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Random Sentence as Written by Your Autocorrect

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2009
UNF Jacksonville, FL
I'm probably not explaining this very well, but basically what you do is if you have auto correct with automatic word completion, you type your nickname here and then the next word after that that your autocomplete suggests and then the next word after that and so forth until you have a sufficiently logical and/or ridiculous sentence. Idk, it's funny when ppl do it on Facebook lol. I'll start:

Squeezablysoft the first time I have a good day at work on the phone with her and I was a little bit of an adult nature and the desire to be a little bit of an open source project is a bit of an artist and the desire to be a few weeks ago by herself and her and the desire to go to get my life and the desire to be a little bit of an emotionally and physically active in the morning of my life and I can be a bit of an emotionally and physically or mentally ill be a good day at work on the phone with the world of my life and I can be a good day at work on the phone with a good day at work on the phone with my first year of college and the desire to be a good day at work on the phone with me and my life is a bit of an emotionally and physically or mentally ill be a good day at work on the phone with me and my mom is a bit of an emotionally and physically or mentally ill (at this point it gets stuck in a loop and just keeps repeating "be a good day at work on the phone with me and my mom is a bit of an emotionally and physically or mentally ill" over and over again).

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