Senate bill 1867, or the NDAA, permits indefinite military detention of US citizens without charge or trial, inside the USA
There was a real scrap over this Bill in the Senate, Rand Paul got Amndt 1274 zapped which would have allowed indefinite detention of people by the military AFTER they were ACQUITTED by a civilian court. No, really, that was on the table.
Diane Feinstein managed to get an exemptive amendment into section 1021 (if I recall correctly) for US citizens, but section 1022 remained unaltered in the final Bill and certainly provides enough leeway to disappear any inconvenient opponents of whichever regime is in power at the time, without charge or trial.
This link breaks it all down.
While reading it, bear in mind that history shows all powers will be abused to their maximum extent, (the only uncertainties are when? And to whose profit, exactly?). A +err0r1st will be anyone the existing regime doesnt like, and in the abscence of a fair trial the accused will never have the slightest chance to show theyre innocent. N.B.: youll notice that this law works on PRESUMPTION of GUILT!!
Two Marine Generals eloquently protest Bill 1687
NDAA also contains provisions for the rendition of US citizens to anywhere in the world
Basically the POTUS has effectively accrued dictatorial powers. Any and all dissenters may now be disappeared without any accountability at all.

Apparently Obama was going to veto the Bill (because he didnt feel it gave him / the executive enough power to arbitrarily detain) but has now changed his mind!
Unless this is overturned its the last gasp for freedom in the USA.
There was a real scrap over this Bill in the Senate, Rand Paul got Amndt 1274 zapped which would have allowed indefinite detention of people by the military AFTER they were ACQUITTED by a civilian court. No, really, that was on the table.
Diane Feinstein managed to get an exemptive amendment into section 1021 (if I recall correctly) for US citizens, but section 1022 remained unaltered in the final Bill and certainly provides enough leeway to disappear any inconvenient opponents of whichever regime is in power at the time, without charge or trial.
This link breaks it all down.
While reading it, bear in mind that history shows all powers will be abused to their maximum extent, (the only uncertainties are when? And to whose profit, exactly?). A +err0r1st will be anyone the existing regime doesnt like, and in the abscence of a fair trial the accused will never have the slightest chance to show theyre innocent. N.B.: youll notice that this law works on PRESUMPTION of GUILT!!
Two Marine Generals eloquently protest Bill 1687
NDAA also contains provisions for the rendition of US citizens to anywhere in the world
Basically the POTUS has effectively accrued dictatorial powers. Any and all dissenters may now be disappeared without any accountability at all.
Apparently Obama was going to veto the Bill (because he didnt feel it gave him / the executive enough power to arbitrarily detain) but has now changed his mind!
Unless this is overturned its the last gasp for freedom in the USA.