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Open letter to Discovery Cove, Orlando FL.

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Sep 29, 2005
Beware: At Discovery Cove you must wear a company supplied wet suit and vest which sizes are limited up to 18. Although, they have admitted that they do have one "Very, Very large suit which must be reserved in advance". Here is my open letter. I'm waiting for a response.
If you'd like to contact Mr. Frank W. Taylor @ Discovery Cove:
[email protected] http://www.discoverycove.com

Dear Mr. Taylor,

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately your wet suit/vest sizing cannot accommodate my group.
We are plus-sized women and most of us range from sizes 20 and up. My question is what do we do in
this situation? You said we cannot bring our own wet suit attire.
Are we able to enjoy the same experience by not wearing a wet suit or vest at all?

I surmize that this may not be allowed, because of the colder temperature of the water.

If not, may I strongly suggest that you post this information on your site. (Perhaps your FAQ board).
I will not apologize for my size, nor should any other paying plus-sized potential visitor.
However, I am concerned that you will have HUNDREDS of upset visitors who have paid for their families to
have a beautiful experience with a Dolphin, and end up being embarrassed and led away from their
group, unable to attend because of oversight on your company that overweight guests do not deserve
the same experience.

Most overweight people will not be advocates for themselves. They will book a wonderful day at Discovery Cove
because their families or friends are excited to go. I, Myself, could have gone... and found myself embarrassed
at your counter.

Your comment that you have one very, very large size available is quite saddening.
How would a guest know to request it to be reserved? How can you believe that one such suit would
only be needed on a casual basis? On an average day Discovery Cove invites 1,000+ visitors, but expects
only one fat person (over size 18) to attend?

Please give me the name and title to whom my group can address their concerns.
We are a plus-sized message board with 1,000+ members, some affilliated with NAAFA.

I appreciate your assistance. I would like to experience Discovery Cove, and so would my friends.

Allie "".

I'm not allowed to post his first response as per privacy, but basically it told me about the size limitation to 18. (18XL for Men) and their 1 fat suit.

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