Hi I’m Zoe, this is my first time here I'm getting used to this site. I’m looking to meet and make genuine connections on this site. Unfortunately I have run into so many desperate and racist/transphobic individuals. “My self esteem could use a boost”
I’m 24 years old, I love space, I’m extremely intuitive with technologies, and my special talent is inhaling food xD
Parts of me wishes too be someone’s feedee but other parts tell me to be the feeder.
Regardless, It’s nice to meet you and I hope the community makes me feel more positive.
I’m 24 years old, I love space, I’m extremely intuitive with technologies, and my special talent is inhaling food xD
Parts of me wishes too be someone’s feedee but other parts tell me to be the feeder.
Regardless, It’s nice to meet you and I hope the community makes me feel more positive.