. She won't get off my back about doing something."

Vicky spluttered, "What? You have nothing planned yet?"

Mel's look told Vicky that she really didn't need that comment, "Oh. Sorry buddy. Look don't worry. As we've always said, there's something for everyone."

"That's ok. It just annoys me that's all. Everyone seems to be doing something and I'm left behind."

"Oh Mel, stop worrying, it's not worth it." consoled Jodie.

Melissa felt very stressed. Things were changing for good. Would her friends meet new and more interesting people in their new lives? What if she was left behind? The whole ordeal made Melissa feel pretty depressed.

"Well I know for sure that we're all still going to be mates." said Jodie reassuringly.

"Of course, no matter how busy we are. We just got to put in a bit of effort." added Christie.

Mel felt a bit better. But she still had nothing to move on to as such.


"Alright Melly, just think. What do you love about chocolate?"

Melissa contemplated to herself in front of a blank canvas. This shouldn't be too hard, she thought to herself.

"It tastes good. Makes me fat."

Mel looked down and grabbed her belly fat in her hand. She gave it a squeeze before giving her heart-shaped bottom a little slap. It jiggled in response, wobbling fat showing no remorse. Mel pouted, she was getting bigger. Still. She had eaten so much chocolate at work, and it was definitely beginning to show. She hadn't weighed herself since her physical, and she knew for sure she had put on weight since then.

Melissa sighed longingly to herself before putting her paint brush down again. She had no ideas at the moment. She collapsed on her bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. Soon a knock on the door came.

"Melissa, Nick is here." called her mum.

The door opened and Nick entered Mel's bedroom. Mel sat up smiling.

"Hey honey." she said happily, giving him a kiss and a hug.

"Hey how are you?" replied Nick.

Mel sighed, "I need help."

She cast a weary eye at the blank canvas. Nick looked doubtful.

"I see. Well when it comes to art, I'm practically illiterate." he said.

"I have to paint something to do with chocolate for work." said Mel, "I just have no idea. It's been too long since I painted."

"You'll think of something." that's all Nick could thing of saying.

"Groan." complained Mel, before leaping face down on her bed and laying there.

"Is there something else wrong, Mel?" asked Nick, feeling worried for his girlfriend.

Nick took one quick look at Melissa's plump bottom before realising he had to be there for her. He shook away the temptation to play with her ass and sat down next to her. He heard sniffling.

"Are you crying?" he asked suddenly.

Mel lifted her head, she was only sniffling a bit.

"Nick, I'm getting so fat." cried Mel, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

Nick sat lost for words for a second, "Well, that's ok. I thought you were fine with that?"

He was a little confused, how else does a guy respond to that kind of statement?!

"I just can't stop eating! That's all I do! Eat! Soon I'll be so fat they'll need a crane to get me out of the house! I'll be so fat I'll be bedridden!"

"That's not true." said Nick, "I know you try hard to lose weight, why are you saying this?"

"Because I don't have any plans for the future! Everyone else has! But I have nothing! I feel like I'm going to be a loser, and all I'll ever do is stay at home and eat and get fat!"

"Why are you so down about your weight all of a sudden?"

Melissa sighed to herself, she had always been a little insecure about her weight gain. She rarely spoke of it, it simply embarrassed her.

"Because." sniffled Melissa, "I'm obese! Obese. Look at me! I'm just a big fat whale! My ass, it's just so fat!!!"

Nick really felt for Melissa at this point. She was obviously struggling with her rapid weight gain.

"Since I started packing on this weight, it just hasn't stopped. I used to be 124 pounds! How much more weight can I possibly gain before I just pop?"

"It doesn't matter, Mel." said Nick, "No matter how big you are, I'll still love you."

Mel looked in Nick's eyes.

"You....love me?"

Nick opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He was lost for words again.

"Well. Yeah. I look at you and...well yeah. I love you very much."

Melissa almost giggled, "Oh my goodness Nick."

She wiped her eyes, "Oh come here."

Mel pull Nick into a kiss. She couldn't help smiling.

"But. You don't think I'm too fat?" asked Mel.

"I think you're gorgeous the way you are." replied Nick.

Mel was smitten. She couldn't believe it. Her heart was racing, she couldn't stop smiling. Nick found her attractive. She wasn't just a fat blimp to him.

Mel giggled happily, clearing her bright blue eyes of tears. Nick just grinned, he felt good for making her better. Melissa had one less problem on her mind. Nick was staying. Mel finally had a steady relationship going. No matter what she ended up doing in the future, she knew her boyfriend would be with her.


About a month passed. Melissa spent the most part of it worrying about what she was going to do with herself. She had missed out on getting into university it seemed. This made her mother complain more to her. Melissa, however, managed to concoct several paintings for the chocolate shop; Ronald was very impressed.

The more she painted, the more she felt her artistic flair come back. She suddenly found herself painting everyday, much to her joy. Her body on the other hand, was still facing usual hassles. Melissa was putting on more weight. She continued to sneak chocolate at work, and it was showing. Melissa's fat ass blew up to an even larger proportion. Her soft bouncy bum cheeks were getting harder and harder to stuff into her already massive pants.

She was getting so fat that she could no longer find her hip bones. Her chubby hips expanded wider and wider, while her plump thighs became so thick Mel feared they'd get stuck in a standard doorway. Melissa's belly bulged out further, her tummy folding into three thick blubber rolls when she sat. Her love handles were a persistent nag. No matter what the pair of pants, Mel always found her love handles oozing over them, the materials digging into her soft side flesh. It made her feel quite self-conscious, she often tried and failed to tugged her pants up over her love handles, but there was simply too much flesh to cram into her pants.

To make matters worse, Melissa's work uniform was feeling a little too snug. The top strained across her breasts and tummy, the bottom riding up a little to expose a ring of pale, doughy flab. The poorly made snap of her pants was no impossible to close. Her body circumference too much to get the pants closed. She had noticed the the rear seam fraying where her hefty butt cheeks tried to rip the pants apart.

Mel often felt uncomfortably stifled at work, her movements restrained by her tight clothes. She had to be very careful when bending over, even leaning slightly. She was afraid her chest buttons might burst off and hit a customer in the eye. Mel couldn't approach Mr. Evans for a new uniform. Nice as he was, buying a new uniform would confirm his suspicions of Melissa eating chocolate at work.

Her mum refused to give her money to buy new clothes. She would merely tell Melissa to lose weight or put up with tight clothing. Mel was in quite a jam, she was saving up slowly for new clothes, but wondered whether she could raise it in time. Something big had to happen soon, Mel knew it.

(Click here for the next installment)

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