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Melissa 8: Here Comes the Cold - by BillyJoe (~BBW (multiple), Eating, ~MWG )

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (multiple), Eating, ~MWG - Melissa and her Mom realize her size, but Melissa would rather snack than try to change

MELISSA 8: Here Comes the Cold
by BillyJoe

[Click here for prior chapter]

"Rise and shine, sleepy head!" Melissa's mother tore open the curtains. Mel stirred, her eyes squinting from the sun.

"Get up Melissa, it may be the weekend, but you don't want to waste the day."

Mel groaned and pulled the sheets over her head.

"I'll drag you out of bed if you don't get up now!" teased her mother.

Mel didn't respond.

"Ok, you leave me no other choice!"

Mel's eyes widened. She only had a bra and panties on, if her mum saw her, she would definitely notice her weight gain.

"Nono!" groaned Melissa, as the two fought at either end of the bed quilt. Mel saw the expression on her mother's face when she saw her tubby body.

"Ah! It's cold!" yelped Mel, frantically tried to cover her plump form. Her tummy quivered as she tugged, making her mum's expression even more priceless.

"Umm, Mel, have you weighed yourself recently?" asked her mum.

"Ahhh....yeah, I'm around 160 I think......"she lied.

"I don't think you're anywhere near that anymore." tsked her mother, folding her arms, "I think it's about time we do something about your new found chubbiness."

Her mum left the room.

Mel winced to herself. She just wished no-one would bring her weight up. She lifted the covers and pinched her stomach. The fat she had packed on around the hips was starting to spread out when she lay on her back. She struggled to sit up, her tummy rolling up as she grunted. Mel hauled on her bike pants, which stretched tightly across her expanding rump, then put on a shirt. She had planned to do nothing today, as she proceeded down stairs for breakfast.

Melissa's mother watched in horror as her well-bottomed daughter lathered butter onto some pop tarts. As Mel hummed to herself, her mother noticed her daughter's massive rump oozing out the top of her bike pants. Did she have no pride? Or did she just not notice her ass hanging out? The white flesh of Melissa's rounded bum was almost seen as the pants stretched hard to cover them. It looked so soft and wobbly to touch.

Melissa smiled to herself as she licked extra butter off her finger and went to sit at the breakfast table. She eventually managed to squash her hips into the chair, she had struggled more and more with the kitchen chairs as her butt continued to receive extra padding. Mel began her buttery feast as her mother contemplated what to say.

"Melissa, I'm going to assign you a diet."

Mel froze, "Why would you do that?"

"Because you're a growing girl and you need to watch your figure."

"Yeah, well I don't think I need to worry about it....." lied Mel, "My weight is perfectly fine for a girl my height."

Melissa knew she was lying, she just didn't want to go on a diet. That to her was like she was admitting she was too fat, and what would people at school think? They'd laugh if they heard chubby little Melissa was on a diet.

"Melissa honey, please!" pleaded her mother, "You need to realise, you're getting too fat! Come with me, we're going to weigh you and you are starting a diet right now!"

"Poo!" huffed Mel, taking another bite of pop tart. She wasn't going anywhere.

Melissa's mother groaned, "Please, I just want to see how much you weigh."

"I don't need to diet!" said Mel vainly.

"Oh yes you do! Look at your tummy, Missy." Her mother poked at her flab. Melissa got butterflies and tugged at her shirt. Her mouth was lined with butter, her plump lips glossy.

"It's just baby fat...." pushed Mel, trying to find an excuse.

"Oh really, then why hasn't it kicked in until eighteen years of age, hmm?"

Mel stuttered, her mum just stood there, smugly.

"I don't need this, I'm going to my room." concluded Mel. She proceeded to stand up, and was horrified when she felt the chair rise with her. Her expanding rump was wedged between the armrests of the chair.

"Hmph...." she struggled, her mother watching.

Melissa began to sweat. She wriggled her chubby hips, trying to manoeuvre herself out but her wide thighs were packed in too tightly.

"Now do you see?" asked her mother.

Mel ignored her and continued to struggle. She pushed down on her hands, trying to get the chair to let go of her ass. The chair groaned as Melissa's massive lower body wriggled violently. Mel slowly manoeuvred her hips out, the armrests digging painfully into her sides.

"Ugh........Ah!" Slowly but surely, her booty popped out of the chair, "See, I don't need to lose weight, I got out!"

Mel's mum shook her head.

Mel guiltily looked down.

"You know how much you weigh don't you?" said her mother.

"Yeah....." uttered Mel, feeling about an inch tall at the moment.

"Are you going to tell me?"

"183........" she muttered quietly.

"183! You tubby little thing!" chuckled her mum in a surprisingly light hearted tone.

"Well, we're going to have to do something to shed that flesh off you."

"Yes mum." replied Mel submissively.


"I'm a bit worried, Mel." said Christie.


"Winter break is coming up, it's gunna be hard to wanna exercise." said Christie.

Great, thought Mel. Another thing to worry about. Christie and Mel were in the lunchroom. Melissa was watching Christie daze her way through a plate of chips. Her friend's tummy was getting bigger too. Christie was beginning to feel the effects of her tightening clothes. Her pants waistband was binding uncomfortably around her pot belly, and her bra felt restricting and tight. Christie's butt hadn't filled out nearly as much as her rumpy friend, but she began to notice extra bum fat cushioning as she sat. Her little binge had definitely showed effect on her now huge tummy. Christie's belly was so soft and rounded, her smooth skin made her gut as bouncy as a water balloon.

"Not that I'm really caring about my weight anymore." added Christie.

"Really?! Why?" Mel seemed it odd that Christie had given up.

"I just can't get rid of this gut! I give up, I have to accept fat people."

"I don't get it." Melissa shook her head.

"See, I can't stand fat people, so I figure I need to accept them eventually. With you packing on the pounds and now me filling out nicely, I guess I just have to accept it."

Mel smiled, "Well I'm happy for you then."

Christie winked and ate another chip. Greg walked past, Christie glaring at him the entire time.

"Have you spoken to him since you broke up?" asked Christie.

"No, I don't want too." said Mel angrily, "He made me even fatter! I'm 183 pounds now! I've never been this fat!"

Christie's mouth dropped, "183?!?!"

"I should have listened to you when you said he was feeding me, and now mum's up to something. I might have to diet!"

"Man, that sucks." replied Christie," And I bet you're tired of getting stuck places as well. I mean seriously, I don't understand how you keep stuffing yourself into all those places!"

"Yeah well, when I was trying to prove I didn't need to diet I....well," Mel blushed," Got stuck in a chair."

"Oh Mel." laughed Christie. She knew Melissa was too naive. If she kept being so oblivious to her weight, she was bound to get stuck.


Vicky dragged Jodie by the hand down the street. School had broken for the day, and Vicky was after revenge on Greg.

"Remind me what we're doing exactly." asked Jodie. "We're gonna set that weasel Greg kid straight." replied Vicky, as they gained quickly on him.

"Hey!" shouted Vicky to Greg. He turned and saw them.

"Oh, uh hi..." he replied, before Vicky grabbed his collar and threw him against a brick wall behind them.

"Ow! What I do?!"

"You'd better think twice before breaking Melissa's heart again you little punk." shot Vicky, still holding him against the wall.

"She broke up with me, I swear!" stuttered Greg.

"Yeah, right after you told her you only liked her for her body, how sick are you?!"

"Please don't hurt me!" whimpered Greg.

"Why shouldn't I?" shot Vicky, who by this point was very angry.

Jodie stood awkwardly behind her, arms folded. She justed wanted to get home.

"C'mon Vick, let him go he's not worth it." said Jodie.

Vicky dropped Greg and the two girls walked off.

"I see you're on the tubby side too, Vicky, look at that sexy ass!" said Greg, who was only confident enough to fight back when she had walked away.

"Watch it mate, you'll get what's coming to you, you little wimp."

"Man that kid is such a sleazy wimp! He's pathetic!" fumed Vicky when she and Jodie made it back to her house. They sat in Jodie's predominantly pink room.

"Just forget about him, Mel's ok." said Jodie, brushing her long red hair.

"I know I should, and I probably would have, but then he made fun of my weight."

"Vick, when have you ever cared about what people think of you?" said Jodie rationally.

"Yeah, I guess." replied Vicky quietly. She lifted her shirt and grabbed hold of her flabby stomach. "My weight gets to me sometimes...."

Jodie tilted her head and smiled, "I know it must, but I bet Paul likes that tummy of yours!"

Vicky's mouth dropped, "Heyhey! Watch it, you might join me, Mel and Christie in the fat girls eventually!"

Jodie laughed. "I don't get how Mel got so big in the first place, and she's getting bigger still!"

"You don't know?!" exclaimed Vicky, "Jodes, have you see how much chocolate that girl eats! That big booty was coming for a long time. All we can do is support her."


Melissa's bloating body was getting her down. She trudged through the last few weeks of school with her mind nagging her about her butt size. She knew her mum was up to something but didn't know what. With winter creeping on, all Mel wanted to do was sleep and watch TV in her cozy room. Alana was apparently plotting revenge on her, which stuck in her mind as well.

"You going to eat those chips, Mel?" asked Vicky. Her and Mel sat in the lunchroom. It was the last day of the school term, and Christie and Jodie decided to have the day off. Melissa was wondering why she bothered to come, it was freezing and she was feeling a little insecure today.

"Of course I am!" giggled Mel, "It's so cold, they'll warm me up!"

Melissa's chubby little double chin quivered as she chewed smiling. Mel was wearing a large parka, which kept her torso warm, but since it was proving impossible to find pants to accomodate Melissa's expanding buns, she was confined to her bike pants. She was freezing from the waist down.

"Has that Alana given you any trouble lately?" asked Vicky.

Mel rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I can't stand her."

"Hey fatty!" sniggered Alana.

"Speak of the devil," thouht Vicky..

"Go away Alana." replied Mel, not even turning to see her.

"Oooooh, what are you going to do, butt girl? I see you're wearing bike pants."

"Can't fit that ass into anything else, ay?" laughed Renee.

Vicky stepped in, "Alana, piss off, ok?"

"What are you going to do, sit on me?"

"I could crush your skinny little bones and you know it."

"Yeah, well.....go eat a cake!" stuttered Alana, before moving on.

Vicky sat back down.

"How do you not care about your weight so much?" asked Mel.

"Dunno," smiled Vicky, "I just don't."

This made Mel feel a little better.

"How much do you weigh anyway?" asked Melissa curiously.

"I've actually put on weight recently. I was 160 pounds, but now I'm about 167. I don't really mind, I'm pretty sure Paul likes it." said Vicky, although she didn't sound so sure.


By the end of the day, Melissa was glad to get home. The school term had pushed her hard and she was ready for the break. She loved winter holidays. Two whole weeks of sitting inside in front of the TV in her PJ's with hot chocolate. The thought made Mel waddle home even quicker. She was flushed by the time she made it home, her thighs chafing from rubbing together. Her bouncy derriere bobbed and rolled as she walked, each spherical cheek rolling in a rhythm. She wheezed up into her room and collapsed onto her bed. She lay with a relaxed smile on her face before she heard a knock at the door.

"Mel, sweetie, I bought you some new clothes!" chirped her mum, holding up a pair of jeans.

"Huh?" replied Mel with a sarcastic expression.

"Honey, I noticed you were only wearing bike pants so I came to the conclusion that i needed new pants."

"That's nice, but mum, those jeans are huge, they'll fall off me!"

"We'll see, try them on, I'll be back in a few minutes." Her mum left the room.

Mel sighed. Her mother was proving more annoying than helpful.

"May as well humour her." she said to herself.

Melissa struggled as she wriggled off her bike pants. They hugged her wobbly buns like a second skin, and the rear seam was beginning to fray. Eventually her soft, pale bum was free. She hoisted her feet through the new jeans and proceeded to pull them up. They were much more difficult to pull up than she had anticipated. She wriggled her massive bubble butt and tugged at the jeans. Once they were sitting over her plump thighs, she tried to button them, but found she couldn't.

"Oh gawd.......These things are enormous and I still can't button them...." Mel groaned to herself.

She tenaciously sucked her paunch in, but couldn't make the flaps meet. There was a knock at the door.

"I'm coming in now, hon." said her mum. Crap! Mel swore to herself. She turned to face the wall and continued to tug at the jean flaps.

"Well, let me see then!" said her mum, but Mel refused to turn around.

"C'mon Mel, let me see them!" Melissa sighed and turned slowly to reveal her open pants.

"They look good, sweetie!" said her mother, "But you haven't buttoned them. Here let me"

"Nonono! That's fine, they're great!" stammered Mel.

Mel's mother grabbed the flaps and tugged. A frown came across her face as she pulled. Melissa covered her face with her hands.

"Oh dear......I guess they won't button." said her mum, in a small state of feigned shock.

Mel wanted to cry, but held back.

"Oh Meliss, don't worry. We'll find something!" said her mum, comforting her pudgy daughter in a hug.

"But I'm so lazy! I couldn't be bothered!" she whimpered.

"Well, you're going to have to be bothered!" concluded her mother, before leaving the room.

Melissa was confused about her mother's mixed emotions. Sometimes she was very sympathetic to Mel's weight gain, other times she seemed very insulting. She wondered what her mother would do next.


Greg fumbled through his locker, packing away his stuff for the term. He was very angry at Melissa for dumping him. All he did was tell her how he felt! But when he thought about it, he realised his intentions to make Mel fat weren't good. Still, all he wanted to do now was hate her. He was so fumed. Greg's work was always sneaky and manipulative, and he wanted to get back at her. But how?

He stood and stared into the blackness of his locker.

"Hey Greg." said a voice from behind.

He turned to see Alana standing there.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"I heard that fat tub Mel dumped you." she sniggered.

"What's it to you?"

"Well, I bet you're angry at her, and would want to get back at her?"

It was like she could read his mind.

"Yeah, I'd like that." smiled Greg.

"Well, Me and Renee happen to dislike her too....."

"So what do we do?" asked Greg.

"Come with me." concluded Alana.......... *********

"Ahhhh........." sighed Mel, slowly waking up. It was the first day of winter holidays. The rain poured outside as Mel lay snug in her bed. She had been looking forward to the break for a while. After an eventful term of terrible boyfriends, new enemies, and friends gaining weight, Melissa was ready to clear her head. Mel's relaxed temperament was broken with a knock on the door.

"Hmm?" she grunted.

Mel's mother entered, following behind her was a tall black woman in her twenties.

"This her?" asked the black woman with a smile. Her teeth were perfectly white. Melissa's mum nodded, Mel just looked confused.

"Melissa, honey, this is Rio."

Mel still was puzzled.

".......Your new personal trainer." continued her mother.

Melissa's eyes ballooned.

[click here for next installment]

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