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My gainer comic, Michelle's Diary

Dimensions Magazine

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Just doodlin'
Sep 29, 2005
For those that don't know me, my name is Brenda, and I've been pretending I'm an artist, and been working at online comics since 1999, starting with the Ponderous Woman.

My current comic is called Michelle's Diary, and I just finished the 8th issue. All of my comics take place in the same "universe," so while Michelle's Diary contains no superhero antics, it deals with characters who are, or once were superheroes... and of course, it deals with fatness and weight gain! :p

The next 4-issue arc of the series will concentrate on the relationship between Jane (a hard-wired feeder) and her girlfirend, Michelle. I am really looking forward to (and a little initimidated about) drawing this one!

In the meantime, it is also the 15th Anniversary of the Ponderous Woman! So I'm soon going to start posting a special comic celebrating that, which will run over the summer.

Thanks for reading!

PS: the link is in my sig!

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