Hi, I came to this site when I was searching thru my blog's webstats and saw 147 people have linked over from this forum in the last couple of days. I searched for my URL, name, nickname...and turned up nothing!
My URL is www.flowerdust.net, it's just my personal blog where I write down random thoughts for my friends and family, but evidently somewhere someone has posted a link since that is a lot of links coming to my site.
(I promise this isn't a spam or "bad" link...I work at a church! I just want to know who, where, and why someone is linking to my site! ) Honestly, it's kinda freaking me out!!!
If you can help me at all please reply to this message.
My URL is www.flowerdust.net, it's just my personal blog where I write down random thoughts for my friends and family, but evidently somewhere someone has posted a link since that is a lot of links coming to my site.
(I promise this isn't a spam or "bad" link...I work at a church! I just want to know who, where, and why someone is linking to my site! ) Honestly, it's kinda freaking me out!!!
If you can help me at all please reply to this message.