I frequent a local all-you-can-eat restaurant for two reasons, one, for the best food deal in town, and two, I usually get to see some really fat chicks adding to their score on the scales. Today was a real winner.
A mega-fat chick arrived just after I did. She is probably in the 450-500 range, nice looking, as as you would expect, loaded with fat almost everywhere. I was such a thrill watching her waddle repeatedly to the food bar for a reload. Seeing her belly apron bounce off her thighs kept me at attention, and you could almost feel the seismic shocks with each change in vertical placement of her gluteous maximus muscles. Despite the waddling she still had great compress and release action of the heavily insulated thighs.
But her most noticeable feature, enhanced by a sleeveless top, was her mega-colossal, Sonntag-sized bow dimps. Actually, they weren't, shapewise, dimps but rather sort of sleeves. The fat was so massive and soft that the lush tissue draped down over the joints like massive foreskins. Whenever, she sat back down with another plate of food, she first adjusted her belly in standard fashion and then moved her "sleeves" up a bit so as not to mash the fold when she set her arms on the table.
I sat at my place until a while after she left, completely debilitated with sensory overload and an anatomical disturbance. It's a good thing Sonntag wasn't there as he would have expired on the spot with cardiac arrest.
A mega-fat chick arrived just after I did. She is probably in the 450-500 range, nice looking, as as you would expect, loaded with fat almost everywhere. I was such a thrill watching her waddle repeatedly to the food bar for a reload. Seeing her belly apron bounce off her thighs kept me at attention, and you could almost feel the seismic shocks with each change in vertical placement of her gluteous maximus muscles. Despite the waddling she still had great compress and release action of the heavily insulated thighs.
But her most noticeable feature, enhanced by a sleeveless top, was her mega-colossal, Sonntag-sized bow dimps. Actually, they weren't, shapewise, dimps but rather sort of sleeves. The fat was so massive and soft that the lush tissue draped down over the joints like massive foreskins. Whenever, she sat back down with another plate of food, she first adjusted her belly in standard fashion and then moved her "sleeves" up a bit so as not to mash the fold when she set her arms on the table.
I sat at my place until a while after she left, completely debilitated with sensory overload and an anatomical disturbance. It's a good thing Sonntag wasn't there as he would have expired on the spot with cardiac arrest.