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Natalie Dormer - by Id (~BBW, ~MWG)

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The Id

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
~BBW, ~MWG - Natalie Dormer of The Tudors takes a break from acting and...well...you know the drill.

Natalie Dormer
By Id

“You were wonderful tonight!”

“Thank you so much!” Natalie Dormer said as she embraced her dear friend and agent, Alana Witter. Tonight was the closing of The Merchant of Venice, which had taken the West End by storm. Natalie had played a very empowered Portia in it, garnering praise from all the leading critics. The Times had called her performance “a stunning triumph…a dramatic masterpiece…Dormer is one of the brightest actors that Britain has to offer today.” At the ripe age of 27, Natalie Dormer’s crowning achievement thus far had been playing a particularly sensual Anne Boleyn in The Tudors. Boleyn had been no virgin when she’d first attracted Henry VIII’s attention and in Natalie the producers had found a woman who smoldered with sensuality.

Natalie was a stunner of a girl. She was a fair skinned beauty with rich brown hair and body that caused one to drool. It was firm, yet sensuous. Natalie was in excellent shape, which she’d shown when asked to do the nude scenes for The Tudors. Her stomach was completely flat, perhaps even concave. She had lithe limbs that seemed made to wrap around a man. Even her thighs were toned and slim. And there were a pert pair of breasts that invited lustful glances, and more, to top it all off.

Even with such an outstanding body, Natalie’s face was perhaps most beautiful thing about her. Everyone watching The Tudors had to agree when Thomas Boleyn tells his daughter that “those eyes of yours are like dark hooks for the soul.” Though Natalie had crystal clear blue eyes, the statement was true of her too. Her ivory white smile dazzled whenever it appeared, eliciting flashes from cameras many times. Natalie’s lips were inviting without being overfull. Out of them came a charming, upper crust English accented voice that was just as seductive as her body.

But there was one thing that always struck people when they looked at Natalie for the first time: her nose. At first, it was definitely not a positive feature. Her nostrils were just a little too large for her face. As one reviewer had said after her debut on The Tudors, “Dormer has more resemblance to a pig than she does to Anne Boleyn.” However, the more one looked at Natalie, the more one forgot there was anything about her nose at all that might have seemed off at the first place. But if you kept looking, you soon realized that Natalie’s nose was half of the reason that she was so attractive. Indeed, if her nose had been any different, she would have been less gorgeous than she was. The “imperfection” of her nose made her like a unique work of art, beautiful not only for its rarity but also for its own intrinsic beauty.

In short, everything about Natalie Dormer made her an outright knockout.

After a few more congratulations from the crew and her fellow cast, Natalie retired to her dressing room with Alan Witter to get out of her costume.

“It’s so exhilarating to be on the stage with a live audience!” Natalie gushed as she unlaced her dress, “You said the other day that there have been some casting agents who have already sent you inquiries?”

“That’s true,” Alana said as she took a seat in one of the chairs in the dressing room. She’d had to move two baskets of flowers from the chair, but finding a place for them amidst the sea of other bouquets was no easy task. In the end they just went on the floor. “Some of them are interesting.”

“Such as?” Natalie said as she stepped behind a screen to change.

“Well, one group wants you to be a female Richard III,” Alana said.


“There’s a new script I got from a playwright named Rob MacGregor. Edgy piece. Could take the West End by storm.”

“Tell me more,” Natalie said, poking her head and bare shoulders out from behind the screen.

“Well…it all depends on how you’d feel about playing Margaret Thatcher,” Alana said carefully.

Natalie shuddered. “Thank you but no. What else?”

Alana sighed. “Natalie, we could sit here all night talking about it. You should revel in the afterglow of a stunningly successful run here. There are parties to go to. We’ll talk about where you go tomorrow morning. That’s as much of your future as you need to plan.”

Natalie came out from behind the screen in a smart, short dress that would be perfect for the parties that Alana referenced, which undoubtedly would be held at some trendy club. “You always do know what’s best,” Natalie said, “Now come here and give me another hug before I scrub this makeup off and we go out and get trashed to celebrate.”


Natalie was laying on the couch in Alana’s office the next morning with a wet towel over her eyes. “When I said you knew what was best for me, I think I spoke too soon. This has got to be one of my worst hangovers ever.”

“Well you certainly earned it last night,” Alana said as she rubbed her temples. Though she wasn’t in as bad shape as Natalie, she’d still had to take a few ibuprofen to calm the beating she’d discovered insider her skull when she’d woken up in the morning. “However, take comfort in the fact that you’re still in better shape than some of my other clients. I won’t name names.”

“I don’t even want to know,” Natalie said as she sat up, “Maybe I’ll feel better if you talk to me about the offers you said you’d gotten.”

“Like I said, there are a lot. You’re a hot commodity right now,” Alana said, straightening herself up now that they were getting down to business, “As an agent, I’ll tell you that this is the big time. As your friend…”

“What?” Natalie asked.

“Natalie, you’ve been working so hard these last few years,” Alan said, “Honestly, I’m worried. I know you want to make it, but a little vacation wouldn’t hurt.”

“Alana, we don’t know if this is going to come around again. Actresses are a dime a dozen. If I leave now, there could be no offers by the time I get back, even if it’s for a month.”

“You’re exaggerating,” Alana interjected.

“Okay, maybe not a month, but still. I might be decently popular out here, but in Hollywood, where the real money is, I’m barely known,” Natalie said, “I don’t want to let this slip away now that I’ve finally got it within my grasp.”

“I know, I know,” Alana said, “But as your friend I’m afraid that you’re going to burn out Natalie. You are one of the most dedicated actors I know, but you’ve got to learn when to throttle it back. You just did six months on the West End for six nights a week and eight shows a week. That takes it out of anybody—including you.”

“Alana, I love you dearly, but are you seriously going to do this to me?” Natalie begged.

“Natalie, I’m not asking you to do anything but take a two month vacation. I swear to God that there will still be really great work for you when you get back,” Alana said, “Think of it is this way: you’re recharging your batteries so you can go at the next project with everything you’ve got. I guarantee you’ll do your best work if you just take a short breather and unwind a bit.”

Natalie sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. Alana had found the one argument that had any resonance for the aspiring star. “All right. You have me convinced. I’ll take a two month vacation—but not a day more!”

“I wouldn’t even think of suggesting it,” Alana said, “However, might I make a suggestion as to where to go?”

“Sure. Is it some place horribly tropical where I’ll lay on the beach all day and get a beautiful tan?” Natalie asked.

“Kind of,” Alana said, “I thought you might enjoy going somewhere that’s got a nice slow pace to it, but still has beautiful weather and proximity to urban life if you want it.”

Natalie raised her eyebrows inquiringly to indicate she wanted to hear more.

“Have you ever been to Santa Barbara, California?” Alana asked.


Alana knew an ex-producer who’d retired to Santa Barbara a few years back. After a few years of retirement the producer and her husband had eventually gotten wanderlust and had decided that they wanted to see more of the world. Their finances were strong enough that they were able to freely indulge that passion, so they did. However, being prudent people they didn’t want to leave their multimillion dollar home in the hills of Santa Barbara unattended for months at a time. As a result, they were thrilled when their friend Alan Witter recommended the young British starlet to them as a house sitter. They’d even tried to insist upon paying her, but Natalie had protested even before seeing the house. Those protests were only stronger once she saw the beautiful home she would be watching.

“Think of it as networking,” Alana had said to Natalie to further sell her on the idea back in Britian, “Joanna van der Loo still knows people in Hollywood and she doesn’t forget people easily. Trust me when I say this could advance your career more than any job you could do in the next two months.”

Natalie didn’t care about any of that at the moment. Alana had been right all along. It took a day, but the morning that she woke up and looked out the bedroom window at the sweeping vista of the Pacific Ocean it was like the tension melted from her shoulders. She quickly discovered that life in Santa Barbara was laid back, especially compared to the hectic pace that her life on the West End had been. Natalie found out that it was what one would expect for a college town situated on the beach—and she liked it.

Every day was much the same: Natalie got up whenever she felt like it (usually not any earlier than 9:00 AM, but more often than not it was later than that) and made herself some breakfast. She would then put on a smart bikini and sit on the deck and soak up some rays. She’d then head into the city and get some lunch if she didn’t feel like whipping something up herself before stopping at a museum or maybe the library. Then she’d have dinner and enjoy the nightlife, catch a movie (which oddly she hadn’t done much of when she’d been acting), or just relax at home. Occasionally Natalie would jump in the hot tub—sometimes without a bathing suit just to be daring.

A month passed. Natalie did next to nothing, but she loved it. Though she loved acting, she realized she could get used to this sort of thing. She couldn’t believe that people actually got paid to do this sort of thing. The producers had offered Natalie money “to cover her living expenses” while she watched their home a few weeks ago, but she’d declined. “Just being able to relax in such a gorgeous home is payment enough,” Natalie had protested over the phone to the van der Loos in Argentina, “Really, you don’t have to do anything.”

The weeks of inactivity after months of a frenetic life on the stage had an impact on Natalie’s physique. Of course, it wasn’t just the fact that she was lazing about all the time. Natalie had been cooked for when she’d lived in London simply because she had no time to cook for herself with eight shows a week. Her meals had been nutritious and healthy. Now that she had nothing to do, Natalie had signed up for free cooking classes just for something to do during the day. The recipes she learned were all delicious—and rather fattening. Even as Natalie began to branch out and learn from cookbooks, she tended to pick the dishes that she didn’t realize had higher calorie counts. All that added intake was sure to wind up somewhere on Natalie’s frame.

However, after just a month, Natalie didn’t really appear to have gained that much weight. The truth was that she’d been so thin for all of her roles that now she looked much like a normal woman. Sure, her stomach wasn’t exactly flat, but it also didn’t garner any attention. Her breasts looked like they were just slightly bigger, reminiscent of ripe apples now. Her thighs didn’t look that lithe anymore, but then again nobody ever looked too closely at them, including Natalie. Natalie’s face was unchanged, and as a result, she was recognized from time to time around town by people who had seen The Tudors and just wanted to congratulate her on a really great job on the show.

The truth was that Natalie had actually jumped up a size in clothing, but she didn’t know it. No one had ever told her that pant sizes in America were actually smaller than in the United Kingdom. When she shopped at the various boutiques around Santa Barbara, Natalie bought size 8, her regular size. In reality, the clothing she was buying was two dress numbers bigger than her regular wardrobe. That meant that Natalie was putting on weight without even realizing it.

This only allowed her new habits to become deeply entrenched in her relaxed lifestyle. It was now second nature for Natalie to lay about and do nothing for an entire day while eating delicious meals, and sometimes even snacking in between. It was no surprise that one a day when Natalie had a particularly pesky case of the munchies she decided to check out a bakery in Goleta near the university that she’d heard was one of the best in town.

Natalie stepped out of her Prius (which in reality was owned by the producer who had said she should feel free to drive it about town) and took a look at the Edeleweiss Bakery. It didn’t look like much from the outside, but if what she was smelling was made inside that bakery…then it might as well be heaven. Natalie followed her nose and opened the door, nearly bumping into a large, rotund blonde girl in a UCSB sweatshirt who had quite a rack on her.

“Oh sorry!” the girl said. She had two boxes that Natalie guessed were probably full of donuts in them, and by the size of her Natalie suspected that she wasn’t intending to share them with anyone else. “Bye guys!”

“Bye Jenna! Say hi Tom!” an equally corpulent brunette said from behind the counter. Though she had on a huge apron, it still couldn’t cover all of her girth. Natalie couldn’t even fathom how much the brunette must weigh.

With such fat people working and shopping here, the food is probably good, though, a voice in the back of Natalie’s head said. She didn’t exactly know where the voice was coming from, but she didn’t have time to analyze it.

“Hi there,” the big girl behind the counter said, “Need a second to look things over?”

“Yeah,” Natalie said as she stepped up to the display case. Now she wasn’t so sure about what had been in the blonde girl’s box. This was no mere donut shop. This was a real confectionary of delights. There were definitely a wide assortment of donuts on the racks behind the counter, but inside the display case were dazzling creations. Éclairs, turnovers, cakes, cookies, pies, strudel, bear claws, cinnamon rolls, and other pastries that Natalie couldn’t quite name, but they looked insanely delicious.

“Wow, everything looks so good,” Natalie said, looking up at the girl behind the counter. She looked to be about Natalie’s age and had the name “Nina” embroidered on her apron. “I bet everybody says that when they come in here.”

“Only the first few times. Then they usually figure out their favorites and know just what they want,” Nina said with a broad smile.

“But how could they? It all looks delicious!” Natalie said. She didn’t even realize that the tip of her tongue was wetting her lips just slightly as she perused the selections in eager anticipation.

“Sounds like you’re a perfect candidate for this new idea we’ve got,” another girl said as she waddled ponderously out of the kitchen in the back. This new girl was just as elephantine as Nina, perhaps slightly more so. Most of her weight was concentrated in a vast gut that hung well over the waist of her stretched sweatpants behind her apron. This wasn’t to ignore the fact that she had huge boobs as well that appeared to rest on her giant tummy. Her long black hair and fair skin made her look like an obese Snow White. “Oh, by the way, I’m Laurel and this is Nina. We own the place,” she said. She wiped flour off of her hand onto her apron before extending it.

Natalie took the fleshy hand, albeit with a slight degree of hesitation that she carefully concealed. “I’m Natalie. What’s this new idea you mentioned?”

“Well, so many people think that we’ve got so many great things that we thought about maybe having a service where for a few weeks we’d send you a box with four different pastries each morning, delivered straight to your home so they’re nice and warm when you get up in the morning. It’s primarily designed for offices, but individuals could order it too. After a couple weeks, you’d have gone through everything.”

Natalie nodded and couldn’t believe what she said next. “That sounds like a great idea. How do I sign up?”

“Really?” Laurel said, bouncing up and down, setting her flesh jiggling, “Let me just get the form and we’ll get everything set in just a minute.”

As Laurel waddled off as fast as her flabby legs would carry her, Natalie turned to Nina and said, “By the way, can I get one of those apple turnovers and a couple of those chocolate donuts back there? I just can’t stop craving them!”

Before Natalie even left the bakery, she’d already eaten her first order from Edelweiss and was asking for a cinnamon roll to take on the road with her.


When the doorbell rang two weeks later, Natalie eagerly jumped out of bed and threw a robe on. It was the morning of the last delivery in the cycle from the Edelweiss Bakery and she was salivating with anticipation. Each morning starting the day after her first visit to Edelweiss had brought a hand delivered box at 9:30 each morning. Natalie had set the time for the delivery to make sure she was wide awake when they arrived so the delivery person wouldn’t be waiting. However, now the doorbell jolted her out of a long, restful slumber. Natalie had become even lazier over the last two weeks. It couldn’t be known for sure whether the treats from Edelweiss had anything to do with it, but it had been roughly at the same time that she’d grown even more laid back.

What was for sure was that the boxes were fuller than Natalie expected. Laurel had said that each box would contain four different delights, and that had been true. On the first day Natalie discovered that her box contained a chocolate glazed donut, a raspberry danish, a chocolate covered croissant, and a giant blueberry muffin. What surprised Natalie was that there were two more of each type for a full dozen.

“Oh it’s no mistake,” Nina said over the phone when Natalie called, “We don’t have any smaller boxes and we honestly thought it would be a waste of space if we didn’t fill it up for you.”

Natalie hung up, still in a semi-shock at the fact that there would be a dozen pastries delivered each morning for the next two weeks. However, she soon calmed down and decided that she’d just go to some of her neighbors and offer them some of the treats. By 10:45, having had one of each, Natalie decided that it could wait until tomorrow. It was nearly lunchtime, so it would be just silly to go offering breakfast pastries at this hour. She’s bring them by tomorrow. Of course, if she got hungry, maybe she’d snack on one or two during the day. By 3:00 PM, they were all gone. Each new box seemed to disappear a little bit faster each day until yesterday, when Natalie had eaten the entire box by 10:30 as she sat on the deck looking out at the Pacific Ocean.

It wasn’t just Natalie’s breakfast that had grown bigger. Her lunches were larger, snacks were never far from hand, dinner was always hearty, and dessert was a given. A midnight snack was not out of the question either. It should also be noted that the most exercise Natalie was getting these days was walking about the supermarket to fill her cart, into boutiques to pick up some new clothes (size 10s were now making up most of Natalie’s wardrobe but she was threatening to spill out of them), or into an ice cream store for a midday treat during errands

As a result, it should have come as no surprise that Natalie was now looking much chubbier than when she’d first placed the order for two weeks’ worth of morning treats. Her figure had grown fuller and more womanly. For one of the first times in her life Natalie finally sported some real hips. There had been a slight outward bend in her physique just above her legs a month and a half ago, but now there was a smooth, sensual curve. More than that, there was now a thin layer of extra padding that covered almost all of Natalie’s body. It softened her arms ever so slightly, added an extra little jiggle to her thighs and calves, gave an extra bounce to her breasts. But Natalie had also grown a belly. It wasn’t that big as most bellies went, but it was there all the same, pooching out over the elastic waist of her sweatpants. Her belly was no longer anywhere close to flat. It definitively curved outwards, crying out for more food.

All in all, Natalie had become a very chubby girl—and a very hungry one. As she stampeded down the stairs to get to the door, her entire body bounced with each footfall. Skidding to the door didn’t help it settle down and Natalie’s body took an extra second to come to a halt after she flung open the front door.

“Good morning Bobby!” Natalie said. She wasn’t usually much of a morning person, but she was always bright and cheery when Bobby the delivery boy rang the door. Bobby worked part-time for Edelweiss making their morning deliveries before his afternoon classes at UCSB.

“Hi Natalie,” the lanky Bobby replied. Though there were two dozen deliveries that he made in a given morning he often just handed the box over with a mumble before leaving. Not so with Natalie, who’d instantly learned his name and always smiled so widely at him. Besides, she had that British accent. Listening to her talk was rather sexy. “Here you go.”

“And what did you bring me today?” Natalie said as she eagerly lifted open the top of the box, “Oh! Black bottom cupcakes, jelly donuts (they must be the raspberry ones), strawberry tarts, and—oh my God, beignets! With extra powdered sugar!!”

“Just for you,” Bobby said. He didn’t know whether or not it was true, but he felt like saying it just the same.

Natalie had already grabbed one of the jelly donuts and bit into it. “This is so delicious. You should really have one,” Natalie said through a mouthful of donut.

“That sounds nice, but you know I have to make my other deliveries,” Bobby said.

“Oh come on Bobby,” Natalie said, turning puppy dog eyes on the delivery boy, “We could sit on the deck and share a beignet…”

From her physique and past experience he knew that sharing anything inside that box wasn’t really Natalie’s style. However, the her voice was so sultry that the real suggestion underlying her words couldn’t be missed. A small part of Bobby wanted to take her up on it…but not only did he have deliveries to make, but he had a girlfriend too. Still, he let his eyes linger on the twin bulges beneath Natalie’s robe that were her sensual breasts. Even so obscured, they were inviting.

“I wish I could, but Laurel and Nina are counting on me. Maybe another time?” Bobby said.

“That’s too bad…but I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble,” Natalie said as she handed over a couple of dollars to thank Bobby for his effort, “See you around.”

“Bye,” Bobby said as he trotted away from the door. Natalie took the opportunity to ogle his butt. As butts went, his was rather fine. It was such a shame he wasn’t able to stay.

However, it was only a momentary pause. Before Bobby was even in his car Natalie had shut the door and retreated to the kitchen where she opened up the box of confections for her breakfast. Actually, truth be told, Natalie from time to time did have a real breakfast as well, frying up an egg and making some toast, but usually her dozen delights from the Edelweiss Bakery were enough to satisfy her rumbling belly in the morning.

Natalie went through one of each of the four different pastries, saving the beignet for last. It didn’t disappoint. It was every bit as tasty as it looked, if not better. As she licked the remnants of powdered sugar off of her fingers, she picked up the house phone and placed a call.

“Nina! It’s Natalie….Yes, I just got the last box today. It was simply amazing. I’ve never had anything so good in my life….Oh the beignets were the best….No question about it. The black bottom cupcakes were so good it was sinful….I’ll be honest, I’ve never been much for jelly donuts. It was still pretty good though. I mean, even your muffins are good and I usually hate muffins….They were scrumptious. But it’s not fair really. I’m a sucker for tarts….All in all it was a very positive experience,” Natalie said as she cradled the phone with her shoulder while she reached for another black bottom cupcake, “What? You’ve had forty orders for the two week package since me? That’s great Nina! They’re just going to love it. I know I did….

“Yeah, speaking of that, I was thinking…I’m going to be here for another couple of weeks. Could you keep sending boxes each morning?…That’d be great. But—and I love you to death—but no muffins, please. They’re great and all, but you do so many other things so much better….Oh, one more thing Nina, if it’s not too much trouble.

“Would it be too much trouble to make sure Bobby delivers them? He’s always so nice in the morning,” Natalie said. She smiled to herself as she popped the last bit of cupcake in.


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