Dickinson College program tackles fat stigma in a weeklong Love Your Body event
As an added bonus, at this posting there hasn't been any negative comments, despite this article having been linked to by Fark (and they've more than made up for this lack on their forum, as per usual).
This article has lots of ups and downs (the subject of the article was in a mental facility because of pressure to lose weight, plus three members of her family have had stomach surgery) but is generally favorable towards Health At Every Size.article said:They seemed to spill from the pages of summer fashion ads this week. Impossibly toned bodies. Women in denim, short-shorts and clingy blouses, men in cargo shorts and tight tees.
The week’s premature warmth didn’t send them scurrying to fitness centers and tanning salons. Their bodies already seem perfect
However, for others, the switch from long pants to bare legs can feel like torture.
People start dropping the f-word. As in, “I’m so fat.”
Laeli Sharifi won’t be pulled in.
As an added bonus, at this posting there hasn't been any negative comments, despite this article having been linked to by Fark (and they've more than made up for this lack on their forum, as per usual).