Well-Known Member
What qualifies a man for being able to procreate? Does a set of balls filled with 2.2 million sperm qualify a man to assist in the reproduction of his species? What about the other half of the equation? What qualifies a woman to reproduce? Does having a set of breasts and a uterus which is once a month occupied by fertile eggs qualify a woman for reproduction?
No, I do not think solely having the pre-requisite organs qualifies two people to have a child. I do not think being to poor to have an abortion counts either. I do not believe that religion, beliefs or spiritual inclinations should qualify someone for being able to reproduce! I do not think anyone should be able to have children who cannot put themselves SECOND to their child. I do not think someone who can't save money or hold down a job should have a child, much less children. I do not think people who can't take care of themselves, or even afford to take care of themselves should be allowed to procreate.
What right does anyone have to bring another being into this world, one who has such possibilities and potential, and be unable to do anything but turn that little mind into a gutter? What right do those pathetic excuses for humanity have to produce children who they are going to proceed to destroy, break down, and produce another useless generation of gutter trash? What right does anyone have to violate the human rights innate to any child, just because they themselves do not deserve those rights? I believe that no one has the right to reproduce unless you qualify for every statement on the following list...
1) You can afford to bring an infant into this world and raise it to the age of 21 years of age.
2) You can put someone else BEFORE yourself at ALL TIMES.
3) You can read, write, obey laws, understand morals and ethics, and you will share them with your children.
4) You have a conscience, which you will attempt to the best of your ability to instill in your child.
5) You know and can provide a child with a healthy, nutrient filled diet to help her/him grow into healthy adults as well as provide them with physical activities befitting a child not including being a couch potato.
6) You will provide this child with good parenting and will be their teacher in life. This is an ACTIVE role, requiring you to discipline your child when she/he does things incorrectly.
7) You will work WITH your child's teacher to provide her/him with the best learning experience possible.
8) You will help your child expand their horizons and explore the world physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
9) You will NOT be your child's best friend, you WILL be their PARENT!
10) You will concern yourself with your child's life, and be thoroughly involved in it to the best of your capabilities.
11) You will help your child transition into the real world, be it by teaching them about 'the birds and the bees', helping them find a job, or supporting them in their career pursuits.
12) You will endeavor to these tasks until you DIE. You will ALWAYS be a parent.
13) You will help your children learn your values and spread them to their children, so they in turn will become good parents.
If you cannot adhere to these principles, then you have no right to be a parent. It is hard work being a parent, it is long hours, you may never be thanked for, and life will try everything to try to throw you off your game. Do not submit. It is the single most gratifying and horrible job there is. If you qualify then you are one of the few true parents out there, people whose ideas, thoughts, and actions will ensure not only the survival of your line, but that your children will thrive even in difficult times.
As for those who do not qualify, do yourself a favor, and do not have children. This world ill needs another generation of irresponsible, idiotic, pathetic loafers who do not deserve to be living, much less taking up the hard earned money of those who made it through and thrived in life. Teachers should be able to reprimand children, parents should discipline their children. They should also interact with them, help them, love them, and cherish them.
Every child is precious, a wonder to behold. Help them to become what they deserve to be. Help them to learn, grow, play, expand their horizons. They are the future, our future. They are the world. No one should have the right to reproduce without that understanding, and the ability to prove themselves to be good parents. To do so is not only an affront to that child, but it is an affront to the human race. So think before you start popping out children like it is your job. Prepare, research, figure it out. Then, once your are ready, have kids. Because if you do not, you are not worthy to reproduce, and you deserve nothing less than sterilization.
That's what I think. What do you think? What's your opinion, your thoughts, your ideas of what a parent should be, how they should act? What should qualify people to reproduce? Should there be a test? A physical exam? Should we all be free to do as we please? Tell me what you think on the issues of reproduction, parenting, children, and similar issues...
Later days...
No, I do not think solely having the pre-requisite organs qualifies two people to have a child. I do not think being to poor to have an abortion counts either. I do not believe that religion, beliefs or spiritual inclinations should qualify someone for being able to reproduce! I do not think anyone should be able to have children who cannot put themselves SECOND to their child. I do not think someone who can't save money or hold down a job should have a child, much less children. I do not think people who can't take care of themselves, or even afford to take care of themselves should be allowed to procreate.
What right does anyone have to bring another being into this world, one who has such possibilities and potential, and be unable to do anything but turn that little mind into a gutter? What right do those pathetic excuses for humanity have to produce children who they are going to proceed to destroy, break down, and produce another useless generation of gutter trash? What right does anyone have to violate the human rights innate to any child, just because they themselves do not deserve those rights? I believe that no one has the right to reproduce unless you qualify for every statement on the following list...
1) You can afford to bring an infant into this world and raise it to the age of 21 years of age.
2) You can put someone else BEFORE yourself at ALL TIMES.
3) You can read, write, obey laws, understand morals and ethics, and you will share them with your children.
4) You have a conscience, which you will attempt to the best of your ability to instill in your child.
5) You know and can provide a child with a healthy, nutrient filled diet to help her/him grow into healthy adults as well as provide them with physical activities befitting a child not including being a couch potato.
6) You will provide this child with good parenting and will be their teacher in life. This is an ACTIVE role, requiring you to discipline your child when she/he does things incorrectly.
7) You will work WITH your child's teacher to provide her/him with the best learning experience possible.
8) You will help your child expand their horizons and explore the world physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
9) You will NOT be your child's best friend, you WILL be their PARENT!
10) You will concern yourself with your child's life, and be thoroughly involved in it to the best of your capabilities.
11) You will help your child transition into the real world, be it by teaching them about 'the birds and the bees', helping them find a job, or supporting them in their career pursuits.
12) You will endeavor to these tasks until you DIE. You will ALWAYS be a parent.
13) You will help your children learn your values and spread them to their children, so they in turn will become good parents.
If you cannot adhere to these principles, then you have no right to be a parent. It is hard work being a parent, it is long hours, you may never be thanked for, and life will try everything to try to throw you off your game. Do not submit. It is the single most gratifying and horrible job there is. If you qualify then you are one of the few true parents out there, people whose ideas, thoughts, and actions will ensure not only the survival of your line, but that your children will thrive even in difficult times.
As for those who do not qualify, do yourself a favor, and do not have children. This world ill needs another generation of irresponsible, idiotic, pathetic loafers who do not deserve to be living, much less taking up the hard earned money of those who made it through and thrived in life. Teachers should be able to reprimand children, parents should discipline their children. They should also interact with them, help them, love them, and cherish them.
Every child is precious, a wonder to behold. Help them to become what they deserve to be. Help them to learn, grow, play, expand their horizons. They are the future, our future. They are the world. No one should have the right to reproduce without that understanding, and the ability to prove themselves to be good parents. To do so is not only an affront to that child, but it is an affront to the human race. So think before you start popping out children like it is your job. Prepare, research, figure it out. Then, once your are ready, have kids. Because if you do not, you are not worthy to reproduce, and you deserve nothing less than sterilization.
That's what I think. What do you think? What's your opinion, your thoughts, your ideas of what a parent should be, how they should act? What should qualify people to reproduce? Should there be a test? A physical exam? Should we all be free to do as we please? Tell me what you think on the issues of reproduction, parenting, children, and similar issues...
Later days...