Adamant Anti-Nihilist
Alrighty - I've gotten a few requests for this now, and no one else was making one, so here we go. I hope it's not redundant to have two of these. BHM/FFA typically gets traffic from the larger (heh) board population, but certainly not everyone. Maybe one will die out, maybe not. Maybe both will die out! Anyway...
Here's the deal:
This thread will use a completely different survey than the BHM/FFA version. Why? Because I feel like it'd be weird to cross-post the same group of messages on each thread. I figured it best to keep it limited to the respective audiences of each.
The format is the same. Click the link! Write and submit your surely wonderful anonymous message, with the addressee's name at the beginning.
Negative messages didn't go over super well on the other thread, so try to avoid it here. Different sub-forums entail different moderation, so don't make me feel bad about excluding your potentially-accurate diatribe for the sake of the thread.
Any limitations that were applied to the other thread also apply to this one. You may opt out in the thread if you wish.
If you have any suggestions - feel free to voice them! And have fun :happy:
Uh, and if anyone feels like taking over the job of updating/posting messages, I'd gladly set you up...
Here's the deal:
This thread will use a completely different survey than the BHM/FFA version. Why? Because I feel like it'd be weird to cross-post the same group of messages on each thread. I figured it best to keep it limited to the respective audiences of each.
The format is the same. Click the link! Write and submit your surely wonderful anonymous message, with the addressee's name at the beginning.
Negative messages didn't go over super well on the other thread, so try to avoid it here. Different sub-forums entail different moderation, so don't make me feel bad about excluding your potentially-accurate diatribe for the sake of the thread.
Any limitations that were applied to the other thread also apply to this one. You may opt out in the thread if you wish.
If you have any suggestions - feel free to voice them! And have fun :happy:
Uh, and if anyone feels like taking over the job of updating/posting messages, I'd gladly set you up...