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Melissa 28: Naked Truth - by BillieJoe (~BBW(Multiple), Romance, ~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW(Multiple), Romance, ~SWG - After constant denial, Melissa finally comes to terms with her weight!

Melissa 28: Naked Truth
by Billiejoe

(Click here for prior installment)

"Melissa," began Alex, "You are one of the most talented young students I've ever taught."

Mel couldn't help smiling.

"But I believe there may be something else we can offer you here. Only if you're interested of course."

"Go on." smiled Melissa.

"We need more volunteers to become nude models."

Mel felt like she had been slapped in the face.

".....Me? Why?" she stuttered.

"Now before you get all iffy, let me remind you there is very good money in this profession. You could use this to earn money and still come here to study art as you have been doing."

"I...well, I'm aware there's good money, but why me?" Mel didn't know how she felt.

Alex cleared his throat, casting his gaze down at Melissa's plump and shapely figure.

"How to put this gently....In art, we are much more interested in drawing.....voluptuous models. Voluptuous women such as yourself."

Melissa stood for a second, how to take that? More voluptuous....that obviously meant more fat chicks. Should she be insulted or honoured?

"I'll let you think about it. There's no pressure, but something I'd like you to consider."
With that, Alex left the room.

Melissa thought about it all the way home. Would people really want to draw her fat, naked body? It seemed very odd. She knew her figure was the polar opposite to what society considered the perfect woman. Her peers would be drawing her! That would be too humiliating. But the money sounded very good, and Mel really needed some money for new clothes, and fast.

Ever since her mum had stopped lending her money, she had had to rely on her low paying job with Ronald. Then again, she would be earning stacks of money if she took on the nude modelling and continued working at the chocolate shop. Melissa was surprised she hadn't dismissed it right away. Was she becoming more accepting of her fatness?

She knew this time a year a go she would not have even considered it. She felt way too insecure about her blimping body. Mel wasn't even sure whether she would have been willing to do modelling when she was thin. That was saying something. She was torn between decisions at the moment, there were a few people she needed to consult first before making a choice....


"Wait there!" said Jodie, giving her boyfriend a gentle push outside her bedroom door.

"Okok, what is this you're going to show me?" asked David.

"You'll see!"

Jodie shut the door and quickly took off her three sweaters. She was ready to show her boyfriend the results of her hard exercise. Jodie had lost quite a bit of weight, and was now at a voluptuous 150 pounds. She had worn layers in front of her boyfriend so as to not give away anything too soon. She sighed in relief as her plump body was free of her sweaters, which were far too hot.

She bit her lip as she wriggled her body into a tight white dress, which clung to her like a second skin. She tugged at the bottoms so as to cover all of her chubby butt. Her ample breasts heaved out of the top of the dress, just as she wanted. Jodie had been successful in achieving her goal weight. Now, though she was still overweight, she had an excellent shape. She felt she wasn't just a messy blob of flab, if in fact that had ever been the case.

Her soft, chubby bits had developed a round shape that contributed to her hourglass body. Her tummy still stuck out a little bit, but she didn't mind. She still loved her extra flesh. She took a look at herself in the mirror and adjusted her gorgeous fiery hair. Exhaling in anticipation, she opened the bedroom door to receive a stunned look from Dave.

"Holy....Wha....Wow!" he stammered, looking at Jodie head to toe.

"I've been working out." grinned Jodie, performing a little curtsey.

David was stunned and just stood there with a stupid grin.

"C'mon..." taunted Jodie, leading him into her room and shutting the door.


Christie sighed with a hint of jealousy as she looked at Vicky. She had definitely lost weight. If only Chrissy could do the same.

"You look great, Vick." sighed Christie.

"Thanks! I'm trying....My hips are still huge though." replied Vicky, sizing her wide lower body in her hands.

"I think you're always going to be a little pudgy, Vicky, sorry."

"Meh, I'm used to it. I've had a fat butt all my life. And my love handles are still huge."

"Stop complaining! You lost weight!" cried Christie.

Vicky smiled with accomplishment. The two girls stood waiting for Melissa. She apparently had something to talk to them about.

"Here comes Mel." said Vicky.

"Hey guys!" hyped Melissa.

"What did you want to talk to us about?" asked Chrissy.

Mel took a deep breath before fidgeting a little.

"Umm....well. I've been offered a part time job as....a nude model." stuttered Melissa.

Christie and Vicky stared at Mel, then turned to look at each other. They simultaneously burst out in laughter.


Melissa's jaw dropped, "What is so funny?!"

Vicky struggled to breath from excessive giggling, her stomach convulsing and her face going red, "Oh my gawd Mel, that is hilarious!"

"I'm serious, guys! I don’t know if I should do it or not!"

"Do I dare ask why they chose such a....erm....well endowed girl such as yourself?" asked Christie.

"That wanted fatter girls.....they're better to draw." replied Mel.

Vicky and Chrissy burst out laughing again.

"Guys!" squeaked Mel.

"And you're seriously considering it?" laughed Vicky.

"Fine, you know I came to you guys for help, but you're just being stupid." huffed Mel.

"Wait wait Mel. We're sorry." sighed Vick, her laughter gradually slowing down.

"Girl, if it makes you happy and gets you money, then go for it." said Christie.

"How does Nick feel about it?" asked Vicky.

Mel bit her lip, "He doesn't know yet...."

Telling Nick would be the hardest bit. She didn't know how he would take it.

"Wouldn't other guys be looking at you?" asked Nick with a frown.

Mel pursed her lips, "Well, yeah honey, it would."

Nick nodded, obvious frustration coming across his face.

"Well I don't want to hold you back from any dream you have, no matter how.....different." said Nick.

"Oh Nick! Thank you! Don't think you need to question my commitment, honey!" smiled Mel, giving her boyfriend a hug. He was so understanding.


But Melissa was still unsure whether she'd accept or not. Over the next few weeks, her appetite held steady and her weight continued to rise. Melissa was getting fatter everyday, her rapid gain going into hyper drive as she feasted on chicken and macaroniu for lunch, seconds at supper and ice cream at night. Her already overstuffed rear end blew up rounder and rounder, so swollen you'd swear it was about to burst with pressure.

Her fattened lower abdomen slathered more mounds of flesh onto her wide hips as Mel ate and ate. Increased pressure from university and work meant she turned to food for comfort, and Melissa was stuffing herself stupid. Half the time she wasn’t not even hungry when she ate. But she was honestly force-feeding herself, as it seemed to be the only way to make her stress go away.

Mel would sneak into the kitchen, take as much food up into her room as she could and feed herself. Her plush bum inflating more. Oh how she fed herself. Mel would regret it later, usually when she got changed or had to shower. She would catch a glimpse of her plump bottom in the mirror as she dried herself off, or grimace at the tight waistband of her pants digging into her soft body. Her fat thighs plumped up so that they would rub together when she walked, or waddled as Mel did these days.

"Oh Mel, stop! You're getting too fat!" she pleaded to herself during her insecurities.

"Oh my goodness, this pie is so good!" she'd say during her indulgent moments.

"Oh poo, my bum is too big for these pants."

"I could eat a million of these eclairs!"

Melissa got out of bed, something that was becoming increasingly difficult to do. Mel slept nude now. Perhaps to get herself used to the possibility of modelling. Or rather, because her pajamas just didn't fit her anymore.

"Sigh." she moped, "How could I have gotten this fat?"

Melissa had grown so fat in the last few weeks. She had just fed herself way too much. Her weight had gone completely pear-shaped, literally. Mel bent down to pick up a pair of undies before proceeding to wriggle into them. Her ass had gotten so large. Melissa wriggled her wide hips from side to side, feeling her soft thighs wobble as she did so. She heaved the flimsy panties over her expansive buttocks, the material instantly slipping into her bum crack. It may as well have been a thong, her derriere's dimensions were too vast to be covered by any of her panties.

"I've put on so much weight...."

She began to struggle her obese body into some bike pants. No way were her fat bum cheeks going to fit easily into less stretchy pants. But even tights struggled. The elastic cut into her fleshy love handles, her tummy bulging over the front, her ass crack poking out at the back. As her muffin top spilt over her bike pants, the clingy black material was stretched so tight across her broad behind that one could almost see her pale bum fat through it. The pants clung to every contour of her peach-shaped bottom, slipping between her plump cheeks and in near her bum hole.

"Oh my word." cried Mel softly, rubbing her face, "I'm an absolute whale. A big fat pig."

The rump-feed heroine grabbed her jiggly belly and shook it lightly, her entire body falling into wobbles as well.

"Soon I'll be too fat to even fit through the door." she sighed.

Her belly button protruded out with her gut, a cruel reminder of her growing body. She must have doubled in weight by now,she'd already passed 100 pounds gained. Why stop now? How fat was she? 400? 500 pounds? Melissa knew that was a massive exaggeration, but what would stop her weight gain? Surely she must have a limit.

"Melissa, world's fattest bum." she groaned, poking her fleshy rump at the mirror.

Mel felt depressed, how could anyone draw such a tubby form? They'd need a big sheet of paper, thought Mel to herself. Mel wasn't willing to accept her body. She hated being so large. Or did she? Was it something she had to get used to? She LOVED to eat. That was obvious. If Melissa wanted to eat the amount she was devouring, surely she'd HAVE to accept the conscience of being so overweight. She had been lucky to have a slow metabolism to burn off all that she stuffed into her face when she was young. But now she was an adult, she needed more responsibility and self-control. But maybe she didn't.

"If you're going to eat so much, then just accept your size." her conscience said.

Her thoughts turned back to the nude modelling. Now she saw it under a different light. Maybe by showing she was confident enough to show all of her in front of complete strangers, she could be accepted by her own mindset. Yeah! If people WANT to draw her, and admire her voluptuous size, then why was she so hung up on being thin again? Who cares if she's fat?! The obesity rate was going up, why not be a pioneer for it? Society's demand for anorexic blonde supermodels with silicon DD breasts was too ludicrous to ask for.

"I am fat. I am a big fat girl. But I don't mind. I really don't care at all. I like to eat! Why do you judge me?!" thought Mel under her breath.

She turned to face her self-conscious mind.

"Oh my goodness, I am too fat!" cried her insecurities.

Melissa stood strong. Every abusive comment she had in her vocabulary came forth, trying to knock her down. Mel didn't move. Next came all the comments made on her size by others. Alana, Renee, Greg, Natasha, Kayla, her family. Even people who cared about her! Christie, her mum, Nick, Rio. Fat was who Melissa was. All her life she had been a fat girl stuck inside a thin girl's body.

But until recently her outside appearance didn't reflect her true nature. Now it did. She was fat. Plump. Obese. Chubby. FAT! But finally she was strong enough that she truly didn't care. It was what made her, her! Her ass gave her more character. She was a booty girl! She should accept it. Her bum was big enough to have it's own website! But that didn't matter. Melissa all of a sudden loved every excess pound.

"I am fat. But I love it." screamed Mel in her bedroom.

She stopped and stared, a massive smile coming across her beautiful face.
"I can't believe I just said that...."

She placed her hand on her chest, heaving with excitement.

"I accept it."

After 18 months, Melissa had finally accepted that she had become fat.

The next morning Mel got up to get ready for university. She was very pleased with herself. She had made the decision to become a nude model. Now that she had accepted she was a fat girl, why not? After all, it was the perfect combination of her personal favourite activities, lying around, and eating. The more she ate now, the better. More fattening equalled more curves to draw. She was surprisingly excited.

"It'll be an interesting experience." concluded Melissa as she stuffed her soft bum cheeks into her black bike pants. Mel had refused to weigh herself. She knew her weight had blown up massively in recent weeks. There was no way she was still 226 pounds. She felt as if she had put on at least twenty pounds. She had certainly eaten that much.

Mel pulled on a sky blue shirt which failed to cover all of her swollen midriff, which bulged out over her pants in a ring of exposed doughy flesh. Her pale love handles stuck out almost as far as her hefty hips, which were almost so wide they wouldn't fit through your standard doorway. Mel gave her butt a little slap, giggling as it jiggled, before waddling downstairs for breakfast.

She helped herself to a bagel, smothering it with butter and stuffing it into her plump face. Her full lips rolled as she chewed happily, her perky cheeks glowing as she smiled. Her blissful daze would be broken by her ever-nagging mother.

"Melissa honey, you shouldn't eat that..." she sighed.

Mel scowled, "I can eat what I want. It's my body."

"And you should take care of it! You really need to cut back on your fat intake. It's abysmal."

"I don't care about my fat intake." replied a sullen Melissa.

Her mum folded her arms, "I think you will when you have a heart attack at 40 years old."

"Geez, aren't you pessimistic. There's nothing wrong with me."

Melissa's mum looked like she was going to cry,

"Melissa, please! I'm so worried! You're getting dangerously overweight! I've tried to get you to diet and exercise, but you won't listen! You've put on so much weight over the past year or so and try as you may to lose it, you are still too fat!"

Mel stood her ground, "Mum, I am happy being fat. I AM HAPPY BEING FAT!!!"

Melissa's mum was crying at that point.

"I know I eat a lot - mauybe to you and others too much. I know I've gotten this fat. I know and I've tried to lose it hundreds of times. But since I can't, can't you just accept me for who I am?" said Mel maturely.

"You really don't mind being so big?" sniffed her mum.

"Not in the slightest." replied Mel, folding her arms under her massive breasts.

Her mum nodded and turned away. It would be hard for her to swallow, why would her only daughter want to be so huge? And to have gotten so plump in such a short time.

"I've tried to keep you healthy, Melissa." said her mum, "But ever since you were a little girl, all you've done is eat. I never understood how a young kid could eat as much as you did. But now you're an adult. How fat or skinny you are isn't my problem anymore. So if you're happy the way you are.....then so am I."

"Thanks mum." smiled Mel, giving her mother a hug.


Mel opened the door to her bedroom. Man, what a long day, she thought. She threw her stuff to the floor and collapsed onto her bed. Thank goodness it’s the weekend tomorrow.

“I could really go for some pizza….” She thought to herself.

She rolled over to grab her phone and get some pizza when it rang in front of her.

“Hey Mel.” It was Christie.

“Hey Chrissy how are ya?”

“Good mate. Are you free tomorrow? Me and the girls have a boredom buster…..”

“Do tell,” said Melissa.

(Click here for the next installment)

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