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BHM Norwegian Wood

Dimensions Magazine

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Mar 26, 2024
After loosing his friend BHM Stian is hiding from life. Sharing his love for music, his friend and colleague Ola persuades him to join his band. Meeting Nelly the sympathetic and gentle piano player changes everything. Nelly is drawn to Stian but has to conquer her own prejudices.

And please be kind, for english is not my native language. ☺️

Norwegian Wood
BHM, FFA (coming out), Romance, slow burn, found family, he falls first


Nelly shivered and wrapped her arms around her body. Being so early, it was still cold inside of the club and not very crowded. She shifted from one foot to the other, looking over the dance floor and observing the few other visitors. A young muscular guy in a Guns`n Roses Shirt was leaning against one of the columns that divided the dance floor from the sitting area. Since the theme of the Night was “Rock Classics” he was dressed adequate in his black skinny jeans and his 80ies Style Converse Sneakers. Her gaze drifted. A group of Card Players sat at a table; a lean young guy, who had painted his face like Alice Cooper sipping his beer and standing nearby three girls in leather skirts and band Shirts, giggling and ogling the muscular Guns`n Roses Fan. But none of her friends she was waiting for amongst them.

Of course, Mona was late as always. But where were Nina and her best friend Bibi. She was longing for their company, after a long and tiring work day. It had been parent`s day at school and in her opinion working , playing and teaching the kids was less exhausting than speaking with either over-ambitious or too little interested parents. Nelly shook her head and took a deep sip of her Coke. At least it was Friday night; she was here to forget about work and to see her friends, before Ola would pick her up for band rehearsal later that night.
Not that it would be very successful since their lead guitarist moved a month ago and they still hadn’t found a replacement. But now was not the time to speculate. With a bit of luck the DJs would not only play Alice Cooper and Guns`n Roses, but also a few Indie Classics from her childhood like Nirvana or Pearl Jam and her friends would be here soon. Thinking of them, her eyes wandered to the entrance of the vaulted cellar.

But what was that. A large man descended the stairs, entered the arched room and stopped on the dance floor. He turned his head as if he was looking for someone. Nelly seldom set eyes on such a huge body. Normally she thought it rude to stare, but there was something about him that made her keep her eyes on him. A strange tickle was forming inside of her stomach, creeping all over her body, warm and smoothing. Slightly trembling she kept her eyes on him. And since he was standing in the spotlight of the dancefloor, he was well apparent. The lamp casting golden highlights in his fair, chin-length hair, that was framing soft classical features. He was tall with broad shoulders, wearing a Metal-Shirt with illegible artificial lettering. Even though it was black, it does nothing to slim his broad figure. His belly was hanging heavy beyond his waistline, wrapping his torso with thick love-handles. The tight fabric of his Shirt showed of a meaty chest.
Nelly couldn`t look away, heat stirring her insides. Mesmerized she watched his gut wobbling as he balanced his weight from one foot to the other, than he stiffened. And as she lifted her eyes, he looked directly into her face. Nelly tried an apologetic smile, relived he couldn`t notice her blushing due to the half-light of the club. Frowning he turned around and walked to the opposite corner of the dancefloor.

Nelly lowered her head. Stomach twitching and heat pulsating in her ears. She felt embarrassed. Surely he considered her judging and shallow. She knew exactly how it felt being stared at and measured; she had been bullied in her schooldays for being shy and book wise and was called a teachers-pet. It was not until she went to university in Heidelberg, she made real friends. Beside books music was her cure. And over their shared love for Rock and Metal, Bibi and she befriended each other. They moved together and since then were inseparable.

Thinking about Bibi, Nelly felt someone nudge her shoulder. “Hey, are you daydreaming? What are you staring at?” Bibi grinned at her. Sparkling green eyes, brown curls framing a slim face with a short turned up freckled nose.

“You mean: who?” Mona exclaimed. Her shrill voice drowning the Intro of Nothing else matters. “I guess this hottie with the Guns`n Roses Shirt on.” She flipped her straight silky black hair over her shoulder, like always aware everyone in the club admiring her.

“Oh my gosh, he´s taken a time machine and came straight from the eighties.” Nina piped up. She wore a simple dress with spaghetti straps, emphasizing her petite form. Her blond bob corresponding to her elegant fine features with the small nose.

Nelly couldn´t hold it and started to laugh. “Oh no, not this muscular chock!”
She couldn`t help it. Even if she could not explain why, her eyes were drawn to the chubby guy opposite of the dance floor. He fiddled with a pack of cigarettes, finally tore the cellophane apart.

Mona followed her gaze. “Oh look at this fatty. Seems like he never opened a pack before.” She took a cigarette out of her own handbag and put it in her mouth. “Although he`s obvious used to open food packaging and chocolate wrappers, crisp bags”, she said between compressed lips, wrinkling her nose in revulsion.

“Don`t be rude!”, Bibi yelled vehement.
Nelly smiled, still not used to the assertiveness of such a sweet person.

The big boy tried to light up his cigarette, but it didn`t work. Only a few sparks appeared. He shaked the pocket lighter and tried again. But nothing happened.

At the same time Mona took out her own lighter and lighted her cigarette. Dragged deep and exhaled the smoke.
Nelly who stood right beside her, waved her hand. Like always being selfcentered and mindless, her friend Mona didn`t notice she blew the smoke directly in Nellys direction.
She sighed. As much as she liked coming to this music club, she hated being muffled in smoke and preferred going to non-smoking locations.

Nelly blinked. The smoke stung in her eyes. Through the fume she saw a large silhouette approaching, coming to an halt directly before Mona, who battered her eyes in astonishment, then staring.
Now that the big boy stood right in front of them, Nelly could make out his features. She estimated him a few years older than herself, in his late twenties or early thirties. His face was regular with a straight nose. A shadow lay over his big brown eyes. And he bit his lips as he cast his eyes on Monas face.
She turned her head to face him. Lashes lowered and chin up. “What do you want?” Her voice was like ice. Nelly felt it cutting even above the Slayers guitar riffing.
He hold up his cigarette, mumbled something Nelly could not understand and smirked shyly.
“How dare you make a move on me, fatty?” Mona wrinkled her nose again and tossed back her hair. “F**k off!”
He stood there rooted, looking at Mona in astonishment, something dark flickering in his gaze.
Mona dragged on her cigarette and blew the smoke directly in his face. “Disgusting pig!”

He blinked and bowed his head. Seeing the hurt in his face, Nellys heart was freezing. She felt as if icewater was pouring inside her breast. Feeling simultaneously ashamed of Monas behavior and sorry for the big boy. Without thinking she touched his upper arm. It was just a second, but she recognized the little pillow of fat over his elbow, the softness of his skin and the fine lines of a tattoo poking out of the short sleeve of his t-shirt. The hem of it digging in his soft flesh as his muscles tensed.
She gulped and looked up. Her guts cramped as their eyes met. His countenance was frozen, he looked daggers at her. Frowning he shook her of and stumped of, leaving her at the edge of the dancefloor. Her heart beating fast as she heard the first sounds of Blue Oyster Cults Don´t fear the Reaper.
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