First, I have requested that the post be deleted because I do not want to be known as someone being proud of such immature behavior.
Secondly, I am happy that a few people realized I did not do that with bad intent.
I do not think I can make it clear how sorry I am for not realizing how offensive it could be.
Now, this is where my apologies end and if any of you hate me for what I am about to say then I really do not care at all.
1) Anyone who suggests that the reason these people act the way they do, or that all cops dislike civilians... you are just as guilty as being a narrow minded, stereotypical, low life.... as you accuse "all cops" of being. The fact is that some times when you work with the scum of the world, you start getting a distorted view of people... I am not justifying it, but not all cops are like that, if you think so, you are no better than the cops that were being assholes
2) I was proud of some of the positive stories that were found there... I also thought it was funny that some of the guys made it so clear they liked big girls, but are just not able to mentally admit it.
3) "you want an explanation towards their behavior? would anyone here like an explanation as to why they're such scum-sucking, mentally-challenged, gorillas? I've got one word for you: cops. They're cops."
-this goes back to number one, I forget what narrow minded loser said this, but WE risk our lives day in... and day out... for people. You know what, if a cop walks around with a chip on his shoulder... who cares, they do it becuase their lives are on the line constantly. I do not think that anyone here who speaks so negatively of Law Enforcement OFficers has any idea what that is like! The sad thing is, no matter how lowly you may think an officer is, they are there to protect you and will lay down their life in serving out that duty. I bet no one here who said that would care if a cop had an attitude if they were doing something to save that person's life.
i agree, a lot of the stuff that was said on there was immature and bad behavior... but there were some positive things to. sorry i brought it up, sorry it was offensive, but i regret that so many people here think cops are some type of low life scum... i have been in situations were a person that I was trying to helped clearly thought I was the scum of the unvierse, but it does not impact wether or not I am going to help them.
Secondly, I am happy that a few people realized I did not do that with bad intent.
I do not think I can make it clear how sorry I am for not realizing how offensive it could be.
Now, this is where my apologies end and if any of you hate me for what I am about to say then I really do not care at all.
1) Anyone who suggests that the reason these people act the way they do, or that all cops dislike civilians... you are just as guilty as being a narrow minded, stereotypical, low life.... as you accuse "all cops" of being. The fact is that some times when you work with the scum of the world, you start getting a distorted view of people... I am not justifying it, but not all cops are like that, if you think so, you are no better than the cops that were being assholes
2) I was proud of some of the positive stories that were found there... I also thought it was funny that some of the guys made it so clear they liked big girls, but are just not able to mentally admit it.
3) "you want an explanation towards their behavior? would anyone here like an explanation as to why they're such scum-sucking, mentally-challenged, gorillas? I've got one word for you: cops. They're cops."
-this goes back to number one, I forget what narrow minded loser said this, but WE risk our lives day in... and day out... for people. You know what, if a cop walks around with a chip on his shoulder... who cares, they do it becuase their lives are on the line constantly. I do not think that anyone here who speaks so negatively of Law Enforcement OFficers has any idea what that is like! The sad thing is, no matter how lowly you may think an officer is, they are there to protect you and will lay down their life in serving out that duty. I bet no one here who said that would care if a cop had an attitude if they were doing something to save that person's life.
i agree, a lot of the stuff that was said on there was immature and bad behavior... but there were some positive things to. sorry i brought it up, sorry it was offensive, but i regret that so many people here think cops are some type of low life scum... i have been in situations were a person that I was trying to helped clearly thought I was the scum of the unvierse, but it does not impact wether or not I am going to help them.