Maybe some of you have seen it. Remains of the Day, with Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. Call me crazy but I just watched it tonight for the first time, and I was blown away at how good it was! It really got me thinking about the strange dynamics that people can share. I have had situations similar to those in the movie, where you are so attracted to someone that its hard to convey it.....and for sake of pride, or even perhaps self preservation, you shy away from attraction rather than pursuing it. The other party takes it as non-interest, which can lead to some rather interesting interaction. Maybe some of you have had similar situations, or perhaps i'm just crazy and read too much into things...either way I highly recommend this film if you haven't seen it, its been out for at least 10 years, so its probably in the 3.98 bin at costco. In an age where movies are rated based on how many explosions are in them, it was nice to see a movie that was touching...that made me think about how people can miss out on opportunities or perhaps even lose something they cherish because they simply cannot fathom attaining it.