Im just wondering if there are any folks from NZ on this website?
Its great getting to know you all, no matter where you come from, but its hard for me to set up a walking/ support/ what ever group with you if you live on the other side of the world
So are there any Kiwis out there that would be interested in chatting, about any thing really, but preferably NOT sexualy related, if you dont mind Or possibly starting fat positive meetings in NZ?
Get in touch if youd like to
Its great getting to know you all, no matter where you come from, but its hard for me to set up a walking/ support/ what ever group with you if you live on the other side of the world
So are there any Kiwis out there that would be interested in chatting, about any thing really, but preferably NOT sexualy related, if you dont mind Or possibly starting fat positive meetings in NZ?
Get in touch if youd like to