SSBBW, SSBHM, Sci-Fi, XXWG - Beware of the virus of the future, the consequences of which include fantastic weight gain.
[Author's Note: Hi, it's been a bit, but here's a new story. My next efforts will be back to Heavy Debt.]
“Alright, first day huh? Welcome to spaceport security,” said the uniformed man holding his hand out to Brad. Brad accepted the handshake and observed the man’s name tag.
“Thanks…Tony. Yep first day. Just finished the basic training and I’m supposed to shadow someone and assist,” said Brad as he adjusted his own name tag.
“Awesome. It’s a great job, very easy. If you keep your cool and follow process you keep yourself and everyone else safe,” said Tony as he led Brad behind a kiosk near the terminal for the docking station.
“That’s what they said at orientation and training.” Brad couldn’t really believe he was already going to be put to work; he figured that there would be a much longer training process for something like this.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Tony said as he turned on the terminal screen at their desk. “It seems too soon, security is too important, all that stuff. The fact is security is a lot tougher on the other end.” Tony paused as he checked the next scheduled arrival. “OK we got about five minutes before we have another arrival. Senior security is always placed on the port that’s sending the travelers. There’s more of it and it’s more thorough. Everyone gets checked and double checked there. Plus since it’s basically teleportation of people there’s no chance of hijacking the port. Security stations start miles away from the docks; people are searched and separated from their luggage early on. By the time they get transported, they’re a bit disoriented and have none of their personal affects except a special suit that they’re wearing for the trip. Makes it virtually impossible to smuggle devices.”
Brad nodded. It seemed pretty logical.
“Of course if this were ship security that’s a different story. Then you’d need a lot more. But since we’re handling passengers that are a few light years from Earth they all get teleported. Take a few minutes; get to know this terminal and the station around it. Become familiar with it. They gave you your new Compupal programs right?” Asked Tony as he checked the kiosk for equipment and his lunch.
“Oh yeah. I was going through them all yesterday and last night.” Said Brad as he gestured to the ID badge he wore around his neck. The badge also acted as his Compupal, and had a holographic projection of his on the job needs including locations, procedures, people of importance, and was a key for the areas he had a right to go through.
“Great. OK, the first batch is arriving. They’ll be coming through one at a time and they get a final screen as they come through that arch.” Tony said pointing over his left shoulder without looking. Brad looked and saw a tall gateway that covered a sliding door. “Usually the worst thing we have to worry about is disorientation. The guests come through a bit loopy sometimes, it’s a normal reaction. If they do, direct them to the couch over there,” Tony said as he pointed to a couch a bit off to the side behind the kiosk.
“But the basic drill is I will confront them as they come through the screen and ask them a quick question or two to verify their ID and take a fingerprint and DNA scan. You stay at the terminal and give me a sign when it comes up green. I then direct them to the central portal there and they’re on their way to get their luggage. We need to keep them moving. We’re not an information stand. Once they get their luggage they’re instructed to get their Compupal on first, which is a no brainer, most immediately do that anyway. I’ve seen people have panic attacks from separation from that for even a few minutes. One last thing, this is not a family kiosk. That’s down there.” Tony pointed away to another kiosk that seemed maybe a block or two away inside the massive docking station. The kiosk he was referring to seemed to be decorated in much brighter colors as well as having posters and holograms of favorite children’s characters.
“That means we won’t get any kids. 18 years is the minimum age. Young kids get real anxious travelling like this so they take extra steps. OK, look alive Brad we’ve got our first. Follow your process but be ready to step in and assist on my word OK?”
Brad took a deep breath and nodded. “I’m ready.”
“Good. Smile.” Tony said as he smiled and stepped out from behind their terminal and stood in front of the gate. Brad smiled and watched the screen as it brought the info up on the next group of passengers. They were all coming from Higgins, a spaceport about 7 light years from Earth. The first was Emily Jameson, 23. She was a student from Earth who visited her father who was stationed there. A hologram picture was displayed for Brad, and he knew that Tony was getting a visual of her as well on his cyber-linked contacts. She was cute, had blond hair, and seemed to keep herself in good shape. There was a hum that built up quickly coming from behind the portal before it opened with a sudden hiss of escaping air and mist.
“Step forward please Ma’am.” Said Tony still with a smile. The girl stepped through the portal blinking and hesitated as she reached the gate. “That’s good. State your name please.” Said Tony as he stepped forward and took one of her unresisting hands and pressed her thumb to a scanner attached to a retractable cord on his belt. The one piece suit she wore was color coded blue and gold, with the logo of the Transporter company; Hermes Transport.
“Um…Emily Jameson.”
“And your destination?” asked Tony as he looked her straight in the eyes, checking for inordinate stress.
“San Diego.” She said. She seemed to be coming out of the haze now. Tony looked over to Brad. Brad looked back, not sure what was expected. Tony held up a hand towards him and raised an eyebrow. Brad still did nothing. “Brad do you concur?” Tony finally asked.
“What? OH! Yes, she’s good…I concur.” Brad finally said, getting a touch red faced. Tony and Emily smiled at that.
“On your way miss, the central column there, take the moving sidewalk in the blue and yellow. Your luggage will be waiting at the other end. Thank you for your cooperation.” Emily walked forward and stepped on the sidewalk that had lit up at his words and was soon moving at a brisk pace towards the central column. All arrivals that checked out took their own moving sidewalks towards the central column; no one was allowed to walk there on their own.
“OK, not bad Brad.” Tony said as he stepped a bit closer to the kiosk. Brad seemed about to say something when Tony held up a hand. “Don’t worry. You did fine, and now you know what’s expected. Take a look at the next one and let’s get ready. I have the kill switch on the gate so I can hold them up if necessary, otherwise we can get up to 3 minutes between passengers. We want to keep it to under a minute. When we’re ready we can get the next one. We know we’re ready when the next passenger hits that point on the sidewalk.” Tony pointed to Emily who was already half way to the column. When she reached it the next passenger appeared on the screen. “OK, take a look and we’ll bring them through.” Said Tony as he patted the kiosk and then got into position again.
The passengers from Higgins were seasoned for the most part; the majority had made several Transports before and knew the procedure very well. Tony and Brad agreed that it went very well; the worst mistake was the first of the day with the miniscule delay for Emily. But 78 passengers later and they had some down time again. They shared some coffee and Danish as Tony went over the next arrival, due in about ten minutes.
“OK Brad, this next one will be tougher. They’re coming from Cenarius 12. That’s a quarantined zone that’s being evacuated. They thought it was suitable for inhabitants but there were microbial contaminants that they didn’t account for. A lot of the people have been infected. We get one of these a day for the next two months at least as they evacuate all personnel from the planet.” Tony smiled grimly. “That’s why training was so quick; we’re a little short handed.”
“Infected? With what?” asked Brad as he put down his coffee.
“It’s called Gianci Syndrome. G-Syn.” Said Tony and paused as he let that sink in.
“G-Syn?! Are you serious?” asked Brad. There was no way he was ready for this!
“Yeah. Take it easy though. We have all the precautions taken. It’s only infectious during the last stages. No one in the last stages is allowed through. They check for anyone infected and what stage they’re at while at the other port and transmit the data to us. We then double check. G-Syn has been known to flare up after Transporting, even from someone that was supposed to be clean on the other side. I think it’s because they’re too rushed over there. I don’t believe that it can suddenly appear like that. They’re so rushed and panicked they’re likely making mistakes. But, that’s why we’re ready. We question and scan everyone, and upon my recommendation we apply countermeasures.” Tony opened a drawer and showed that it was full of red slap patches, medical stickers that delivered a payload of meds to the recipient when applied to their skin.
“What’s this, the cure?” asked Brad. As he picked one up. It had a peel away piece of paper on one side, and a clear circle in the center.
“No, it holds the pathogens in place so they don’t progress further for a bit, and prevents infection. The cure takes awhile and has to be done at a hospital. This will make sure to buy them that time. If I say ‘Slap it’, then you put one of these on the person on any exposed skin. No exceptions. This is the serious work now Brad. Be ready to move on my word, come up and put the sticker on. I’ll take care of things if they resist. Start with the hand; I’ll usually be holding it, that’s the process. Again, if they resist I’ll take care of that, I have countermeasures. Keep the patches here; sometimes the passengers get nervous when they see them, that’s why I don’t carry them. Once the patch is on I’ll read them their rights and responsibilities as well as ours. Many of them will expect this and be told all of this already and will know what to expect. Some won’t, like I said mistakes might be made on that end…but it can’t be done on our end. So that means some might resist or something. Like I said though, no exceptions.”
“What happens when you put it on? I mean, don’t they want it on?” asked Brad as he examined the patch. He thought he heard something about this…
“They get fat.” Said Tony as he took a bite of his sweet roll.
Brad snapped his fingers as he remembered. “That’s what I heard! Wow. So this is that disease huh? Yeah I heard about this, like they have to be made fat to cure them or something.”
“Not cure…contain.” Corrected Tony. “The cure is a long process, this prevents them from going to the infectious stage. The disease binds to the fat cells and gives us more time.”
“So anyone that you say gets one of these. Why don’t they give them to people on the other side?” asked Brad as he put the patch down.
“Sometimes they do, but for the most part they won’t. One, it costs more to ship the extra mass. Two, once you put on the patch you have to monitor them until the weight gain stops. Then you check that clear circle on the patch. If it’s green, they’re clear, if it’s red or doesn’t change color you put on another patch. The process can take awhile and they’re evacuating the planet. It’s better to get the ones that are safe to travel off here and then address it. They don’t send anyone infectious through, those go to a hospital that’s orbiting the planet.”
“What if they are infectious though? I mean…you said they make mistakes.” asked Brad, very seriously. This job sounded a lot more dangerous than he originally thought.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but if someone were at that stage, the Transport computer should detect it and…atomize them. Unfortunately it’s better that the person dies than infect Earth. However, we will also take precautions and put on air filters. It’s an aerosol based infection. You could eat it and spread it on your skin, and you’d be fine. Inhale it, and you’ve got it though. If they are at the infectious stage, we immobilize them and signal a containment crew immediately. This kiosk will then shut down and we and it will be decontaminated. But don’t worry, that is highly unlikely. Keep wary though. Like I said, we’ll be doing one of these a day for the next few months, along with other ports on Earth. Don’t get complacent. Follow process. Let me know if we get under five patches at any given time. Follow my lead. If we have to put a third patch on someone we take them off to the side and start the line moving again.” Said Tony as he used his fingers to mark off each point he made.
“How much weight do they gain?” asked Brad.
“Typically, a hundred pounds a patch. It takes about a minute a patch. Once you start putting a few on though the effect starts magnifying, they get really big really fast.”
“Holy crap! How does it work?”
“Nanites. That’s all I know.” Shrugged Tony as he checked the schedule on the screen.
“Wow. How many was the most you used on someone?”
“Seven. She weighed over 1300 pounds when it finally stopped.” Brad’s jaw dropped at the revelation. “That was two days ago. The news is kept light about this, you probably didn’t hear about it. During the time we do the evacuation, no other incoming travelers are allowed in to help keep the info down. All of the kiosks are either on break or handling the evacuation. We have back up if we need it, but we should be OK. These people know what to expect, but it doesn’t mean they like it. Alright, it’s game time. Remember, step up, peel, and place on their hand if I say ‘Slap it’. Wear your gloves, but don’t worry, the nanites won’t activate if we come into contact with them. The programs in your Compupal prevent it. At the end of the day we get a nanite scrub which removes any that might have gotten on us. Put on your air filter.” Said Tony as he adjusted his collar. He pulled the front out more so it jutted up underneath his chin and stayed in place. This was the air filter that could detect in microseconds any air born contaminants and divert them away from the wearer’s mouth and nose. Brad adjusted his collar and did the same. Small lights turned on within the collar indicating they were in optimal positions. The light was just visible in the corner of Brad’s eye and when he looked at Tony it gave him a slightly sinister look, which he probably had as well.
“OK.” Said Tony as they put on their gloves and the terminal screen lit up with their first passenger. “Same drill as before, we still have to confirm ID again also. If you have to slap them, I’ll explain what’s going on after the patch is on. If we try to explain it first they will panic, then we have a fight on our hands. It’s best if you don’t say a word, keep the element of surprise if we can. You ready?”
Brad took a few deep breaths and put his game face on. “Yeah! Let’s do this.” He said as he rubbed his gloved hands together. Tony nodded and got into position in front of the gate with his hands steepled in front of him.
“When you’re in this spot, keep your hands up, always. Sometimes people come out panicked and aggressive. They’re supposed to be sedated if they seem risky, but it happens.”
Brad nodded and checked the incoming passenger that just flashed on. Eileen Norvil. She was 32, a civil engineer and he could see by the flashing light that she was infected. Tony nodded as he saw the info on his contact lenses also.
“Get a patch ready. Don’t expect this every time. Plenty of times we won’t know until I scan them. Stay in position, and come up when I say so. Odds are she already knows and hopefully will be calm.” There was a hum behind the portal again and then the doors opened. Eileen stepped out in her one piece bright orange jumpsuit. She looked bedraggled and worn out, but also relieved. “Eileen! Step forward quickly and hold out your right hand.” Commanded Tony, his previous courtesy with the other travelers gone now. Eileen was blinking in some confusion but stepped up at the firm command and gave her right hand to Tony. Tony took it by the wrist and pressed his scanner to the offered thumb while keeping a firm grip. “You are Eileen Norvil, and your destination is the quarantine hospice set up for evacuees. Do you concur?” asked Tony as he turned to Brad.
“I concur.” Said Brad grimly as he held the patch in his hands but tried to keep it out of sight of Eileen. Eileen also said ‘I concur.’ at the same time, unaware that the question wasn’t directed at her.
“I concur as well. Brad? Slap it.” Tony said simply as he held her wrist up with his left hand while keeping his right hand on guard if she tried resisting. Eileen seemed to understand what he meant, but didn’t resist, instead she sighed deeply and waited for Brad.
Brad stepped up quickly and peeled off the protective paper on the sticky side of the patch and stuck it onto the back of Eileen’s right hand while Tony shifted his grip to prevent him from getting any of the sticker on him. He maintained his grip as he recited the rules of the procedure.
“Eileen Norvil, you are contaminated with the G-Syn virus, and we must apply protocols to prevent you from infecting others. Your understanding of this is not required, but your compliance is. We will be applying Nanite patches to you which will add weight and body fat to you. This is done to prevent you from spreading the infection and will also save your life until a cure is applied. We are authorized by the quarantine protocol act of 2142 to apply as many patches as required and take all necessary steps. Once you have been deemed safe from infection you will take that red sidewalk to the designated facility where a cure will be waiting at no cost to you. The weight gain is permanent though, by law and the process. If the disease comes back the extra body weight will prevent it from spreading. If you are incapable of moving at the end of the process you will be transported to the facility. Any family and friends on Earth that you have previously indicated on the Transport paper work will be notified.” Brad only half heard Tony as he rambled off the memorized script. Eileen was literally getting fatter right before his eyes.
She was covered by the clinging body suit, but that seemed to make her inflation even more pronounced. All of the changes she was undergoing seemed immediately apparent. Brad also had cybernetic linked contact lenses on, and in his sight he could see Eileen starting to grow larger, and also a digital read out of her original weight and current weight. She started at 137 pounds and was already up to 160 by the time Tony was finished. In his enhanced vision he could see that certain parts of her were getting more of the weight than others. With Eileen, she was gaining in her hips and buttocks, getting wider each second. Then her waist started to fill, her suit had no belt so she seemed to be becoming visibly pregnant with each passing second.
“Don’t move please.” Commanded Tony as he grabbed her other hand with a firm grip when it looked like Eileen was about to reach over to her hand.
“I was just…” began Eileen. She was still resigned to her fate, but also shifting from foot to foot as the weight piled on.
“Just stand at ease ma’am.” Tony said as he put her hand back to her enlarging side. He still kept a grip on her right hand. In Brad’s sight she was over 200 pounds now, her hips and ass taking the majority of the weight, while her stomach surged forward some more. The suit seemed to be tightening on her but was holding up well. Eileen had to spread her legs to account for her added weight and the shifting balance. The weight reached 237 and Brad looked down at the sticker without being told. It was already green, and Brad assumed it had been green for a few seconds.
“Thank you for your cooperation Eileen. Take the red sidewalk, medical assistance, counseling and your luggage is waiting at the hospice.” Said Tony as he began walking the heavier woman over to the sidewalk.
“But…” stammered Eileen as she looked down at her fattened self and her hand went to the sticker on her right hand. Tony allowed her to do that but still directed her to the sidewalk.
“Thank you for your cooperation, questions will have to wait till you reach the hospice.” Insisted Tony as he led her onto the red sidewalk. Once she set foot on it, it began to move and take her down the path. The built in balancers prevented her from even tilting at the sudden start, even with her extra weight she stayed perfectly on her feet as she was whisked away down the path and out of their kiosk. Tony brushed his hands in satisfaction.
“Good job Brad. Smooth, professional, courteous. That’s what we need. That’s what they need.” Tony added as he jerked a thumb at the receding and fattened Eileen. “We need to keep things moving. Just follow my lead. They won’t all be that easy.”
“That was…unbelievable.” Brad said as he took up his position again.
“Yeah…”Tony agreed. “But that was nothing. Remember how I said I put seven on someone? A friend of mine put on 16 once. The poor son of a bitch was more than 10 tons. Needed a Mega Lifter to get him out. They should have never let him go through, but they said when they checked him on the other side that he wasn’t even infected. That’s the problem. There’s too many chances for mistakes, either with their equipment or their security staff. We can’t make that mistake though. OK, look alive, next one’s coming through. “
Brad looked at the incoming screen; an older woman of 84 was coming through, Lisa Pratt. She had been visiting her grandchildren. Brad prayed that she wasn’t infected as the screen indicated; he’d hate to have to do this to someone so old. Moments later came the electric hum and the doors slid open. ‘Old’ was a subjective term though, Lisa was 84 but barely looked 40 with the age treatments she used and walked with no difficulty.
“Lisa! Step forward and present your left hand.” Said Tony, taking no chances despite her age and her looks.
“Alright, here I come.” Said Lisa with confidence. Tony took her hand by the wrist and scanned the thumb. Brad waited for several tense moments, hoping he wouldn’t have to slap it on her, and also hoping that he had the discipline to do it if he had to. Tony read off the scanner finally and said to Lisa:
“Lisa Pratt, you are not infected, please take the Red walkway there to your destination, the quarantine area. You’ll have to fill out some paper work and answer some questions before you’re released. Thank you for your cooperation.” Tony said with a courteous smile and a wave of his hand. Lisa returned the smile and walked to the red walkway.
“Thank you sweetie.” She said as she departed. Tony walked over to the terminal and read the report, the next one was due in a minute or two; there was a slight delay.
“Tony?” Brad asked. “What happens if we slap it on a person that isn’t infected? And why did you switch hands?”
“Same thing, they gain weight. If it’s done on accident from a false-positive reading don’t worry about it, we’re protected from the lawsuit. But don’t put one of these on just for shits and giggles. You’ll get prison time for that. And I switched hands because her file indicated she was a lefty. Control the hand that is most dangerous to you.” Said Tony as he walked back to his position.
Quarantine Protocols
by JP
by JP
[Author's Note: Hi, it's been a bit, but here's a new story. My next efforts will be back to Heavy Debt.]
“Alright, first day huh? Welcome to spaceport security,” said the uniformed man holding his hand out to Brad. Brad accepted the handshake and observed the man’s name tag.
“Thanks…Tony. Yep first day. Just finished the basic training and I’m supposed to shadow someone and assist,” said Brad as he adjusted his own name tag.
“Awesome. It’s a great job, very easy. If you keep your cool and follow process you keep yourself and everyone else safe,” said Tony as he led Brad behind a kiosk near the terminal for the docking station.
“That’s what they said at orientation and training.” Brad couldn’t really believe he was already going to be put to work; he figured that there would be a much longer training process for something like this.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Tony said as he turned on the terminal screen at their desk. “It seems too soon, security is too important, all that stuff. The fact is security is a lot tougher on the other end.” Tony paused as he checked the next scheduled arrival. “OK we got about five minutes before we have another arrival. Senior security is always placed on the port that’s sending the travelers. There’s more of it and it’s more thorough. Everyone gets checked and double checked there. Plus since it’s basically teleportation of people there’s no chance of hijacking the port. Security stations start miles away from the docks; people are searched and separated from their luggage early on. By the time they get transported, they’re a bit disoriented and have none of their personal affects except a special suit that they’re wearing for the trip. Makes it virtually impossible to smuggle devices.”
Brad nodded. It seemed pretty logical.
“Of course if this were ship security that’s a different story. Then you’d need a lot more. But since we’re handling passengers that are a few light years from Earth they all get teleported. Take a few minutes; get to know this terminal and the station around it. Become familiar with it. They gave you your new Compupal programs right?” Asked Tony as he checked the kiosk for equipment and his lunch.
“Oh yeah. I was going through them all yesterday and last night.” Said Brad as he gestured to the ID badge he wore around his neck. The badge also acted as his Compupal, and had a holographic projection of his on the job needs including locations, procedures, people of importance, and was a key for the areas he had a right to go through.
“Great. OK, the first batch is arriving. They’ll be coming through one at a time and they get a final screen as they come through that arch.” Tony said pointing over his left shoulder without looking. Brad looked and saw a tall gateway that covered a sliding door. “Usually the worst thing we have to worry about is disorientation. The guests come through a bit loopy sometimes, it’s a normal reaction. If they do, direct them to the couch over there,” Tony said as he pointed to a couch a bit off to the side behind the kiosk.
“But the basic drill is I will confront them as they come through the screen and ask them a quick question or two to verify their ID and take a fingerprint and DNA scan. You stay at the terminal and give me a sign when it comes up green. I then direct them to the central portal there and they’re on their way to get their luggage. We need to keep them moving. We’re not an information stand. Once they get their luggage they’re instructed to get their Compupal on first, which is a no brainer, most immediately do that anyway. I’ve seen people have panic attacks from separation from that for even a few minutes. One last thing, this is not a family kiosk. That’s down there.” Tony pointed away to another kiosk that seemed maybe a block or two away inside the massive docking station. The kiosk he was referring to seemed to be decorated in much brighter colors as well as having posters and holograms of favorite children’s characters.
“That means we won’t get any kids. 18 years is the minimum age. Young kids get real anxious travelling like this so they take extra steps. OK, look alive Brad we’ve got our first. Follow your process but be ready to step in and assist on my word OK?”
Brad took a deep breath and nodded. “I’m ready.”
“Good. Smile.” Tony said as he smiled and stepped out from behind their terminal and stood in front of the gate. Brad smiled and watched the screen as it brought the info up on the next group of passengers. They were all coming from Higgins, a spaceport about 7 light years from Earth. The first was Emily Jameson, 23. She was a student from Earth who visited her father who was stationed there. A hologram picture was displayed for Brad, and he knew that Tony was getting a visual of her as well on his cyber-linked contacts. She was cute, had blond hair, and seemed to keep herself in good shape. There was a hum that built up quickly coming from behind the portal before it opened with a sudden hiss of escaping air and mist.
“Step forward please Ma’am.” Said Tony still with a smile. The girl stepped through the portal blinking and hesitated as she reached the gate. “That’s good. State your name please.” Said Tony as he stepped forward and took one of her unresisting hands and pressed her thumb to a scanner attached to a retractable cord on his belt. The one piece suit she wore was color coded blue and gold, with the logo of the Transporter company; Hermes Transport.
“Um…Emily Jameson.”
“And your destination?” asked Tony as he looked her straight in the eyes, checking for inordinate stress.
“San Diego.” She said. She seemed to be coming out of the haze now. Tony looked over to Brad. Brad looked back, not sure what was expected. Tony held up a hand towards him and raised an eyebrow. Brad still did nothing. “Brad do you concur?” Tony finally asked.
“What? OH! Yes, she’s good…I concur.” Brad finally said, getting a touch red faced. Tony and Emily smiled at that.
“On your way miss, the central column there, take the moving sidewalk in the blue and yellow. Your luggage will be waiting at the other end. Thank you for your cooperation.” Emily walked forward and stepped on the sidewalk that had lit up at his words and was soon moving at a brisk pace towards the central column. All arrivals that checked out took their own moving sidewalks towards the central column; no one was allowed to walk there on their own.
“OK, not bad Brad.” Tony said as he stepped a bit closer to the kiosk. Brad seemed about to say something when Tony held up a hand. “Don’t worry. You did fine, and now you know what’s expected. Take a look at the next one and let’s get ready. I have the kill switch on the gate so I can hold them up if necessary, otherwise we can get up to 3 minutes between passengers. We want to keep it to under a minute. When we’re ready we can get the next one. We know we’re ready when the next passenger hits that point on the sidewalk.” Tony pointed to Emily who was already half way to the column. When she reached it the next passenger appeared on the screen. “OK, take a look and we’ll bring them through.” Said Tony as he patted the kiosk and then got into position again.
The passengers from Higgins were seasoned for the most part; the majority had made several Transports before and knew the procedure very well. Tony and Brad agreed that it went very well; the worst mistake was the first of the day with the miniscule delay for Emily. But 78 passengers later and they had some down time again. They shared some coffee and Danish as Tony went over the next arrival, due in about ten minutes.
“OK Brad, this next one will be tougher. They’re coming from Cenarius 12. That’s a quarantined zone that’s being evacuated. They thought it was suitable for inhabitants but there were microbial contaminants that they didn’t account for. A lot of the people have been infected. We get one of these a day for the next two months at least as they evacuate all personnel from the planet.” Tony smiled grimly. “That’s why training was so quick; we’re a little short handed.”
“Infected? With what?” asked Brad as he put down his coffee.
“It’s called Gianci Syndrome. G-Syn.” Said Tony and paused as he let that sink in.
“G-Syn?! Are you serious?” asked Brad. There was no way he was ready for this!
“Yeah. Take it easy though. We have all the precautions taken. It’s only infectious during the last stages. No one in the last stages is allowed through. They check for anyone infected and what stage they’re at while at the other port and transmit the data to us. We then double check. G-Syn has been known to flare up after Transporting, even from someone that was supposed to be clean on the other side. I think it’s because they’re too rushed over there. I don’t believe that it can suddenly appear like that. They’re so rushed and panicked they’re likely making mistakes. But, that’s why we’re ready. We question and scan everyone, and upon my recommendation we apply countermeasures.” Tony opened a drawer and showed that it was full of red slap patches, medical stickers that delivered a payload of meds to the recipient when applied to their skin.
“What’s this, the cure?” asked Brad. As he picked one up. It had a peel away piece of paper on one side, and a clear circle in the center.
“No, it holds the pathogens in place so they don’t progress further for a bit, and prevents infection. The cure takes awhile and has to be done at a hospital. This will make sure to buy them that time. If I say ‘Slap it’, then you put one of these on the person on any exposed skin. No exceptions. This is the serious work now Brad. Be ready to move on my word, come up and put the sticker on. I’ll take care of things if they resist. Start with the hand; I’ll usually be holding it, that’s the process. Again, if they resist I’ll take care of that, I have countermeasures. Keep the patches here; sometimes the passengers get nervous when they see them, that’s why I don’t carry them. Once the patch is on I’ll read them their rights and responsibilities as well as ours. Many of them will expect this and be told all of this already and will know what to expect. Some won’t, like I said mistakes might be made on that end…but it can’t be done on our end. So that means some might resist or something. Like I said though, no exceptions.”
“What happens when you put it on? I mean, don’t they want it on?” asked Brad as he examined the patch. He thought he heard something about this…
“They get fat.” Said Tony as he took a bite of his sweet roll.
Brad snapped his fingers as he remembered. “That’s what I heard! Wow. So this is that disease huh? Yeah I heard about this, like they have to be made fat to cure them or something.”
“Not cure…contain.” Corrected Tony. “The cure is a long process, this prevents them from going to the infectious stage. The disease binds to the fat cells and gives us more time.”
“So anyone that you say gets one of these. Why don’t they give them to people on the other side?” asked Brad as he put the patch down.
“Sometimes they do, but for the most part they won’t. One, it costs more to ship the extra mass. Two, once you put on the patch you have to monitor them until the weight gain stops. Then you check that clear circle on the patch. If it’s green, they’re clear, if it’s red or doesn’t change color you put on another patch. The process can take awhile and they’re evacuating the planet. It’s better to get the ones that are safe to travel off here and then address it. They don’t send anyone infectious through, those go to a hospital that’s orbiting the planet.”
“What if they are infectious though? I mean…you said they make mistakes.” asked Brad, very seriously. This job sounded a lot more dangerous than he originally thought.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but if someone were at that stage, the Transport computer should detect it and…atomize them. Unfortunately it’s better that the person dies than infect Earth. However, we will also take precautions and put on air filters. It’s an aerosol based infection. You could eat it and spread it on your skin, and you’d be fine. Inhale it, and you’ve got it though. If they are at the infectious stage, we immobilize them and signal a containment crew immediately. This kiosk will then shut down and we and it will be decontaminated. But don’t worry, that is highly unlikely. Keep wary though. Like I said, we’ll be doing one of these a day for the next few months, along with other ports on Earth. Don’t get complacent. Follow process. Let me know if we get under five patches at any given time. Follow my lead. If we have to put a third patch on someone we take them off to the side and start the line moving again.” Said Tony as he used his fingers to mark off each point he made.
“How much weight do they gain?” asked Brad.
“Typically, a hundred pounds a patch. It takes about a minute a patch. Once you start putting a few on though the effect starts magnifying, they get really big really fast.”
“Holy crap! How does it work?”
“Nanites. That’s all I know.” Shrugged Tony as he checked the schedule on the screen.
“Wow. How many was the most you used on someone?”
“Seven. She weighed over 1300 pounds when it finally stopped.” Brad’s jaw dropped at the revelation. “That was two days ago. The news is kept light about this, you probably didn’t hear about it. During the time we do the evacuation, no other incoming travelers are allowed in to help keep the info down. All of the kiosks are either on break or handling the evacuation. We have back up if we need it, but we should be OK. These people know what to expect, but it doesn’t mean they like it. Alright, it’s game time. Remember, step up, peel, and place on their hand if I say ‘Slap it’. Wear your gloves, but don’t worry, the nanites won’t activate if we come into contact with them. The programs in your Compupal prevent it. At the end of the day we get a nanite scrub which removes any that might have gotten on us. Put on your air filter.” Said Tony as he adjusted his collar. He pulled the front out more so it jutted up underneath his chin and stayed in place. This was the air filter that could detect in microseconds any air born contaminants and divert them away from the wearer’s mouth and nose. Brad adjusted his collar and did the same. Small lights turned on within the collar indicating they were in optimal positions. The light was just visible in the corner of Brad’s eye and when he looked at Tony it gave him a slightly sinister look, which he probably had as well.
“OK.” Said Tony as they put on their gloves and the terminal screen lit up with their first passenger. “Same drill as before, we still have to confirm ID again also. If you have to slap them, I’ll explain what’s going on after the patch is on. If we try to explain it first they will panic, then we have a fight on our hands. It’s best if you don’t say a word, keep the element of surprise if we can. You ready?”
Brad took a few deep breaths and put his game face on. “Yeah! Let’s do this.” He said as he rubbed his gloved hands together. Tony nodded and got into position in front of the gate with his hands steepled in front of him.
“When you’re in this spot, keep your hands up, always. Sometimes people come out panicked and aggressive. They’re supposed to be sedated if they seem risky, but it happens.”
Brad nodded and checked the incoming passenger that just flashed on. Eileen Norvil. She was 32, a civil engineer and he could see by the flashing light that she was infected. Tony nodded as he saw the info on his contact lenses also.
“Get a patch ready. Don’t expect this every time. Plenty of times we won’t know until I scan them. Stay in position, and come up when I say so. Odds are she already knows and hopefully will be calm.” There was a hum behind the portal again and then the doors opened. Eileen stepped out in her one piece bright orange jumpsuit. She looked bedraggled and worn out, but also relieved. “Eileen! Step forward quickly and hold out your right hand.” Commanded Tony, his previous courtesy with the other travelers gone now. Eileen was blinking in some confusion but stepped up at the firm command and gave her right hand to Tony. Tony took it by the wrist and pressed his scanner to the offered thumb while keeping a firm grip. “You are Eileen Norvil, and your destination is the quarantine hospice set up for evacuees. Do you concur?” asked Tony as he turned to Brad.
“I concur.” Said Brad grimly as he held the patch in his hands but tried to keep it out of sight of Eileen. Eileen also said ‘I concur.’ at the same time, unaware that the question wasn’t directed at her.
“I concur as well. Brad? Slap it.” Tony said simply as he held her wrist up with his left hand while keeping his right hand on guard if she tried resisting. Eileen seemed to understand what he meant, but didn’t resist, instead she sighed deeply and waited for Brad.
Brad stepped up quickly and peeled off the protective paper on the sticky side of the patch and stuck it onto the back of Eileen’s right hand while Tony shifted his grip to prevent him from getting any of the sticker on him. He maintained his grip as he recited the rules of the procedure.
“Eileen Norvil, you are contaminated with the G-Syn virus, and we must apply protocols to prevent you from infecting others. Your understanding of this is not required, but your compliance is. We will be applying Nanite patches to you which will add weight and body fat to you. This is done to prevent you from spreading the infection and will also save your life until a cure is applied. We are authorized by the quarantine protocol act of 2142 to apply as many patches as required and take all necessary steps. Once you have been deemed safe from infection you will take that red sidewalk to the designated facility where a cure will be waiting at no cost to you. The weight gain is permanent though, by law and the process. If the disease comes back the extra body weight will prevent it from spreading. If you are incapable of moving at the end of the process you will be transported to the facility. Any family and friends on Earth that you have previously indicated on the Transport paper work will be notified.” Brad only half heard Tony as he rambled off the memorized script. Eileen was literally getting fatter right before his eyes.
She was covered by the clinging body suit, but that seemed to make her inflation even more pronounced. All of the changes she was undergoing seemed immediately apparent. Brad also had cybernetic linked contact lenses on, and in his sight he could see Eileen starting to grow larger, and also a digital read out of her original weight and current weight. She started at 137 pounds and was already up to 160 by the time Tony was finished. In his enhanced vision he could see that certain parts of her were getting more of the weight than others. With Eileen, she was gaining in her hips and buttocks, getting wider each second. Then her waist started to fill, her suit had no belt so she seemed to be becoming visibly pregnant with each passing second.
“Don’t move please.” Commanded Tony as he grabbed her other hand with a firm grip when it looked like Eileen was about to reach over to her hand.
“I was just…” began Eileen. She was still resigned to her fate, but also shifting from foot to foot as the weight piled on.
“Just stand at ease ma’am.” Tony said as he put her hand back to her enlarging side. He still kept a grip on her right hand. In Brad’s sight she was over 200 pounds now, her hips and ass taking the majority of the weight, while her stomach surged forward some more. The suit seemed to be tightening on her but was holding up well. Eileen had to spread her legs to account for her added weight and the shifting balance. The weight reached 237 and Brad looked down at the sticker without being told. It was already green, and Brad assumed it had been green for a few seconds.
“Thank you for your cooperation Eileen. Take the red sidewalk, medical assistance, counseling and your luggage is waiting at the hospice.” Said Tony as he began walking the heavier woman over to the sidewalk.
“But…” stammered Eileen as she looked down at her fattened self and her hand went to the sticker on her right hand. Tony allowed her to do that but still directed her to the sidewalk.
“Thank you for your cooperation, questions will have to wait till you reach the hospice.” Insisted Tony as he led her onto the red sidewalk. Once she set foot on it, it began to move and take her down the path. The built in balancers prevented her from even tilting at the sudden start, even with her extra weight she stayed perfectly on her feet as she was whisked away down the path and out of their kiosk. Tony brushed his hands in satisfaction.
“Good job Brad. Smooth, professional, courteous. That’s what we need. That’s what they need.” Tony added as he jerked a thumb at the receding and fattened Eileen. “We need to keep things moving. Just follow my lead. They won’t all be that easy.”
“That was…unbelievable.” Brad said as he took up his position again.
“Yeah…”Tony agreed. “But that was nothing. Remember how I said I put seven on someone? A friend of mine put on 16 once. The poor son of a bitch was more than 10 tons. Needed a Mega Lifter to get him out. They should have never let him go through, but they said when they checked him on the other side that he wasn’t even infected. That’s the problem. There’s too many chances for mistakes, either with their equipment or their security staff. We can’t make that mistake though. OK, look alive, next one’s coming through. “
Brad looked at the incoming screen; an older woman of 84 was coming through, Lisa Pratt. She had been visiting her grandchildren. Brad prayed that she wasn’t infected as the screen indicated; he’d hate to have to do this to someone so old. Moments later came the electric hum and the doors slid open. ‘Old’ was a subjective term though, Lisa was 84 but barely looked 40 with the age treatments she used and walked with no difficulty.
“Lisa! Step forward and present your left hand.” Said Tony, taking no chances despite her age and her looks.
“Alright, here I come.” Said Lisa with confidence. Tony took her hand by the wrist and scanned the thumb. Brad waited for several tense moments, hoping he wouldn’t have to slap it on her, and also hoping that he had the discipline to do it if he had to. Tony read off the scanner finally and said to Lisa:
“Lisa Pratt, you are not infected, please take the Red walkway there to your destination, the quarantine area. You’ll have to fill out some paper work and answer some questions before you’re released. Thank you for your cooperation.” Tony said with a courteous smile and a wave of his hand. Lisa returned the smile and walked to the red walkway.
“Thank you sweetie.” She said as she departed. Tony walked over to the terminal and read the report, the next one was due in a minute or two; there was a slight delay.
“Tony?” Brad asked. “What happens if we slap it on a person that isn’t infected? And why did you switch hands?”
“Same thing, they gain weight. If it’s done on accident from a false-positive reading don’t worry about it, we’re protected from the lawsuit. But don’t put one of these on just for shits and giggles. You’ll get prison time for that. And I switched hands because her file indicated she was a lefty. Control the hand that is most dangerous to you.” Said Tony as he walked back to his position.