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Project G2, by Anonymous (USSBBW, ~~FA, Feeding, Stuffing, Inflation, ~Sex, XXWG)

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donuts at the finish line
May 20, 2006
[USSBBW, ~~FA, Feeding, Stuffing, Inflation, ~Sex, XXWG] - Your tax dollars at work in an expansive government project

Project G2
By Anonymous

(This story has been edited, reformatted and migrated from
the Weight Room Anonymous Alcove archive)

Carl reread the ad as he had placed it before he went into the post office.

I need 3 young women between the ages of 18 and 32 to take part in a government-sponsored project on nutrition. Applicants must be in good health, weigh under 115 pounds, and be able to relocate for 3 months. You will receive room and board, and on completion of the project you will get cash payment of $15,000. Interested parties reply to H.C.F., PO Box 1324,West Derring, RI, 09945​
Carl was pleased to find many envelopes in the box. He took them back to his office and began to read them. Three of them stood out.

The first was from a 19-year old student at Rhode Island University named Cndy. She described herself as 5'4" tall and weighing 105 pounds. He was sure that she would do fine, and called the number to set up an interview.

His second choice was from a 32-year old housewife whose husband would be in Europe for the next 6 months. He hired Barbara right over the phone, giving her the office address and telling her to report the following Monday at 9:00 am.

The last girl he also hired over the phone. He knew she was right by the picture she had sent. She was tall and very slim with dark hair that framed a face that held lots of promise.

Tomorrow he would see Cindy, and if she was the right one, he would start getting everything ready for Monday.


All morning long Carl was fidgety waiting for 10:30 when he would meet Cindy. When he opened the door in response to her knock he knew right off that she would be perfect. She had long red hair that cascaded down her back all the way to her 16-inch waist.

Cindy sat in the chair he offered in complete ease.

Carl explained to her that the project was going to see how different women metabolized food. Members of the team would be housed in their own rooms on site for the duration of the project. He went on to say that they would be given carefully measured and nutritious meals through out the day, and that they would be both photographed and video taped at various times during the project. And he told her that possibly there might be some weight gain.

This last statement he knew was a lie, because he was sure there would be a great deal of weight gain.

Just as he expected, Cindy agreed to the project, just as the other two had. The idea of the big payoff at the end sold each of them. Carl told Cindy to report at 7 am Monday and escorted her to the door. After she left he started to make his preparations for the project. He carefully went over menus, feeding times, outside stimulus, etc. The whole weekend was spent in staff meetings.

Cindy showed up right on time Monday, and Carl showed her to the processing center. Here she was weighed and measured. He watched as the information was entered into the computer. Weight: 104.8 lbs., Bust: 32.6 inches, Waist: 16 inches, Hips: 33 inches. Basal metabolic rate 14.75 calories per pound. Calculated maintenance calories 1545.8 per day.

This was all very important to the future course of Cindy's part of the project. After she was finished at the processing center she was taken to her room. He would have gone with her, but the second member of the project arrived and Carl was anxious to see her.

Barbara was 5'5" and 115 pounds, and extremely busty for her weight. She measured 36- 25-38 and showed a very low rate of burn of only 6 calories per pound. Carl tapped a note into his terminal that Barbara would spend the last 60 days on the machine

All three women were now in their rooms and Carl watched the monitors of each in turn. The three rooms were about 15' by 15' and furnished with a large soft bed, a color TV, and a table that would roll over to the bed so the girls wouldn't have to get up to eat.

Cindy was lying on the bed watching TV. Each channel she selected had a different commercial for what at first glance looked like a weight loss product, but as she watched more of them she saw that they were backwards. A robust redhead stood by a blow-up of a skinny girl and said, "That was me before I discovered Ultra-Cal. I was so thin I could hide behind a phone pole. But now that I started out on the Ultra-Cal program, I have gained 75 pounds, and my phone never stops ringing."

Cindy laughed out loud at the idea that anyone would actually want to get fat, but at the same time the image of the obviously happy girl played in her mind, producing the desired subliminal effect. She was being conditioned to be receptive to the idea of major gaining.

Carl switched the monitor to Barbara's room. She was sitting on the bed reading what she thought were your average glamour magazines. Each one she looked at though featured some very fat and attractive models and stories like "I threw away my diet books and found my husband" and "The Big Woman's Guide to getting Him to Bed." There were recipes for many rich and fattening dishes.

Barbara started reading a story about a young wife who after dieting down from 225 to 115 pounds lost her husband. While she got deeper into the story, Carl noticed she was absent-mindedly rubbing her flat belly.

He was about to check on the third girl when his buzzer went off. That meant they were ready to try the feeding machine for the last lab trial before it was put into use. He shut off the screen and hurried down the hall to the lab.

When he got to the lab, Jim was standing there with a huge grin on his face. "Well, we have all the bugs worked out at last," Jim said. "We have had the chimp on a steadily increasing diet, and she is now ready for the Automated Gorging Machine."

Carl watched as the chimp was seated in the scale chair. The read-out said 45 pounds. The chimp greedily took the nipple-like device from Jim and began sucking happily.

"The machine has been loaded with compacted gorging jell for a 45-pound weight gain, also mixed in is an appetite stimulant," Jim continued, "Unless the chimp becomes really uncooperative, there is no force involved, but the volume of product increases with the amount of suction applied by the user. So if the chimp draws 3 ounces in the first minute, 6 ounces will be delivered in the next, and then 12, 24, and so on, until the machine is empty."

Carl was only half listening. He was busy watching the scale's steadily rising numbers: 45,55,70,85,90. The chimp began to complain when the machine ran out, but after doubling her weight, was taken back to her room. Carl couldn't wait until he could see the results on a real woman.

Carl hurried back to the monitor area and switched over in time to see Jane finishing a small snack that she had brought with her. Her room was decorated with wallpaper showing all the of Ruben's glorious fat females. He watched as Jane walked around the room looking at them and sometimes tracing their outline with a slender finger. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He watched as one of the lab assistants opened the door with the lunch tray. He placed it on the rolling table and left.

Jane sat on the bed and uncovered the tray. It didn't look like much: a large hamburger, French fries, and a chocolate shake. She could handle this no problem.

Jane started in on her lunch, and Carl changed to look into the other two rooms where each of the other girls were duplicating the same event. They would spend the first week getting normal sized meals, with only one percent appetite stimulant added, and then the size and number of times they would eat would be increased.

After the first 2 weeks the changes in the women were dramatic. While all three were still slim by any standard, when Carl compared the stills and videos, he could readily see where each girl was starting to fill-out as a result of their active overeating. Cindy's 16-inch waist now measured 20 inches. Barbara's face had taken on a soft, rounded appearance, and Jane did all she could to get her jeans zipped, only to give up with a sigh of resignation and put on a loose sweatshirt that did little to hid her perky little belly.

The meals were also getting larger, and more frequent. After the first week they were being served on request, and they were requesting more often. Carl was certain that the first one would be ready for the machine in another two weeks.

Carl made a note that he would try Barbara on the machine on Friday, with the other two to follow at the end of the next week. He called the lab and told one of the assistants to get the machine ready for a 25-pound gain for the next morning.

After hanging up he looked at the most recent printout on Barbara. In the past two weeks she had gained 12 pounds, and added to her figure: 2 inches on her bust, 3 on her waist, and 4 inches on her hips. By the time she got off the "Growth Machine" tomorrow, she should weigh 175 pounds and sport a 40-32-40 inch figure. A shiver of anticipation ran up his spine.

Carl entered the lab and walked to Barbara's side. He told her that she would be strapped into the chair only to protect herself from injury, and that in no way would she be harmed. He also explained that the machine operated on a demand basis, in that the more she took, the more product would be delivered. Barbara shook her head in understanding as the helmet and feeding tube would not allow her to speak. After a final check, Carl switched on the machine and turned to watch Barbara's progress.

She sucked slowly at first, maybe a half-ounce a minute. After the first few minutes, the stimulant stated to take effect, and he could see Barbara sucking greedily on the feeding tube. He watched also as the scale started to clime. 152…154…160…165...

At the end of a half hour the machine was empty and the scale read 178 pounds. Barbara's denim mini-skirt was torn to shreds, and her ribbed tank top was stretched to bursting trying to contain her suddenly huge breasts, and round, ripe belly.

She was asking to stay on the machine for a while more, and was only removed when one of the lab assistants brought her a black forest cake and promised another when she got back to her room. Carl watched as she waddled out, stuffing cake into her mouth.

"Who should be next?" he thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Cindy standing there, a bag of cookies in her hand and dab of chocolate on the corner of her mouth.

"I'm sorry I snuck in here," she said, "But I was bored. I got so hot watching what had happened to Barbara, I was wondering when it would be my turn."

Carl was shocked. "You mean you want to go on the machine?", he stammered.

"You Mummphbet," Cindy said around a mouth full of cookies. "As soon as I can."

Carl walked her into the lab and fastened her in the chair. He would have to do this himself, because the rest of the crew was off for the afternoon, having been successful with Barbara.

He knew he shouldn't, but he added enough gelatin for a 100 pound gain and switched on the machine. Cindy sucked and gulped at the feeding tube with a frenzy.

Carl looked at the gauges: she was taking almost 10 ounces a minute. He watched Cindy grow before his eyes. She looked like a balloon that was slowly, but steadily being inflated.

After the few moments her jeans exploded from her growing form, and her t-shirt could no longer contain her upper torso. Carl walked to the chair, trying to hide his painfully large erection from Cindy's view. Carl walked slowly around the chair, admiring Cindy's growing form. She had been on the machine only about a half hour and already the scale showed a 40-pound weight gain.

He gazed longingly at her thighs, now dimpled with cellulite, and starting to press against one another. At her double chin and dimpled cheeks, made more prominent by the feeding tube and her sucking motions. He had removed the arm straps because the fat on her wrists had started to overlap the leather. He looked again at her face, eyes closed in ecstasy.

Carl was about to turn and walk back to the control console, when he felt something brush his leg. He looked down to see Cindy's fat fingers brushing his pulsing erection through his slacks. He knew what he was about to do was unprofessional, but he couldn't stop himself even if he wanted to.

Carl unzipped his fly and took out his rigid manhood. Cindy took him in her fat hand and began stroking slowly at first. Then her tempo increased to keep time with her sucking motions on the machine.

Carl looked at her and imagined that it was he that was filling her up, causing her belly to fold over itself. Fattening her arms, broadening her hips, padding out her body.

Behind Cindy's closed eyes she fantasized that her growing body was being sustained by Carl's prick. The gallons of cum she was swallowing were making her gloriously, fabulously FAT. The machine finished its load at the exact moment both Cindy and Carl reached an earth-shattering climax.

Carl looked at the scale to see that Cindy now weighed over 210 pounds. She was double the girl that entered the project a few short weeks ago. As he helped her form the chair, he was again getting aroused by the sight of her panties that were almost transparent due to the amount they had stretched to cover her growth. His hands sunk into her soft flesh as he steadied her when she stood. While he walked Cindy back to her room, he promised her a big surprise the next time she went on the machine.

Carl was still shaking from the experience he had had with Cindy when he sat back down in his office. He knew he still had to get Jane on the machine, but thoughts of Cindy filled his head. He wrote a memo to the lab crew instruction them that they would be in charge of Barbara and Jane, and that he would personally handle Cindy's growth. He planned to put her on the machine again Sunday afternoon, when everybody would be out of the lab.

He switched on the monitor and tuned into her room. Cindy lay on the soft bed on her side. Her round belly pushed out by the mattress underneath, sound asleep. He changed to the other two girls, who were busy snacking and watching TV. Carl make a few notes and left for the weekend, planning to be in early Sunday to prepare for Cindy's next bout with the growth machine.

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