Hi. I'm somewhat embarrassed about this, but you all have been helpful before. I searched the forums as best as I could before posting.
I'm in the 300 lb range. I don't usually check every inch of myself out in the mirror, but I did today. In the area just as my lady parts end and my butt begins, the skin is turning black. I'm extremely fair-skinned, so it's obvious.
Please help. Do I go to the dr? Is this normal? What do I do?
Thank you for any advice.
I'm in the 300 lb range. I don't usually check every inch of myself out in the mirror, but I did today. In the area just as my lady parts end and my butt begins, the skin is turning black. I'm extremely fair-skinned, so it's obvious.
Please help. Do I go to the dr? Is this normal? What do I do?
Thank you for any advice.