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I had just gotten out of the shower and towelled myself off when my beautiful lover yelled from the bedroom "waddle on over here and lift that belly Fatty!"
I loved it whenever she said that, it was just a glorious experience having her admire all the excess blubber she had encouraged me to put on over the last six months ... you see I had been a garden variety fatty when we met at a Memorial Day weekend picnic hosted by some mutual friends of ours, weighing a mere 250 pounds or so, but now six months later I was a bona fide fatty tipping the new scales she had bought me at 326 pounds!
And I knew there was a lot more to come as she referred to herself as my "feedress" and was inscrutable in her ways of encouraging me to eat until it hurt. What once had been a couple of nights a week thing was now almost a nightly event ... and an all day event on weekends, so much so that I put on twenty pounds in just the last month. At this rate, I'd weigh close to a quarter ton by my birthday in early September. And even though I warned her of that, it only seemed to steel her resolve to turn me into a 500 pound elephantine mass of man!
"Are you coming Tubby? I've got a dozen eclairs from your favorite bakery ... don't make me have to find another fat man to feed them to."
At that warning, I sauntered into the master bedroom, wiggling my hips and squishing my belly, then my moobs, with my hands, then gently lifting and dropping my two-tiered belly to let her take in all the movement created by all my belly blubber. All 5'8" and 135 pounds of her was naked and I could see her massage her nipples, then reach down between her legs as my 5'9" and 326 pounds jiggled towards her.
"It looks like someone has eaten way too many Christmas treats. What a poor fat boy, looks like he has put on at least 75 pounds since meeting his feedress. Does the fat boy want to get even fatter for his feedress?"
"Yes he does," I said eagerly, awaiting the unparalleled taste of the chocolate eclairs, the bakery box positioned between her shapely long legs. "Then join me," she said, and I laid beside her on the bed, as she proceeded to feed me eclair after eclair with one hand, while stroking my painfully erect cock with the other. I moaned with ecstacy, telling her that this was a most wonderful Christmas Eve present.
She leaned over and kissed me, getting a mix of sticky chocolate and custard on her lips, which I obligingly licked off, then said "this is but the beginning my fat lover, we're going to have so much fun at your parent's house tonight and tomorrow, showing them just how big a glutton their baby boy has become."
"Please don't embarrass me in front of my family," I begged. "I wouldn't do anything of the sort," she said with an evil grin. "Now, let's finish off these last half dozen eclairs and get you ready to go to your parent's."
I hadn't been home since the previous April, so my folks and my siblings had no idea how fat I'd become. I got a lot of grief before when I was just 250 pounds or so, so imagine what it would be like walking in the door at over 325 and on the arm of an impossibly in-shape girlfriend.
It started when I hit the front door and my brother Chip, 6 feet tall and maybe 175 pounds, an ex-college football cornerback still in great shape, fake punched me in my big gut and said "looks like someone has been packing on the pounds!" Then he took one look at my exercise model-type girlfriend, Lana, and asked "what is a girl like you doing with a tub o' lard like this?"
"That's not nice," Chip's wife Loreen said as she came to meet us. Good old Loreen, the cute pudgy girl next door. I'd always wished I had met her first as I found her incredibly sexy, 225 pounds of sexy curves with a personality to match and she'd no doubt let me get as fat as I wanted ... and maybe even join me on the adventure.
But Chip didn't let up, asking Lana what she fed me to make me so fat. Lana winked at Loreen and told Chip "it's not MY fault -- I've tried to get your brother to lose weight but he just eats everything in sight! I keep telling him if he doesn't let up on the food he'll be too fat to fit through the kitchen door!"
"That's my brother, never did have any willpower around food. When we were kids, I always teased him "Fatty, Fatty, Two by Four, can't fit through the kitchen door ... and the other kids always called him Two Ton Tommy."
Loreen mercificully cut her husband off, grinned and patted me on the tummy and said "you look great Tommy, come on in and see your parents." Chip patted her on her ample and very shapely rump and said "that's right dear, you always take the fat boy's side ..."
As I made it through the kitchen door, showing Chip I wasn't too fat after all, my mother gasped and said "you're so fat son, what happened?" And my dad took one look and said, "I guess we know who is playing Santa tonight." But soon enough attention shifted to my attractive girlfriend and the crowd started taking time getting to know her. That enabled me to sit in the den with Loreen and enjoy a strong drink and the myriad appetizers my mom had set out.
She told me that I really did look great with a few extra pounds. I replied that I wasn't sure that 75 equalled a "few" and she laughed. "So, if you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh now?" About 325 I replied and she said "that's nothing at all, I weigh 250 pounds myself now." "And it looks great on you," I said with all sincerety. "You know, I was always jealous of my brother for landing you and you just keep getting more and more beautiful."
Loreen blushed a little as she knew I meant it, then changed the subject to Lana. "Well it looks like you landed quite the girlfriend yourself, is marriage on the horizon?" "I think so, I was going to pop the question on New Year's." "That's great -- I'm happy for you."
Then it got a little more personal. "If you don't mind me asking Tommy, you don't gain as much weight as you have unless someone is encouraging you. Like me, I put on my last 25 pounds because Chip thought it would be sexy to cuddle a little more of me. In fact, he wants me to get to 300 pounds by next Christmas."
"Are you gonna do it," I asked. "Of course, I love my husband and I love the feel of the extra fat. It makes me feel like a natural woman."
"Wow, I knew we should have gotten together," as I looked at her with lust in my eyes. She responded "settle down now, besides it looks like your future wife wants you to be MUCH bigger. So, are you settling down with a feeder?"
"I guess so, but she prefers that I refer to her as my feedress."
"Feedress? OMG, that sounds serious!"
"It is, it seems like all I do now is eat. At the rate I'm going, I'll be 500 pounds by my birthday!"
"OMG -- that is SO sexy Tommy, I've never told Chip but that is MY fantasy, to be 500 pounds of blubbery wife to his 175 pounds of hard muscle! I wish you lived here Tommy so we could get fat together at the hands of our spouses! Just think, there would be a half ton of blubber between the two of us, eating as much as we want anytime we want, just having Lana and Chip shoveling food into our mouths."
"Oh God that's hot Loreen," I whispered and moved over next to her and started shoveling chips and crab dip into her mouth, while we shoveled shrimp cocktail into mine. I just wanted to take her upstairs to my old childhood bedroom to see if we could crush the bed between us, but instead we contented ourselves with food, finishing off the dip and the shrimp bowl in minutes, then leaning back contentedly and rubbing our bloated bellies.
A few minutes later, my mom and Lana walked in to check on us and gave us a scolding look, "you finished off all the shrimp and all the crab dip by yourselves?" Loreen gave the innocent look and pointed her finger at me, prompting my mom to say "you're going to be 400 pounds if you don't get that appetite under control son!" Lana grinned like a Cheshire Cat and sat down between me and my stuffed sister-in-law, muttering whistfully "just think what I could do with the two of you fatties."
As Lana sat between us two stuffed piggies, she rubbed both our bellies, then looked over at Loreen and said "I knew my Tommy Boy had an endless appetite, but I had no idea he had a sister-in-law back home who could match him bite-by-bite."
Loreen groaned from eating all the crab dip and said, "just think, if we all lived in the same town, you could help fatten me up too, so that Tommy and I could both be quarter ton tubbies."
"That would be wonderful," Lana said, "but what about your buff husband, wouldn't he mind if his beautiful wife just up and inflated like his brother?"
"It's OK," Loreen said, "Chip is a closet feeder and he likes me fat." "Uhhmmm" was all Lana could utter, again getting that evil feedress grin on her face.
Just then, Mom came in and said "dinner in fifteen, better freshen yourselves up." I got up and started toward the first floor master bath, then grabbed Lana's and Loreen's hands to have them follow. Once the three of us were inside, I locked the door and pulled my polo shirt over my head to reveal my big stomach, while Lana pulled Loreen's sweater and blouse over her head. Then Lana started playing with Loreen's belly and then mine, telling us that she wanted to see both of us stuff ourselves silly at dinner, expecting us each to gain at least ten pounds by the time we went home after Christmas dinner the next day. "I'll be so proud of you," told me and to Loreen said, "Chip won't be able to keep his paws off your new rolls."
We heard Dad shout out the five-minute warning and knocked it off, putting our missing clothes back on and freshening ourselves up before cautiously leaving one at a time for the dining room and assuming our spots like nothing at all had happened.
Despite polishing off the shrimp cocktail, I was still pretty hungry and piled up the food on my plate as it passed -- turkey, Virginia ham, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, dressing (lots of dressing), candied yams with marshmallows on top, you name it. After we said grace and as I prepared to dig into the feast, Lana gave me another devlish grin and whispered, loud enough for the table to hear, "are you sure you want to eat so much baby, I mean with all the pounds you've packed on the last few months?" All I did was pile a forkful of turkey and stuffing in my mouth and kept on as if she had said nothing, while she had her hand under my dinner napkin surrepticiously stroking the hard-on beneath my too-tight Dockers.
"You see Mom, she really is trying to get him to lose weight," Chip blurted out. Lana then turned on the charm, looking at my Mom and saying "yes Mrs. Jones, I keep encouraging Tommy to eat sensibly (meaning all I can stuff in my mouth), but once he gets started I can't get him to stop eating. It's really not my fault, your son just has a big appetite and when he gets going, I can't deny him," as she grabbed the bowl of mashed potatoes and loaded more on my plate.
"Of course you can't dear," Mom told her, "Tommy has just always been a big eater, even when he was a kid and weighed fifty pounds more than anyone else -- I used to call him "my little butterball" then, he just so loved to eat." "More like Two Ton Tommy" Chip blurted out again, just before his wife elbowed him hard in the ribs.
Lana reached her hand over and touched Mom's hand, saying "what is a girl to do? I love Tommy so and want to see him happy and eating too much makes him oh so happy."
"I don't get it," Dad said, but I'm glad Tommy has a great gal like you Lana."
"But is she gonna love him when he's 500 pounds?" Chip again and once again he got a sharp elbow to the ribs from Loreen. She then decided to change the subject to herself, telling her husband that "seeing Tommy chow down is making me hungry, pass the mashed potatoes dear and then the dressing." Chip arched his eye brow at her and she arched right back, making him look like a kid in a candy store as he passed the bowls. "Here, have some gravy with that dear," as he emptied what looked to be half the gravy boat on her plate. It was then that I knew my brother Chip indeed wanted his bride to be very fat!
Thankfully that got Chip focused on something different and he got off my back for the rest of the evening. But I'm not sure what Mom and Dad made of all that, with their youngest son and their daughter-in-law both stuffing themselves silly while their mates watched contentedly.
Afterwards, we all sat in the den to get a rest before we had dessert and did the dishes. Once again, Lana positioned herself between Loreen and I on the couch and when no one was looking she would elbow us both in our sides to see how soft and squishy we were around the middles. Then when everyone else walked back into the dining room for dessert, Loreen whispered in Lana's ear, loud enough that I could hear but no one else .... "if Tommy is this fat this Christmas, how fat will you have him by NEXT Christmas?" Lana appeared to think about it for a few seconds and responded, "well Fatty here tells me he'll be 500 pounds by his birthday in September, so I think he'll be at least 600 pounds by Christmas" and reached over and grabbed a roll of my blubber.
"Oh my," said Loreen. "I want you to be my feedress too!"
Lana smiled at her and said "I think your hubby is more than up to that task!" and squeezed a roll of Loreen's blubber too.
Once dessert was over (I had three big slices of coconut cake) and the dishes were done, Mom announced it was time for everyone to get to bed or Santa would pass over the house. I was so stuffed that Lana had to help pull me up, bringing more guffaws from Chip.
On my way upstairs, Dad reminded me that I would don the Santa outfit and hand out gifts on Christmas morning. I begged off the assignment because I knew I could no longer fit in the family Santa outfit that dated back to my Mom's father in the 1950s. But Dad insisted, saying "it's a family tradition son and we're going to keep it going." Then Mom made it worse, "don't worry son, it will fit you just fine -- Dad was 300 pounds when he wore it when I was a kid and you can't possibly weigh that much, can you?"
Lana gave Mom a reassuring look and said "don't worry -- I have ways of making him do it. Besides I think Tommy will make a very sexy Santa." Mom said "I'm so glad Tommy has you -- you are such a positive influence on him." Lana hid her evil grin from all but me and responded "it's hard sometimes, but I try Mrs. Jones."
Since we weren't married, or even engaged, the "arrangement" was that Lana would sleep in my childhood bedroom with the little single bed that certainly would not support me at my current weight. I would take the fourth bedroom, a guest room with a nice queen-sized bed that would support my newfound weight much better. I kissed Lana good night at her bedroom door, knowing full well that she would make her way to the guest room after my parents went to sleep.
A few moments later, she came out clad in a very unsexy flannel nightgown and knocked on my parent's bedroom door to say good night and project an air of being a nice, conservative girl who would take good care of their son and maybe even get him to lose some weight. I heard them talking so I came out clad in my tighty whities (which were very tight) and a too-small t-shirt that barely covered my belly hang. I couldn't believe what a snow job she was putting on for my parents and they were actually buying all her bullshit!
I was tempted to pull up my t-shirt, shake my belly rolls, and tell my parents "all of this is due to her!" But I held my tongue and instead surrepticiously slid my right hand down into her pajama bottoms to play with Lana's shapely yet firm butt cheeks, seeing if she could keep up her Academy Award-winning performance while distracted. Not at all to my surprise, she kept it up despite the distraction and that was giving me quite the hard-on. So I removed my hand and slid over behind her, wrapping my arms around to her front side like I was giving her a playful hug, while in reality I was probing her delicious derriere with my full-on erection.
That finally was too much for Lana and she feigned a big yawn and told my parents that she needed to get to bed "so Santa can come," then turned around to me and said "and I don't mean this big guy." Mom and Dad laughed and Dad added "although Tommy is certainly fat enough to be Santa, we hope you can get him to make a New Year's resolution to take it a little easier on the chow next year." I sighed and said "thanks Dad, I love you too."
I walked Lana back to my old room and no sooner did I close the door and lock it she stripped off her pajamas and was pulling my t-shirt over my head. She said "we've gotta move fast Fatty, so pull down those drawers and lift that belly for me." I did as commanded and she quickly found my swollen cock and started licking, sucking, and tugging away. Between the action, she told me how she looked forward to seeing me don the too-tight Santa outfit the next morning and how she'd always had a fantasy of doing it with a super-fat Santa.
That sent my swimmers into overdrive and I blasted my load into her face before she could reposition her lips around my member. She had never been a big fan of facials and I broke up laughing until she stuck a sticky hand over my mouth to quiet me down. I settled down and quickly donned my t-shirt and underwear and rushed off to the bathroom for a wet wash cloth to clean off her face.
When I returned, she was laying on my old bed in a most seductive pose. I sat beside her, making the kid's bed creak quite loudly, so much so I was afraid the whole thing might give way. After seeing that the bed would stand up to my weight and hers, I cleaned off her face, then leaned in for a deep, long kiss, while simultaneously reaching down to clean her vagina with the wash cloth. Before long the wash cloth found her clitoris and I was giving her a vigorous scrubbing, eliciting low, quiet moans to "keep it up Santa." Finally, she brought both hands to her mouth to cover her ecstacy when she shuddered with a powerful orgasm, then she threw both arms back behind her head, spread her legs wide, and went limp from all the exertion.
She whispered "you're pretty good with a wet wash cloth Santa, what else have you got?"
"You'll have to come down to my room later and I'll show you."
"Give me an hour to give your parents time to go to sleep and I
l'll come down and *** Santa Claus. Now get out of here before your parents begin to doubt that I'm a good influence on you!"
It was about 11:45 when I got back to the guest room so I was expecting her back at least by 1 a.m. But I waited and waited and by 1:30 there was still no Lana. Also, despite all I ate for dinner and dessert, I was hungry and was hoping she'd make a stop in the kitchen for leftovers before joining me. I even made up my mind that if she wasn't there by 1:45 I was going to make the trip to the kitchen myself!
Just as I was preparing to get up, my door opened quietly and it was Lana, and she was bearing Christmas gifts of food for me! She had a big turkey leg under one arm, two-liter Coke under the other, and in her hands was carrying the remains of the coconut cake. Loaded down with all those calorific foods, she was the most beautiful I'd ever seen her!
I took the turkey leg and coconut cake off her hands so she could open the Coke, then she held it up to my lips for a long sip, which she then replaced with a big wet kiss while she fondled my big man boobs. Once finished with the kiss, Lana excitedly said "I've got to tell you now, you won't believe who I ran into in the kitchen raiding the leftovers!"
I took a big bite of turkey and said "I dunno, Loreen?"
"No Fatty, it was Chip!"
"My brother Chip?"
"One and the same. He was doing the same thing as me, collecting food to bring back to his big fat lover. He grabbed the other turkey leg and the rest of the pumpkin pie to go back and stuff Loreen with. Turns out he was totally turned on by seeing her pig out with you at dinner and wanted to keep the good times rolling."
"I'll be damned," I said.
"No, you'll be too fat for the Santa suit in the morning, so eat up Piggy Santa. Then I'll give you my special Christmas gift ..."
I got wide eyed and said "you don't have tell me to eat" and dug into the turkey leg and coconut cake with a gusto I'd never exhibited before. Lana looked on adoringly and murmured "you're gonna get so fat for me, aren't you, 600 pounds by next Christmas shouldn't be any problem for my big fat Santa."
As we lay in bed after I finished my wee hours snack, it occurred to me that Lana must have spent a long time talking with Chip in the kitchen, so I asked her about it. "Oh yes, we spoke for about 45 minutes, about you getting so fat, and his desire to see Loreen pack on some more pounds."
"That explains a lot," I said. "I always adored Loreen but I never saw her as Chip's type, just a little too pudgy for a jock like him."
"Well, he definitely likes his women big, just like I like you big and fat and helpless to resist my feedress charms! In fact, he figured me out pretty quickly, immediately deducing that I was behind your massive weight gain. When I told him how much you had packed on in our six month together, 75 pounds, he was totally impressed and wanted to get some pointers that he could use with Loreen. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if your sexy sister-in-law weighs 400 pounds by next Christmas, you'd like that wouldn't you Tubby, given the crush you've always had on her?"
"That would be pretty hot, having my sexy little feeder and a blimpy sister-in-law in the same room, I don't know if I could control myself."
Then Lana continued, "I asked Chip if he minded me helping you blimp out and he said no, so long as you were happy. And he made a very astute comment, something along the lines that 'Tommy has always wanted to be a very fat man, but never found the right mate to help him get there.' I assured him that I was that person and he said that you should marry me before I came to my senses!"
"Well my darling feedress, I just happened to bring a little bauble with me on the trip and I was planning to propose to you in the morning in front of my family."
"Wearing the Santa suit?"
"Yes, wearing the Santa suit, if it will fit after all the new blubber you've helped pile on me. And what will your answer be?"
"Yes, yes, yes, a thousand pounds yes."
"Don't you mean a thousand TIMES yes?"
"You know what I mean Fat Boy! Now I better get back to my room before your parents find us here together ..."
"But doesn't your 325 pound Santa get some Christmas sex first?" Lana smiled and gave my giant bowl full of jelly a good shake and said "all you want to do now is *** and eat, and not necessarily in that order." I responded that "you've created a monster baby" and helped her plop on my already erect penis.
The next thing we knew it was 6 a.m. and she was asleep atop me. We both panicked, knowing that my parents would be awake soon and Lana quietly slipped back into her flannel pajamas, cracked the door open to see if the coast was clear, then ran smack dab into Loreen, carrying an empty pie plate down to the kitchen. Lana knowingly patted Loreen's swollen belly and said "looks like you and Chip had some food fun last night." To which Loreen replied, "looks like you did a little whale riding with Tommy last night." Then both girls giggled and went on their ways.
Mom knocked on my door just fifteen minutes later, probably half expecting to find Lana in bed with me, and handed me the Santa outfit. "I'm going to wake everybody up in a half hour, so be sure to be ready, we're counting on you to be the best Santa ever," then lovingly added, "you've certainly got the belly for it, my daddy would be proud that there is finally someone in the family who fits the suit as well as he did."
My sense of dread got even greater after that, since Grandad had only weighed around 300 and I had him beat by at least 25 pounds, probably more like 30 or 35 after yesterday's dinner and dessert. I wandered down to the bathroom for a quick shower and was surprised when a couple of minutes later Lana slipped into the shower with me, lathering up my belly rolls and boobs, then reaching underneath to later some more, quickly bringing me to climax, then sending me on my way to play the role of Santa. "See you in a few minutes, my sexy Fatty Santa" and she blew me a kiss.
Once serviced and cleaned up, I stuggled mightily to get into the Santa suit, but my belly was just too much for it. I managed to get the red satin pants hitched up under my belly overhang and wrapped Grandad's wide Santa belt around them to keep them from falling down. Then I tried on the jacket and it was three or four inches shy of reaching around. So I left it open, exposing my too tight t-shirt underneath, then put on the Santa cap (the only thing that fit!) and padded downstairs in my sock feet.
Everyone else was waiting and Chip and my Dad broke into laughter, seeing that I couldn't fit into a 300 pound man's Santa suit. Lana came up and hugged and kissed me and started jostling my big fat belly as Chip harrumphed "Mom, I told you he was too fat for Grandad's Santa suit." Mom came up and hugged me too and said "you look adorable son and Daddy would be so proud that someone in the family finally exclipsed him." She even jostled my belly and said "you are SO much fatter than Daddy now."
Then Dad said, "OK Fatso, start delivering presents to everyone." I had trouble bending over in the tight outfit, so Lana and Loreen were my helpers, handing things up to me from under the tree and telling me who to give them to. Finally, after seemingly scores of gifts, there was one item left under the tree and it was for me from Chip. It was flat and square shaped and poorly wrapped (as was Chip's custom) and I immediately guessed what it was and was steaming inside. Lana came to stand beside and could barely control her laughter when she said "go on, open it" and reached around to jostle my belly again.
"Yeah, go ahead Two Ton Tommy, open it," snarled Chip. "When I saw you walk in yesterday afternoon, I immediately made a quick trip to Walmart to find this for you."
I still refused to rip the paper, so Lana did it for me, revealing a new bath scale! "Oh you shouldn't have Chip," she said in faux sincerety. Chip looked ecstatic over his own thoughtfulness and said "I figured he could use it, it goes all the way up to 400 pounds."
Then Lana said "no, really, you shouldn't have Chip. I recently bought him one at home and it goes all the way to 600 pounds. Your brother is still a growing boy and I plan to see him get there by next Christmas." You should have seen the jaws drop in the room, particularly when Lana whispered in Chip's ear that her plan was for me to outgrow the 600 pound scale by next Christmas! That is all but Loreen, who came over and grabbed the scale out of Lana's hands and said "I'll take it then, since Chip wants ME to be 400 pounds by next Christmas!" Jaws dropped once again as Lana and Loreen stood on either side of me lovingly squeezing the rolls lopping over my Santa pants.
Lana whispered in my ear, "this is going to be a big year for you Fatty, 275 pounds to go in twelve months!" Loreen whispered in my other ear, "your folks are gonna have to widen all the doors for us before next Christmas!" And Chip came up behind us, wrapping his long arms around the three of us and saying to Lana, "I guess you and I have a couple of fat hogs to feed over the next year," then slapped Loreen and I on our fat butts and said "come on piggies, Mom is fixing a big breakfast."
I loved it whenever she said that, it was just a glorious experience having her admire all the excess blubber she had encouraged me to put on over the last six months ... you see I had been a garden variety fatty when we met at a Memorial Day weekend picnic hosted by some mutual friends of ours, weighing a mere 250 pounds or so, but now six months later I was a bona fide fatty tipping the new scales she had bought me at 326 pounds!
And I knew there was a lot more to come as she referred to herself as my "feedress" and was inscrutable in her ways of encouraging me to eat until it hurt. What once had been a couple of nights a week thing was now almost a nightly event ... and an all day event on weekends, so much so that I put on twenty pounds in just the last month. At this rate, I'd weigh close to a quarter ton by my birthday in early September. And even though I warned her of that, it only seemed to steel her resolve to turn me into a 500 pound elephantine mass of man!
"Are you coming Tubby? I've got a dozen eclairs from your favorite bakery ... don't make me have to find another fat man to feed them to."
At that warning, I sauntered into the master bedroom, wiggling my hips and squishing my belly, then my moobs, with my hands, then gently lifting and dropping my two-tiered belly to let her take in all the movement created by all my belly blubber. All 5'8" and 135 pounds of her was naked and I could see her massage her nipples, then reach down between her legs as my 5'9" and 326 pounds jiggled towards her.
"It looks like someone has eaten way too many Christmas treats. What a poor fat boy, looks like he has put on at least 75 pounds since meeting his feedress. Does the fat boy want to get even fatter for his feedress?"
"Yes he does," I said eagerly, awaiting the unparalleled taste of the chocolate eclairs, the bakery box positioned between her shapely long legs. "Then join me," she said, and I laid beside her on the bed, as she proceeded to feed me eclair after eclair with one hand, while stroking my painfully erect cock with the other. I moaned with ecstacy, telling her that this was a most wonderful Christmas Eve present.
She leaned over and kissed me, getting a mix of sticky chocolate and custard on her lips, which I obligingly licked off, then said "this is but the beginning my fat lover, we're going to have so much fun at your parent's house tonight and tomorrow, showing them just how big a glutton their baby boy has become."
"Please don't embarrass me in front of my family," I begged. "I wouldn't do anything of the sort," she said with an evil grin. "Now, let's finish off these last half dozen eclairs and get you ready to go to your parent's."
I hadn't been home since the previous April, so my folks and my siblings had no idea how fat I'd become. I got a lot of grief before when I was just 250 pounds or so, so imagine what it would be like walking in the door at over 325 and on the arm of an impossibly in-shape girlfriend.
It started when I hit the front door and my brother Chip, 6 feet tall and maybe 175 pounds, an ex-college football cornerback still in great shape, fake punched me in my big gut and said "looks like someone has been packing on the pounds!" Then he took one look at my exercise model-type girlfriend, Lana, and asked "what is a girl like you doing with a tub o' lard like this?"
"That's not nice," Chip's wife Loreen said as she came to meet us. Good old Loreen, the cute pudgy girl next door. I'd always wished I had met her first as I found her incredibly sexy, 225 pounds of sexy curves with a personality to match and she'd no doubt let me get as fat as I wanted ... and maybe even join me on the adventure.
But Chip didn't let up, asking Lana what she fed me to make me so fat. Lana winked at Loreen and told Chip "it's not MY fault -- I've tried to get your brother to lose weight but he just eats everything in sight! I keep telling him if he doesn't let up on the food he'll be too fat to fit through the kitchen door!"
"That's my brother, never did have any willpower around food. When we were kids, I always teased him "Fatty, Fatty, Two by Four, can't fit through the kitchen door ... and the other kids always called him Two Ton Tommy."
Loreen mercificully cut her husband off, grinned and patted me on the tummy and said "you look great Tommy, come on in and see your parents." Chip patted her on her ample and very shapely rump and said "that's right dear, you always take the fat boy's side ..."
As I made it through the kitchen door, showing Chip I wasn't too fat after all, my mother gasped and said "you're so fat son, what happened?" And my dad took one look and said, "I guess we know who is playing Santa tonight." But soon enough attention shifted to my attractive girlfriend and the crowd started taking time getting to know her. That enabled me to sit in the den with Loreen and enjoy a strong drink and the myriad appetizers my mom had set out.
She told me that I really did look great with a few extra pounds. I replied that I wasn't sure that 75 equalled a "few" and she laughed. "So, if you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh now?" About 325 I replied and she said "that's nothing at all, I weigh 250 pounds myself now." "And it looks great on you," I said with all sincerety. "You know, I was always jealous of my brother for landing you and you just keep getting more and more beautiful."
Loreen blushed a little as she knew I meant it, then changed the subject to Lana. "Well it looks like you landed quite the girlfriend yourself, is marriage on the horizon?" "I think so, I was going to pop the question on New Year's." "That's great -- I'm happy for you."
Then it got a little more personal. "If you don't mind me asking Tommy, you don't gain as much weight as you have unless someone is encouraging you. Like me, I put on my last 25 pounds because Chip thought it would be sexy to cuddle a little more of me. In fact, he wants me to get to 300 pounds by next Christmas."
"Are you gonna do it," I asked. "Of course, I love my husband and I love the feel of the extra fat. It makes me feel like a natural woman."
"Wow, I knew we should have gotten together," as I looked at her with lust in my eyes. She responded "settle down now, besides it looks like your future wife wants you to be MUCH bigger. So, are you settling down with a feeder?"
"I guess so, but she prefers that I refer to her as my feedress."
"Feedress? OMG, that sounds serious!"
"It is, it seems like all I do now is eat. At the rate I'm going, I'll be 500 pounds by my birthday!"
"OMG -- that is SO sexy Tommy, I've never told Chip but that is MY fantasy, to be 500 pounds of blubbery wife to his 175 pounds of hard muscle! I wish you lived here Tommy so we could get fat together at the hands of our spouses! Just think, there would be a half ton of blubber between the two of us, eating as much as we want anytime we want, just having Lana and Chip shoveling food into our mouths."
"Oh God that's hot Loreen," I whispered and moved over next to her and started shoveling chips and crab dip into her mouth, while we shoveled shrimp cocktail into mine. I just wanted to take her upstairs to my old childhood bedroom to see if we could crush the bed between us, but instead we contented ourselves with food, finishing off the dip and the shrimp bowl in minutes, then leaning back contentedly and rubbing our bloated bellies.
A few minutes later, my mom and Lana walked in to check on us and gave us a scolding look, "you finished off all the shrimp and all the crab dip by yourselves?" Loreen gave the innocent look and pointed her finger at me, prompting my mom to say "you're going to be 400 pounds if you don't get that appetite under control son!" Lana grinned like a Cheshire Cat and sat down between me and my stuffed sister-in-law, muttering whistfully "just think what I could do with the two of you fatties."
As Lana sat between us two stuffed piggies, she rubbed both our bellies, then looked over at Loreen and said "I knew my Tommy Boy had an endless appetite, but I had no idea he had a sister-in-law back home who could match him bite-by-bite."
Loreen groaned from eating all the crab dip and said, "just think, if we all lived in the same town, you could help fatten me up too, so that Tommy and I could both be quarter ton tubbies."
"That would be wonderful," Lana said, "but what about your buff husband, wouldn't he mind if his beautiful wife just up and inflated like his brother?"
"It's OK," Loreen said, "Chip is a closet feeder and he likes me fat." "Uhhmmm" was all Lana could utter, again getting that evil feedress grin on her face.
Just then, Mom came in and said "dinner in fifteen, better freshen yourselves up." I got up and started toward the first floor master bath, then grabbed Lana's and Loreen's hands to have them follow. Once the three of us were inside, I locked the door and pulled my polo shirt over my head to reveal my big stomach, while Lana pulled Loreen's sweater and blouse over her head. Then Lana started playing with Loreen's belly and then mine, telling us that she wanted to see both of us stuff ourselves silly at dinner, expecting us each to gain at least ten pounds by the time we went home after Christmas dinner the next day. "I'll be so proud of you," told me and to Loreen said, "Chip won't be able to keep his paws off your new rolls."
We heard Dad shout out the five-minute warning and knocked it off, putting our missing clothes back on and freshening ourselves up before cautiously leaving one at a time for the dining room and assuming our spots like nothing at all had happened.
Despite polishing off the shrimp cocktail, I was still pretty hungry and piled up the food on my plate as it passed -- turkey, Virginia ham, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, dressing (lots of dressing), candied yams with marshmallows on top, you name it. After we said grace and as I prepared to dig into the feast, Lana gave me another devlish grin and whispered, loud enough for the table to hear, "are you sure you want to eat so much baby, I mean with all the pounds you've packed on the last few months?" All I did was pile a forkful of turkey and stuffing in my mouth and kept on as if she had said nothing, while she had her hand under my dinner napkin surrepticiously stroking the hard-on beneath my too-tight Dockers.
"You see Mom, she really is trying to get him to lose weight," Chip blurted out. Lana then turned on the charm, looking at my Mom and saying "yes Mrs. Jones, I keep encouraging Tommy to eat sensibly (meaning all I can stuff in my mouth), but once he gets started I can't get him to stop eating. It's really not my fault, your son just has a big appetite and when he gets going, I can't deny him," as she grabbed the bowl of mashed potatoes and loaded more on my plate.
"Of course you can't dear," Mom told her, "Tommy has just always been a big eater, even when he was a kid and weighed fifty pounds more than anyone else -- I used to call him "my little butterball" then, he just so loved to eat." "More like Two Ton Tommy" Chip blurted out again, just before his wife elbowed him hard in the ribs.
Lana reached her hand over and touched Mom's hand, saying "what is a girl to do? I love Tommy so and want to see him happy and eating too much makes him oh so happy."
"I don't get it," Dad said, but I'm glad Tommy has a great gal like you Lana."
"But is she gonna love him when he's 500 pounds?" Chip again and once again he got a sharp elbow to the ribs from Loreen. She then decided to change the subject to herself, telling her husband that "seeing Tommy chow down is making me hungry, pass the mashed potatoes dear and then the dressing." Chip arched his eye brow at her and she arched right back, making him look like a kid in a candy store as he passed the bowls. "Here, have some gravy with that dear," as he emptied what looked to be half the gravy boat on her plate. It was then that I knew my brother Chip indeed wanted his bride to be very fat!
Thankfully that got Chip focused on something different and he got off my back for the rest of the evening. But I'm not sure what Mom and Dad made of all that, with their youngest son and their daughter-in-law both stuffing themselves silly while their mates watched contentedly.
Afterwards, we all sat in the den to get a rest before we had dessert and did the dishes. Once again, Lana positioned herself between Loreen and I on the couch and when no one was looking she would elbow us both in our sides to see how soft and squishy we were around the middles. Then when everyone else walked back into the dining room for dessert, Loreen whispered in Lana's ear, loud enough that I could hear but no one else .... "if Tommy is this fat this Christmas, how fat will you have him by NEXT Christmas?" Lana appeared to think about it for a few seconds and responded, "well Fatty here tells me he'll be 500 pounds by his birthday in September, so I think he'll be at least 600 pounds by Christmas" and reached over and grabbed a roll of my blubber.
"Oh my," said Loreen. "I want you to be my feedress too!"
Lana smiled at her and said "I think your hubby is more than up to that task!" and squeezed a roll of Loreen's blubber too.
Once dessert was over (I had three big slices of coconut cake) and the dishes were done, Mom announced it was time for everyone to get to bed or Santa would pass over the house. I was so stuffed that Lana had to help pull me up, bringing more guffaws from Chip.
On my way upstairs, Dad reminded me that I would don the Santa outfit and hand out gifts on Christmas morning. I begged off the assignment because I knew I could no longer fit in the family Santa outfit that dated back to my Mom's father in the 1950s. But Dad insisted, saying "it's a family tradition son and we're going to keep it going." Then Mom made it worse, "don't worry son, it will fit you just fine -- Dad was 300 pounds when he wore it when I was a kid and you can't possibly weigh that much, can you?"
Lana gave Mom a reassuring look and said "don't worry -- I have ways of making him do it. Besides I think Tommy will make a very sexy Santa." Mom said "I'm so glad Tommy has you -- you are such a positive influence on him." Lana hid her evil grin from all but me and responded "it's hard sometimes, but I try Mrs. Jones."
Since we weren't married, or even engaged, the "arrangement" was that Lana would sleep in my childhood bedroom with the little single bed that certainly would not support me at my current weight. I would take the fourth bedroom, a guest room with a nice queen-sized bed that would support my newfound weight much better. I kissed Lana good night at her bedroom door, knowing full well that she would make her way to the guest room after my parents went to sleep.
A few moments later, she came out clad in a very unsexy flannel nightgown and knocked on my parent's bedroom door to say good night and project an air of being a nice, conservative girl who would take good care of their son and maybe even get him to lose some weight. I heard them talking so I came out clad in my tighty whities (which were very tight) and a too-small t-shirt that barely covered my belly hang. I couldn't believe what a snow job she was putting on for my parents and they were actually buying all her bullshit!
I was tempted to pull up my t-shirt, shake my belly rolls, and tell my parents "all of this is due to her!" But I held my tongue and instead surrepticiously slid my right hand down into her pajama bottoms to play with Lana's shapely yet firm butt cheeks, seeing if she could keep up her Academy Award-winning performance while distracted. Not at all to my surprise, she kept it up despite the distraction and that was giving me quite the hard-on. So I removed my hand and slid over behind her, wrapping my arms around to her front side like I was giving her a playful hug, while in reality I was probing her delicious derriere with my full-on erection.
That finally was too much for Lana and she feigned a big yawn and told my parents that she needed to get to bed "so Santa can come," then turned around to me and said "and I don't mean this big guy." Mom and Dad laughed and Dad added "although Tommy is certainly fat enough to be Santa, we hope you can get him to make a New Year's resolution to take it a little easier on the chow next year." I sighed and said "thanks Dad, I love you too."
I walked Lana back to my old room and no sooner did I close the door and lock it she stripped off her pajamas and was pulling my t-shirt over my head. She said "we've gotta move fast Fatty, so pull down those drawers and lift that belly for me." I did as commanded and she quickly found my swollen cock and started licking, sucking, and tugging away. Between the action, she told me how she looked forward to seeing me don the too-tight Santa outfit the next morning and how she'd always had a fantasy of doing it with a super-fat Santa.
That sent my swimmers into overdrive and I blasted my load into her face before she could reposition her lips around my member. She had never been a big fan of facials and I broke up laughing until she stuck a sticky hand over my mouth to quiet me down. I settled down and quickly donned my t-shirt and underwear and rushed off to the bathroom for a wet wash cloth to clean off her face.
When I returned, she was laying on my old bed in a most seductive pose. I sat beside her, making the kid's bed creak quite loudly, so much so I was afraid the whole thing might give way. After seeing that the bed would stand up to my weight and hers, I cleaned off her face, then leaned in for a deep, long kiss, while simultaneously reaching down to clean her vagina with the wash cloth. Before long the wash cloth found her clitoris and I was giving her a vigorous scrubbing, eliciting low, quiet moans to "keep it up Santa." Finally, she brought both hands to her mouth to cover her ecstacy when she shuddered with a powerful orgasm, then she threw both arms back behind her head, spread her legs wide, and went limp from all the exertion.
She whispered "you're pretty good with a wet wash cloth Santa, what else have you got?"
"You'll have to come down to my room later and I'll show you."
"Give me an hour to give your parents time to go to sleep and I
l'll come down and *** Santa Claus. Now get out of here before your parents begin to doubt that I'm a good influence on you!"
It was about 11:45 when I got back to the guest room so I was expecting her back at least by 1 a.m. But I waited and waited and by 1:30 there was still no Lana. Also, despite all I ate for dinner and dessert, I was hungry and was hoping she'd make a stop in the kitchen for leftovers before joining me. I even made up my mind that if she wasn't there by 1:45 I was going to make the trip to the kitchen myself!
Just as I was preparing to get up, my door opened quietly and it was Lana, and she was bearing Christmas gifts of food for me! She had a big turkey leg under one arm, two-liter Coke under the other, and in her hands was carrying the remains of the coconut cake. Loaded down with all those calorific foods, she was the most beautiful I'd ever seen her!
I took the turkey leg and coconut cake off her hands so she could open the Coke, then she held it up to my lips for a long sip, which she then replaced with a big wet kiss while she fondled my big man boobs. Once finished with the kiss, Lana excitedly said "I've got to tell you now, you won't believe who I ran into in the kitchen raiding the leftovers!"
I took a big bite of turkey and said "I dunno, Loreen?"
"No Fatty, it was Chip!"
"My brother Chip?"
"One and the same. He was doing the same thing as me, collecting food to bring back to his big fat lover. He grabbed the other turkey leg and the rest of the pumpkin pie to go back and stuff Loreen with. Turns out he was totally turned on by seeing her pig out with you at dinner and wanted to keep the good times rolling."
"I'll be damned," I said.
"No, you'll be too fat for the Santa suit in the morning, so eat up Piggy Santa. Then I'll give you my special Christmas gift ..."
I got wide eyed and said "you don't have tell me to eat" and dug into the turkey leg and coconut cake with a gusto I'd never exhibited before. Lana looked on adoringly and murmured "you're gonna get so fat for me, aren't you, 600 pounds by next Christmas shouldn't be any problem for my big fat Santa."
As we lay in bed after I finished my wee hours snack, it occurred to me that Lana must have spent a long time talking with Chip in the kitchen, so I asked her about it. "Oh yes, we spoke for about 45 minutes, about you getting so fat, and his desire to see Loreen pack on some more pounds."
"That explains a lot," I said. "I always adored Loreen but I never saw her as Chip's type, just a little too pudgy for a jock like him."
"Well, he definitely likes his women big, just like I like you big and fat and helpless to resist my feedress charms! In fact, he figured me out pretty quickly, immediately deducing that I was behind your massive weight gain. When I told him how much you had packed on in our six month together, 75 pounds, he was totally impressed and wanted to get some pointers that he could use with Loreen. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if your sexy sister-in-law weighs 400 pounds by next Christmas, you'd like that wouldn't you Tubby, given the crush you've always had on her?"
"That would be pretty hot, having my sexy little feeder and a blimpy sister-in-law in the same room, I don't know if I could control myself."
Then Lana continued, "I asked Chip if he minded me helping you blimp out and he said no, so long as you were happy. And he made a very astute comment, something along the lines that 'Tommy has always wanted to be a very fat man, but never found the right mate to help him get there.' I assured him that I was that person and he said that you should marry me before I came to my senses!"
"Well my darling feedress, I just happened to bring a little bauble with me on the trip and I was planning to propose to you in the morning in front of my family."
"Wearing the Santa suit?"
"Yes, wearing the Santa suit, if it will fit after all the new blubber you've helped pile on me. And what will your answer be?"
"Yes, yes, yes, a thousand pounds yes."
"Don't you mean a thousand TIMES yes?"
"You know what I mean Fat Boy! Now I better get back to my room before your parents find us here together ..."
"But doesn't your 325 pound Santa get some Christmas sex first?" Lana smiled and gave my giant bowl full of jelly a good shake and said "all you want to do now is *** and eat, and not necessarily in that order." I responded that "you've created a monster baby" and helped her plop on my already erect penis.
The next thing we knew it was 6 a.m. and she was asleep atop me. We both panicked, knowing that my parents would be awake soon and Lana quietly slipped back into her flannel pajamas, cracked the door open to see if the coast was clear, then ran smack dab into Loreen, carrying an empty pie plate down to the kitchen. Lana knowingly patted Loreen's swollen belly and said "looks like you and Chip had some food fun last night." To which Loreen replied, "looks like you did a little whale riding with Tommy last night." Then both girls giggled and went on their ways.
Mom knocked on my door just fifteen minutes later, probably half expecting to find Lana in bed with me, and handed me the Santa outfit. "I'm going to wake everybody up in a half hour, so be sure to be ready, we're counting on you to be the best Santa ever," then lovingly added, "you've certainly got the belly for it, my daddy would be proud that there is finally someone in the family who fits the suit as well as he did."
My sense of dread got even greater after that, since Grandad had only weighed around 300 and I had him beat by at least 25 pounds, probably more like 30 or 35 after yesterday's dinner and dessert. I wandered down to the bathroom for a quick shower and was surprised when a couple of minutes later Lana slipped into the shower with me, lathering up my belly rolls and boobs, then reaching underneath to later some more, quickly bringing me to climax, then sending me on my way to play the role of Santa. "See you in a few minutes, my sexy Fatty Santa" and she blew me a kiss.
Once serviced and cleaned up, I stuggled mightily to get into the Santa suit, but my belly was just too much for it. I managed to get the red satin pants hitched up under my belly overhang and wrapped Grandad's wide Santa belt around them to keep them from falling down. Then I tried on the jacket and it was three or four inches shy of reaching around. So I left it open, exposing my too tight t-shirt underneath, then put on the Santa cap (the only thing that fit!) and padded downstairs in my sock feet.
Everyone else was waiting and Chip and my Dad broke into laughter, seeing that I couldn't fit into a 300 pound man's Santa suit. Lana came up and hugged and kissed me and started jostling my big fat belly as Chip harrumphed "Mom, I told you he was too fat for Grandad's Santa suit." Mom came up and hugged me too and said "you look adorable son and Daddy would be so proud that someone in the family finally exclipsed him." She even jostled my belly and said "you are SO much fatter than Daddy now."
Then Dad said, "OK Fatso, start delivering presents to everyone." I had trouble bending over in the tight outfit, so Lana and Loreen were my helpers, handing things up to me from under the tree and telling me who to give them to. Finally, after seemingly scores of gifts, there was one item left under the tree and it was for me from Chip. It was flat and square shaped and poorly wrapped (as was Chip's custom) and I immediately guessed what it was and was steaming inside. Lana came to stand beside and could barely control her laughter when she said "go on, open it" and reached around to jostle my belly again.
"Yeah, go ahead Two Ton Tommy, open it," snarled Chip. "When I saw you walk in yesterday afternoon, I immediately made a quick trip to Walmart to find this for you."
I still refused to rip the paper, so Lana did it for me, revealing a new bath scale! "Oh you shouldn't have Chip," she said in faux sincerety. Chip looked ecstatic over his own thoughtfulness and said "I figured he could use it, it goes all the way up to 400 pounds."
Then Lana said "no, really, you shouldn't have Chip. I recently bought him one at home and it goes all the way to 600 pounds. Your brother is still a growing boy and I plan to see him get there by next Christmas." You should have seen the jaws drop in the room, particularly when Lana whispered in Chip's ear that her plan was for me to outgrow the 600 pound scale by next Christmas! That is all but Loreen, who came over and grabbed the scale out of Lana's hands and said "I'll take it then, since Chip wants ME to be 400 pounds by next Christmas!" Jaws dropped once again as Lana and Loreen stood on either side of me lovingly squeezing the rolls lopping over my Santa pants.
Lana whispered in my ear, "this is going to be a big year for you Fatty, 275 pounds to go in twelve months!" Loreen whispered in my other ear, "your folks are gonna have to widen all the doors for us before next Christmas!" And Chip came up behind us, wrapping his long arms around the three of us and saying to Lana, "I guess you and I have a couple of fat hogs to feed over the next year," then slapped Loreen and I on our fat butts and said "come on piggies, Mom is fixing a big breakfast."