Well-Known Member
there has been so much negative posturing by the republican party that i feel they can never beat President Obama next year. in all of the furor to tear down they've forgotten to do the thing that actually gets presidents elected. i still haven't seen their healthcare bill or plan to leave Iraq and Afghanistan. i still haven't heard a coherent plan for jobs that we've been asking them to get a move on for at least 3 yrs now. they have not done enough building up. until they can manage to do that they are bound to lose.
even though i tend to lean left i could get with a good conservative candidate. but, no one is coming up with any good serious compassionate and intelligent conservative ideas for me or anyone else who is open to a different approach. buffoons have taken over the party. Palin is Gerry Springering herself and her family all over the place, drunk on the money she can make by being a spectacle. i now thoroughly resent the fact that i ever gave her a chance at all. she just came back from making a fool of herself in Israel recently claiming she practically wraps herself in Israeli flags in her office as she panders for speaking engagement money and trying to make up for her blood libel debacle. she's even claimng she has jewish roots now. the Ashkenazi part of me cringes. remember the movie "The Thing" and how the alien blood jumps away from fire--well kind of like that Newt Gingrich has the nerve to act as though any American wants to take him as a serious candidate after the stuff he pulled before. we remember Newt, okay? then we have some guy way out on the edges somewhere talking about guns and Sam's clubs like they are the answer to every lower middle class American problem and pretending like he is one of them. doesn't he know that good ol Sam Walton put most of those guys from small towns out of work and out of business? talk about out of touch!
i truly do yearn for the days of men like Bob Dole. even if i disagreed with him i always respected and trusted him, as much as you can any politician. i felt he was just as concerned about the county as i was. those days are gone forever if you look at whats claiming to represent the GOP today. on top of that they are alienating me and probably others with their lack of support for the presidency. after all, the country as a whole voted for Obama. it was a landslide for goodness sake. i don't think most Americans take well to having their candidate bombarded at every turn by people who've refused to recognize their choice and have made it their mission to undercut their own boss, their own president whenever they can about everything. what happened to their patriotism? whatever happened to support the president who represents us all? where are their alternatives for him? they seem to be talking to all of us like we are some stupid ignorant people that can be controlled below the belt-- by gut reactions like racism or sexism. looks like the next election night will be another early one as well.
all of the candidates out there so far look like a bunch of white belted used car salesmen next to President Obama. they come off as fake stiff and self involved. until there is someone who can step out as a human being who really seems to care and feel for something besides his own power and advancement the republican party is doomed to fail and the next candidate will be just as weak and embarrassingingly (new word ) off base and out of touch as McCain was. my appeal to any thoughtful republicans out there is to make it stop and be the party you are truly capable of being.
even though i tend to lean left i could get with a good conservative candidate. but, no one is coming up with any good serious compassionate and intelligent conservative ideas for me or anyone else who is open to a different approach. buffoons have taken over the party. Palin is Gerry Springering herself and her family all over the place, drunk on the money she can make by being a spectacle. i now thoroughly resent the fact that i ever gave her a chance at all. she just came back from making a fool of herself in Israel recently claiming she practically wraps herself in Israeli flags in her office as she panders for speaking engagement money and trying to make up for her blood libel debacle. she's even claimng she has jewish roots now. the Ashkenazi part of me cringes. remember the movie "The Thing" and how the alien blood jumps away from fire--well kind of like that Newt Gingrich has the nerve to act as though any American wants to take him as a serious candidate after the stuff he pulled before. we remember Newt, okay? then we have some guy way out on the edges somewhere talking about guns and Sam's clubs like they are the answer to every lower middle class American problem and pretending like he is one of them. doesn't he know that good ol Sam Walton put most of those guys from small towns out of work and out of business? talk about out of touch!
i truly do yearn for the days of men like Bob Dole. even if i disagreed with him i always respected and trusted him, as much as you can any politician. i felt he was just as concerned about the county as i was. those days are gone forever if you look at whats claiming to represent the GOP today. on top of that they are alienating me and probably others with their lack of support for the presidency. after all, the country as a whole voted for Obama. it was a landslide for goodness sake. i don't think most Americans take well to having their candidate bombarded at every turn by people who've refused to recognize their choice and have made it their mission to undercut their own boss, their own president whenever they can about everything. what happened to their patriotism? whatever happened to support the president who represents us all? where are their alternatives for him? they seem to be talking to all of us like we are some stupid ignorant people that can be controlled below the belt-- by gut reactions like racism or sexism. looks like the next election night will be another early one as well.
all of the candidates out there so far look like a bunch of white belted used car salesmen next to President Obama. they come off as fake stiff and self involved. until there is someone who can step out as a human being who really seems to care and feel for something besides his own power and advancement the republican party is doomed to fail and the next candidate will be just as weak and embarrassingingly (new word ) off base and out of touch as McCain was. my appeal to any thoughtful republicans out there is to make it stop and be the party you are truly capable of being.