Hi, there! I'm brand new to this forum, but I've browsed it a bit and I'm intrigued by the amount of confidence here. Frankly, I love it. Most of my teen years were spent fretting and worrying about my weight because I was turned down a lot for being a little overweight. About a year ago I started working to lose weight and managed to get rid of 40 extra pounds (leaving me currently at 120-125). Well, I've had my fun with being thin (it's honestly not as great as I thought it would be), and I actually want to work to gain my weight back, and then some.
I've been looking up healthy ways to gain weight. I've counted calories daily and I find myself just feeling sick by the end of the day. I have a feeling I shouldn't be feeling sick, but I've never tried to gain weight before, so I'm a bit clueless.
I basically want to go backwards here.
I like the atmosphere here, so I guess in short, what would you suggest for me? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
I've been looking up healthy ways to gain weight. I've counted calories daily and I find myself just feeling sick by the end of the day. I have a feeling I shouldn't be feeling sick, but I've never tried to gain weight before, so I'm a bit clueless.
I basically want to go backwards here.
I like the atmosphere here, so I guess in short, what would you suggest for me? Any advice is greatly appreciated!