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New person with a question ...

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New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Hi there,
I'm new here. It's taken me a while to get up the courage to join and post. This was sort of mart of my new years reolution.

I'm a 21 year old lady, and I've recently discovered my desire to gain. I've always been a shameless eater, and being bisexual I've always admired larger women. There's something I've found so mesmerising about goddess-like curves and the touch of soft, smooth fleshy skin.

I've got a question, but first a bit about myself.

Any way, I've been in a steady relationship with a really nice guy for a few years now, and it's only been within this relationship that I've discovered my desire to gain, to grow myself into the large, godess-like form I have admired for so long.

Herein lies the interesting part. The man I'm in this relationship with, I think, has definite feeder tendancies. He's a fabulous cook and always asks me "was that enough dinner" or "Are you hungry". He seems to always be concerned that I might be hungry. He's also especially recently taken to rubbing my belly and grasping handfuls of my flesh and playing with my breasts.

I'm not sure if he's noticed, but I have ballooned somewhat since I moved in with him. When we met, I was a size 8. I'm now a size 16, bordering on 18. Not that I mind, its quite the opposite. I love looking in the mirror at myself - where my breasts used to be small c cups, they're now DD, bordering on e cups. My thighs have ballooned and they now rub together when I walk, and jiggle a little. Even my belly has finally started to grow, and I'm getting a nice, round thing that finally touches the tops of my thighs when I sit down.

The other day, as an experiment, I asked him if he thoguht I'd gained weight. He said "A little, but I wouldn't worry, you're beautiful however you are." The interesting thing was right after I asked him this, he asked me if I was hungry and if there was anything he could get me, and that I should never not eat for worry of my weight.

going on this description, do you think that my partner knows about my feeder tendencies? Do you think he enjoys my growth and is trying to feed me up? Not that I'd mind if he did, its quite the opposite really. I love thinking about my growth, and when he's not home I stuff myself silly with ice cream, chocolate and pasta. I love the thoguht of growing and growing, and nothing would give me more pleasure then to grow myself to goddess-like proportions.

What should I do? I'm worried that Ive got mixed signals here and he's not really into feeding me and I don't want to lose him because hes such a nice and accepting guy. Should I tell him, or should I just let him continue to serve me large meals and just grow this way?

On another tangent, its great to see that there are other people that share my fantasy. I really thought I was alone in this, but it seems not. Any advice or words of encouragement in my weight gain quest would be cool.
