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Missile Strike Kills 12 in Pakistan

Dimensions Magazine

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Brooklyn Red Leg

Anarcho-Capitalism FTW!
Mar 19, 2008
The United States has intensified missile strikes by drone aircraft in Pakistan's lawless Pashtun tribal lands in an effort to curb violence in Afghanistan, much of which U.S. officials say comes from militant sanctuaries on the Pakistani side.

Most of the missile attacks this year were carried out on militant targets in North Waziristan region.

In the latest strike, the missiles hit a house used by militants as a hideout near Mir Ali, the second major town of the region.

"We have reports that 12 militants were killed in the attack. The death toll could be more," an intelligence official in the region told Reuters.

He said Amir Moawia, an important Pakistani Taliban commander, was among the dead.

Another intelligence official said there were five foreigners among the slain militants but their nationalities could not be immediately confirmed.


Twelve 'militants'. Yea, and Iraq was in the process of reconstituting its WMD programs. Anyone who actually believes this horseshit needs help. At least 12 people got blown to kingdom come and its far easier to say they were 'militants who deserved to die' instead of 'oops, we fucking blew 12 brown people to kingdom come because, well, we think this is how you stop an insurgency'.

Of course, the few people talk about the fact that this is illegal under our own laws as there has been no declaration of war against Pakistan. At least 1400 people have lost their lives in US drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004. The claim is that ONLY 97 of them were civilians, which I call bullshit on.

Come on, O-Bots, how's that Hopey-Changey feeling now?

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