Ok so now i officially am seriosly confused...basically i have been looking on the net for some weight charts so i can work out if i am 'fat' / 'chubby'
With NO sucsess Lol!
So i wondered heres the info
Im 19
Weigh 80kg exact (dont know what that is in pounds)
and my height is: 6ft 1'' Exact
All i really want to know is if im overweight and if not how far i have to go
I already have a slightly wobbly belly but i cant work out if it whould be classed as plump/chubby. Im going to post some pics soon so you can all take a look but for now if somone can say wether i should be quite chubby by now or wether i am totally skinny with no a ounce of fat on me
I have gone crazy looking for some answers but i hoped you all could help out so if somone can work out the math and the science i whould really apreciate it
Thanks A Million!:bow:
With NO sucsess Lol!
So i wondered heres the info
Im 19
Weigh 80kg exact (dont know what that is in pounds)
and my height is: 6ft 1'' Exact
All i really want to know is if im overweight and if not how far i have to go
I already have a slightly wobbly belly but i cant work out if it whould be classed as plump/chubby. Im going to post some pics soon so you can all take a look but for now if somone can say wether i should be quite chubby by now or wether i am totally skinny with no a ounce of fat on me
I have gone crazy looking for some answers but i hoped you all could help out so if somone can work out the math and the science i whould really apreciate it
Thanks A Million!:bow: