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Melissa 9 - by BillieJoe (~BBW, Friendship, Stuckage)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Friendship, Stuckage - Her Mom gets Mel a personal trainer as Vicki runs into trouble and we meet up with Ashlee.

Melissa 9: The Bulge Strikes Back!
by Billie Joe

[Click here for prior installment]

Chapter 9

"Personal trainer?!?!" stammered Melissa.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her mum thought she was THAT fat that she needed a personal trainer?!

"She's going to help you lose weight, Missy." said her mother.

Mel felt angrier.

"Would you give us a minute please, Rio?" asked Melissa in a steely glare. Rio left the room, looking a little confused.

"You got me a personal trainer?!" hissed Mel to her red-faced mother.

"This is for your own good, Melissa." said her mother sternly, "At least give her a go."

Mel began to act childish and pouted.

"But maaaaa!" she whined.

"You'll do this whether you like it or not, Mel. Now get dressed and come downstairs." Her mum left the room.

Mel was fuming. There went her perfect holidays of sleeping in. She grumbled out of bed and tugged her hefty body into her bike pants and a shirt.

"She better not expect me to run today." Mel said defiantly.

She gazed out the window and saw the pouring rain outside. She pouted as she turned back to her comfy, inviting bed. Melissa was so ready to just dive under the covers and go back to sleep. When she saw the noticeable dip in the mattress where her bum lay when she slept, she decided it was time for a run. She slumped downstairs, not very enthused about what lay ahead.

"You up for a run?!" asked Rio happily to Mel.

Damn it. Thought Melissa.

"Ummm, it's raining." replied Mel, trying to make things difficult.

"So? Wear a jacket." said Rio, briskly walking to the front door.

"But....." stuttered Mel, before submitting and going off with her.

Melissa realized right away just how unfit she was. Her chest was heaving after about ten metres. She struggled to keep up with Rio, her body was so out of shape that she couldn't keep herself in a rhythm. Mel's bike pants outlined the rounded dimensions of her inflated, perky rear, as each bulging bun cheek bounced up and down.

"C'mon Mel, keep up!" shouted Rio, who had stopped at the top of a hill about one hundred metres in front of Mel. The rain made it more difficult for Mel to run up the hill. Her light brown hair whipped her face as rain poured down her eyes.

"How.....do you.....do this?" gasped Mel when she reached the top.

Rio smiled, her perfect teeth gleaming. "I know, it's hard at first, but it will get easier, I promise."

Mel nodded, still wheezing.

"Let's head back now, the rain's getting a bit heavy." said Rio.

Melissa began to think, this girl wasn't so bad. And besides, if she was going to help her get in shape, Mel wasn't going to object. Then she could rub it into Greg for helping her pack on those pounds. She could hardly blame Greg for all her weight gain, but she had porked up another eight pounds since they were going out.

Rio seemed like a sweet woman. Her hair was long and black, platted into braids. Her black skin was fantastic, it reminded Mel of a gorgeous wooden doll. Mel was instantly jealous of Rio's excellent physique, but knew she must have worked pretty hard for it. Rio had great abs and a perky butt that looked rock hard. Her pudgy protege wished her own bottom was that toned.


"I wish I could be bothered to exercise." said Vicky to Christie, as the pair sat in Christie's lounge room watching TV.

"It's tough, ay?" replied Christie, staring at the rain out the window. Christie had been watching what she ate very carefully, knowing that the rain would restrict her exercise. The young Greek hadn't gotten much bigger, she was still around 160-165 pounds. Vicky on the other hand, had definitely put on more weight. Vick was of similar background to Christie, so both knew how hard it was to resist the amount of food on offer in a Mediterranean household.

Vicky had always been on the tubby side, her body always sporting a rounded paunch and blubbery love handles. Recently she had packed it on though, due to the winter as well as the stress her relationship with Paul had been under recently.

"Paul's been different lately." sighed Vicky.

"What's up?"

"He's just been very quiet. I know he's probably busy with assignments and stuff, but I dunno, I'm just worried." said Vicky.

Christie smiled, "Forget about it girl! You'll be fine, you've been together for like two years, that's gotta mean something to him."

"I'm not to convinced, though," continued Vicky, "I've put on about ten pounds and maybe it's too much and I'm not attractive to him anymore."

"Vick, if he's stupid enough to break up with you over something as trivial as your weight, then he's not worth your time." said Christie realistically.

"Yeah, I guess I'll just stop worrying."

The girls stared at the TV for a while, but Vicky couldn't stop glancing at her squishy belly. It pooched over her waistband as her pale flesh bunched up into three fleshy rolls of fat.

"I don't know what pisses me off more," began Christie, "Guys that hate fat girls, or guys that love them like that Greg idiot."

"Hmm true. I'd rather them like me for who I am, but with Greg actually trying to fatten up Mel, just ridiculous." Vicky began to laugh.

"Funny how you, me and Melissy have porked up this year."

Christie sighed, "I hate being fat. I feel like a slob."

"Chill out." reassured Vicky.

"Yeah, well I think Mel's the girl with the real weight problem. She fatter than both of us."

Vicky nodded, "I can't help but wonder if Jodie is on the same path as us."

"Jodie would need a lot of fattening to get as big as us, let alone Melissa." said Christie.

"Yeah, but Jodes hates being left out, maybe she'll start eating!" giggled Vicky.

"Not likely!" chuckled Christie.


"And Rio said if I keep exercise like I am now, I'll drop ten pounds in two weeks!" Melissa was beaming to her mother.

"I knew you'd love her! She'll help you along for sure." said her mother.

"I'm excited!" giggled Mel.

Her mum smiled before looking at the clock.

"Oh Mel, aren't you going to Jodie's soon?"

Mel nodded, "I'll go get ready."

Melissa needed to shower. The rain had been relentless over the last four days, but she had continued to jog with Rio. She was surprised at her commitment, but she just adored Rio and was always ready to get going. Mel was hoping they would become good friends. The rumpy girl waddled into the bathroom for a shower. She stripped down and was about to step into the shower when she spotted the scales.

"Hmm......maybe I'll see how I'm going."

She lightly stepped onto the scales, not knowing what to expect. Had four days of solid exercise been enough to shed some pounds? She gazed down past her tummy to see 179 before her. She smiled to herself, there goes four pounds!

"Wow! That's a pound per day!" she giggled. Mel raised her arms over her head and looked at her naked plump derriere. It stuck out far behind her, as she jiggled the two cheeks.

"You two are on the road to slimming down!" she gloated, still ecstatic.

Realistically she knew her ass would be the last body part that would lose weight, but enjoyed the positive thought. Melissa's fat bum had become her trademark feature to everyone she knew. It was the first thing to pop into one's mind when they thought Melissa. She wished she could change that, but knew it wasn't going to be so easy.


Vicky sat silently on her bed. She had gained weight. She knew it. Her tummy bulged out before her as she continued to stare at it, butterflies in her stomach. Vicky had never felt insecure about her body. Ever. But now she realised just had fat she was getting. Vick was reluctant to weigh herself, wishing she could just deny it. The nagging of her tight clothes made her more insecure. Whenever she felt her pants waistband digging into the bottom of her fat rolls, or felt her undies wedge up into her wider bum she got a rush of insecurities.

"Just ignore it." she finally said to herself. She was going on a date with Paul that afternoon. Her black hair fell onto her face as she tenaciously buttoned her pants. The pressure behind the waistband caused by her gut was tremendous. She felt even more insecure every time she breathed, as her fat tummy would test the button's strength.

"I can't take it anymore," sheexclaimed. Vicki ran into the bathroom and stepped on the scales. She just needed to know if she had gained weight. Who was she kidding? Of course she had. Winter had brought with it many tasty snacks, and Vick had been pigging out more than ever. Her confidence shattered when she saw 167 pounds on those scales. Her heart flipped.

"Holy crap! I've never been so fat!" she stuttered.

"Honey! Paul's outside!" shouted her mum from downstairs.

"Umm....Ok! Just a minute." she yelled back.

What would Paul think about her weight? Vicky's heart was racing. There was no way to hide her fatness, her clothes were simply too tight. Her gut bluged over her waistband evertime she breathed, and her oozing love handles jiggled with each step. Her waist had plumped into a generous muffin top. She hoped her boyfriend wouldn't mind....


Melissa spent the afternoon boasting to Jodie about Rio. Mel had never been so excited to exercise. Even she was surprised at her efforts. All it had taken was for someone to try and relate to her and she was motivated. Mel just hoped she would stay around long enough for her to slim down.

"Well you've certainly taken a shine to her." said Jodie.

"Yeah, she's awesome. And super fit. I'd love to have a body like hers!" Melissa just wouldn't shut up.

"Anyways, I figure we just have a girl's night." said Jodie changing the subject.

"Cool." agreed Melissa.

Mel watched as Jodie went through the cupboard collecting snacks for them. Jodie's tiny butt was matched only by her skinny waist, and Mel couldn't help but feel a little jealous when she saw Jodie's physique.

"Here we go. We got plenty of food!"

Mel bit her lip. It looked pretty good. Jodie held a vast array of candy, chips and snacks. Melissa decided she deserved a reward for her efforts. After all, she had gone running in the freezing rain the last week, that was commitment enough, right? Mel wondered where Jodie stored all her body fat. If any. Her freckled face sported pointy cheeks and chin, adding to her overall cute and innocent look.

Mel also had a cute face. Her pretty yet plump face looked like a chipmunk's, with chubby cheeks and a shapely double chin. She concluded to herself that she shouldn't worry so much about her bottom, despite its massive size. The two friends proceeded to go sit in the lounge room. Melissa began eating as soon as her butt hit the lounge. Jodie ate much more slowly.

"Mel, can I ask a question?" said Jodie rather timidly.


"Wh....What's it like being fat?" she asked.

Mel was a little surprised by that question.

"Oh, I'm not trying to offend you or anything." stammered Jodie.

"Nono that's ok." said Mel, "Well, in a word, I'd say it's uncomfortable."

Jodie nodded.

"You know, just because clothes are really tight and stuff. Why do you ask?"

Jodie looked nervous, "I'm just curious, since you girls have all gotten bigger and I haven't."

Melissa laughed, "Jodes, don't worry about it! We're all fine and don't feel left out! Being fat ain't all that good."

Jodie smiled, "Ha, fair enough then."


Vicky and Paul were coming back to Vicky's house after a movie. The pair had been together for over two years now, and were quite close. Paul leaving for college had been tough on their relationship, but Vicky at least felt that things were fine. Recently she had noticed that Paul was a little distant. He was only talking to her when she called him, and the two were on their first date in a long time.

Vick didn't want to ruin the moment, she decided just to enjoy the afternoon. The sun was setting by the time they reached Vicky's house. She was trying hard to hide the panting of her breath, her recent weight gain left her quite unfit.

"Here we are!" said Vicky, turning to her boyfriend.

"Maybe you wanna come inside..." she said with a wink.

Paul stifled a chuckle, "Sure."

His answer was far from enthusiastic.

"New neighbors?" he asked, noticing the for sale sign on the next lawn.

"Yeah," said Vicky, "Haven't had a chance to meet them yet."

Vicky rummaged through her jeans pocket.

"Oh darn! How are we going to get in? I don't have my key!" moaned Vicky.

"No idea." replied Paul bluntly, his black hair covering his face.

"C'mon honey, what's wrong, you've been acting so strangely." asked Vicky, pulling her boyfriend into a hug.

"Huh? What? Oh nothing, we'll talk about it later, ok?" said Paul.

Vicky was worried, but nodded anyway.

"Hey look, the basement window is open!" yelped Vicky happily.

"So?" asked Paul, eying the tiny window.

Vicky smiled, "So....I just crawl through and go upstairs and open the door!"

Paul looked at the window then glanced up and down Vicky's tubby little body.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Of course! What could go wrong?" said Vicky confidently.

She proceeded to lay down on her chubby stomach and began to shimmy her way through the window. Paul watched curiously. Man, his girlfriend had gotten fat, he thought. He couldn't stand it. Vicky struggled and pinched her pot belly through slowly. Paul watched her wriggle desperately, it looked like a tight squeeze for her.

Unfortunately for Vicky, all her recent extra weight had gone straight to her tummy, and her wide waist and love handles wouldn't fit through. She kicked her jiggly legs, her thighs rocking from side to side. Aiming her plump butt in the air, she tried to pull herself out backwards, but the rolls of blubber on her stomach refused to squash back through. Her bulging waist was stuck tightly in the window.

"Ah! Paul, help! I'm stuck!" she winced, kicking and squirming.

Paul sighed, he had seen this coming. He grabbed his girlfriend by the thighs and tried her tug her out.

"Ooof!" shot Vicky, not moving anywhere. She couldn't help but feel some reluctance and lack of care in Paul's tugging. She felt him pull a few more times before stopping.

"I give up!" said Paul suddenly.

"No! You gotta help me out!" struggled Vicky.

"Look Vick, I don't quite know how to say this but, I can't be with you anymore, ok?"

Vicky's heart sank, "........What?" she uttered.

"I know this is a bad time, but seriously! You're just too fat!" continued Paul, "At first you were only a little chubby, and I thought it was cute, but now look at you! You're a blimp! You're too fat to fit through that window!"

Vicky couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"But....uh......oh..." she couldn't think of anything to say.

"I've met a lot of other girls at college, more mature girls. I'm sorry Vick, but you got in there, you're going to have to get yourself out."

Vicky began to cry. She could hear Paul walking away. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Vicky hadn't realised she had gotten so fat, as she looked down at her gut rolls oozing around the window sides. But her now ex-boyfriend had just hurled it in her face. She cried, wondering how Paul had become so shallow. She thought he loved her!

Vicky continued to kick and squirm, but she was stuck. Her wide body was too large and bouncy to squeeze through. Her fat midriff plugged the window frame, excess fat bulging around the sides. Every panicked breath was restricted by the tightness of the window frame. She tried to suck in her gut, but there was simply too much flab on her belly and sides. No-one would ever find her here! Her parents weren't home for another few days. She yelled out for help as she struggled, hoping someone like a neighbour would hear her.

"Are you ok in there?" came a sudden voice.

Vicky sniffled a response, "No! I'm stuck, please help me out!"

The voice continued, "I've been stuck like this before too, it's awful."

Vicky was puzzled, as she felt a pair of hands pull on her softening thighs. Vicky's gut rolls surged up around the filled out window but wouldn't fit out.

"I don't think you'll be able to pull me out, my tummy is in the way." advised Vick.

"Ok, I'll try something else." said the voice.

“You seem to know what you’re doing!” chuckled Vicky, trying to break the ice a little. Not that this situation could get anymore embarassing. She felt the anonymous hands shoving at her round belly roll. Kneading the fat through the hole slowly, Vicky's largest fat roll and love handles popped through, and after some wedging, she squeezed her hips and bum through. She dropped to the basement floor and stood up.

"Hang on!" Vicky shouted out the window, "I'll open the front door!"

"Ok!" replied the voice.

Vicky was keen to meet her rescuer. Her face was a mess, covered in tears, but she felt a little happier that someone had been kind enough to help her. Vicky opened the front door. Before her stood a girl. About the same age as Vicky, short black hair. The most noticeable thing about this girl was she was fat.

"Man, is she fat," thought Vicky. She realized the girl must be around 200 pounds.

"Hi!" smiled the other girl shyly. Vicky thought she looked sweet.

"Hey, c'mon in!" said Vicky, "I'll get you a drink or something for saving me!"

The black haired girl waddled in. Her skin was pale, as Vicky noticed.

“How’d you get stuck?” asked the girl.

“Long story.” replied Vicky, “I’m Vicky.”

"My name is Ashlee." said the fat girl..........

(Click here for Melissa 10 - but see below. We suggest reading about Ashlee first.)

[Ashlee? Oh yes - she has a story of her own. You can find it here ).

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