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Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Mirror, Mirror, Make Me Fat by dmarsh07 (USSBBWs, XXWG)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2005
Major Kira Nerys dragged herself back to her quarters on Deep Space 9 after a long day of one crisis after another. As she was reaching for the light controls, she heard a surprisingly familiar voice purr, "oh, no. Leave the lights off. It helps the mood."

After a moment, she realized why the voice was so familiar. It was her own. She froze at the recognition of what that meant. Her counterpart from the other universe, the Intendant of Terok Nor, was somehow in her quarters.

"No thanks. I think I'd rather be able to see what you're up to."

Kira could hear the amused pout in her counterpart's reply. "Oh, all right. Lights, 25%!"

The lights came on dimly. Kira whirled to see the Intendant lounging languidly on her couch. The other's black catsuit and matching headband caught what light there was and shimmered in the dimness. As before, she had a slightly predatory but somehow affectionate grin when looking at Kira.

The Intendant's grin widened as she met Kira's gaze. "Well, here we are again," she said with a chuckle. "I just couldn't forget about you."

"What do you want from me?" Kira asked.

"The same thing I've always wanted from you: just you. But maybe with a few new wrinkles."

Wary, Kira backed towards the door. "What do you mean 'new wrinkles'?"
The Intendant laughed joyously. "Why, what else would I mean? We're the same, remember? Or nearly. We have the same kinks."

Kira pointedly ignored the flash of heat she got at that.

The Intendant continued. "Even less than you are, I suspect, am I able to actually fulfill any of my fantasies. If I'm too large to perform my duties on the station, my Garak will probably try to remove me. Again. And I'll be too large to stop him then."

The Intendant threw her head back and continued. "But you. Oh, you've already done so much. That drug you discovered to slow your metabolism and speed up digestion. And the planet you and Jadzia Dax located. I've seen what you've done with the place. An unlimited supply of food, the automated processing and delivery, the steady manufacture and dosing of your drug. It's perfect!"

Kira, still wary, said, "so you want to come here from time to time and I'll feed you? Is that it?"

She saw the Intendant flush and put a hand on her belly, just as she felt herself get hot. Meaning to throw her counterpart off guard (probably), Kira continued. "You can come here, we'll transport down to the planet, and save your pattern. I can blow you up as big as you want, and you'll be back to normal when we beam back. "

As Kira went on, the Intendant stretched indolently, resting one hand behind her head and running the other down her body, ending between her legs.
"You can get as big as you've ever dreamed. Bigger. You said you've seen. There's no limit except time. And we can reset you to the same size you ended the last session. You don't ever have to stop getting bigger and bigger."

The Intendant started rubbing herself through the catsuit, leering at Kira, who kept the patter going. "You've seen our records of our sessions of course." The Intendant nodded lustfully. "You've seen how gigantic you can get. That planet's dense core means you can grow to the size of a small moon and it won't disrupt the planet at all." Now, Kira's voice dropped to a lustful purr, not unlike her counterpart's. She stopped thinking of ways out of the situation, becoming lost in her own fantasy-spinning. The Intendant's head fell back against the couch, eyes closing in pleasure as she kept rubbing herself. Kira continued. "Bigger, fatter, never stopping, just expanding more and more. Every time you start a new session, it's just continuing the last, always swelling up, bigger and bigger, growing to unimaginable sizes, at last becoming a planet, and still inflating..."
Still leering, the Intendant raised her head to stare at Kira. "Oh, yes," she moaned. "It sounds absolutely wonderful. But, I'm far too dominant to allow anyone, even you, that much control over me." She quickly pulled a disruptor from behind her head and fired, stunning Kira before she could react.

As Kira gradually awoke, she stretched out the muscle knots. Or started to. Her eyes flew wide open in panic when she encountered the bonds holding her. The last few conscious minutes returned to her memory, and her head snapped up. She met the Intendant's gaze. "As I said, you're not me, but you're the next best thing. I can fill you up nonstop, and still keep my own mobility. And with the automation you've put in here, I can come and go, keeping Terok Nor running smoothly between our playtimes."

Kira thrashed against the bonds, screaming, "let me out of this! Please!"

The Intendant made herself look puzzled, though her grin ruined the effect. "But what's wrong?" she asked. "You've done this with Jadzia. If you can trust her, surely you can trust yourself." With that, she crossed to the edge of the clearing they were in, and started to set up the tube-and-pump system Jadzia had set up.

"You're not me, you crazy bitch!" yelled Kira, still struggling.

The Intendant chuckled, crossing back to Kira, dragging the tubing. "Maybe not, but I'm going to give you what you've always dreamed of."

Kira snorted scornfully. The Intendant grinned wider. "You can't fool me. I've had the same fantasy. We both know you want this." Her voice dropped to a lewd purr. "Ever since you can remember, you've wanted to satisfy your hunger. Completely satisfy it. No thought of consequences. No worry about repercussions. Just total indulgence, total abandon. Because you love this. You want to grow, to expand, to bloat up. You love getting fat. Being fat. Becoming fatter, and fatter, and fatter. Never stopping. Eating and eating forever. Growing incredibly, unbelievably. Feeling the sensual pleasure of your enlarging body, swelling up beyond your wildest dreams. And we both know how wild those dreams are. A planet? Oh, no, you want to get far far bigger than that. Don't you?"

By this time, the Intendant was standing over Kira's bound form, their faces inches apart. The Intendant whispered, "don't you?"

Kira, her eyes glazed over and her mouth open and panting, whispered back, "yes."

The Intendant leaned back a little, showing Kira the end of the tube for her mouth. "You want this?"

Kira's eyes focused on the tube to the exclusion of everything else. "Yes," she whispered again, "please," and opened her mouth wide.

The Intendant grinned again, and stuffed the tube into Kira's mouth. "All the way down?" she whispered. Kira shook her head. "Leave it in your mouth?" Kira nodded eagerly.

The Intendant quickly adjusted the tube to be just behind Kira's teeth, and secured it with a strap around Kira's head. A tiny whine indicated the breathing tube inserting itself.

The Intendant grinned lavisciously. "Oh, one last thing. I know you've only gone up to 5 pounds a second. This new pump can go much, much faster. And the tube can stretch to match any amount the pump can do." She stopped, holding up the pump control. "How fast should we go, to start?" she teased her helpless, eager counterpart, spinning the speed dial to match her words. "Should it be just 5, what you're used to? Maybe just 1 to start with? Should we max it out, to...oh, but I think I'll leave that as a surprise for now. Let's start at 10 pounds a second, double your record. Your lovely drug is waiting in the pump, just like your usual." With that, the Intendant hit the start button.

Staring excitedly at the tube, Kira could see it stretch visibly to contain the sheer volume of the paste heading inexorably towards her mouth, her belly. As always, she tried to hold her throat closed, to let the paste bulge her cheeks out. Much quicker than before, however, the sheer pressure forced her throat open and the session really began. She relaxed her throat as much as she could to allow the incredible flood into her.

Even so, with double her previous max rate, Kira had some trouble adjusting to the astonishing intake. She nearly gagged before she caught herself and made the extra effort to relax her jaw and throat to accommodate the flow.
Still dressed in her uniform, Kira could feel the cloth tighten as her body expanded. After only seconds, first her bloating belly, then her ballooning tits started to strain against the confining fabric. As the torso of the outfit grew tighter and tighter, she could feel her arms and legs growing against the clothing too. She panted desperately as her normally skin-tight uniform grew tighter still, squeezing her developing fat. A quick, tiny jolt told her that the seams were beginning to give way. As her tube feeding continued, the seams popped faster and faster, releasing her ever-expanding flesh. Finally, the uniform shredded completely as she outgrew it at last. Moments later, the bonds on her wrists and ankles snapped as well. Kira's hands flew to her belly, resting on it and feeling it bulge under her grip.

As before, Kira was laying on a large scale, with the display visible to her. Barely a minute was passed, and she was already up to 700 pounds! She moaned around the tremendous flow, hitting her first of many orgasms she expected from the stuffing.

Dazedly, Kira turned her eyes to the Intendant, who was staring fixedly at Kira's rapidly inflating body. The Intendant was rubbing her own belly with one hand, and playing with herself with the other, moaning softly, as she watched her counterpart swell.

Lost in mutual pleasure, Kira ballooning faster than she'd ever dared before, and the Intendant watching avidly and pretending it was herself, the two only gradually became aware of an insistent beeping. Finally, the Intendant reacted, looking down at her wrist. "Oh, no," she pouted. "I have to leave you. I'll be back as soon as I can. Enjoy your expansion, my dear!"

Kira would often turn to look at the weight read-out. At the first dawn, it showed 864,110. Partway through the second day, she saw 1,080,110. Dazedly, she did the math. 500 tons! In less than two days! She smiled as best she could, her mouth stretched wider than ever before around the tube, thinking ahead to how huge she could get this time. Before long, she lost all track of time passing, caught up in her unimaginable expansion. Each and every moment, she felt full to bursting. Even the hyperdoses of the drug were barely enough to help her digest the vast amounts of food fast enough to keep her swollen, overstuffed belly from popping. But the drug did manage its job, and she blew up astonishingly, wonderfully vast.

After a week, the Intendant returned. By this time, Kira was completely lost in the sensations of her burgeoning fat. The Intendant had to tap Kira's face to get her attention. "Hello, my lovely," she purred. "Can you see how big you are now? You're more than six million pounds! Three thousand tons! Have you ever been this big before?"

Kira's eyes rolled back in her head, and she climaxed immediately on hearing her weight. Early in the week, she'd lost the ability to turn her head, or even her eyes, to see her weight for herself. The Intendant, already near her own orgasm from seeing her counterpart so bloated and still visibly growing even bigger, climbed on Kira's vast body and lay down, so that they were more-or-less face-to-face, and sent herself over the edge along with Kira.

"Mmmm, you're doing so very well, my love. Do you want even more?"

Kira's eyes lit up, and the fat around her face wobbled. The Intendant laughed. "Are you trying to agree? By the Prophets, you're too fat to even nod!" Both Kiras came again from that realization. The Intendant went on, "you want to grow faster, don't you? I know I would if I were there." She slid off her counterpart's immeasurably engorged body and took the remote control.

"Can you handle double this? Twenty pounds a second?" she teased Kira again. Kira responded with a lustful moan around the incredible flow gushing into her body. "I think that'll work fine for now," finished the Intendant, spinning the dial up.

Quickly, the already-immense flow increased even more. Kira tried to relax her throat more, but she felt her cheeks inflate bigger and bigger with the extra that simply couldn't fit down her throat. She moaned in fear as her cheeks blew up, stretching to their limits. The Intendant quickly noticed.

"Oh, no," she sighed disappointedly. "You're not ready for that much. Yet." She played with the control for a few seconds, finally settling on 15 per second. Kira's cheeks weren't swelling past their bursting point anymore, but they weren't able to diminish at all. They were still stretched to their absolute limit, painfully bulging to hold the excess. Even that pain, now that Kira wasn't worried about them popping, became new pleasure at her complete, utter fullness.

The Intendant sighed again. "Oh well, maybe we can get 20 by next time. I'm so sorry; I have to leave immediately. I just had to see you again, if only for a few minutes. I'll be back as soon as I can get away. I can't wait to see how fat you get this time."

As the Intendant turned to go, Kira moaned as loud as she could. The Intendant turned back. "What's wrong, my gigantic, lovely balloon of fat?" But, of course, Kira couldn't speak around the enormous nonstop surge flooding into her.

After staring and thinking a few seconds, the Intendant reached out and moved the weight readout, so that Kira could easily see it. Even through the vast folds of endless fat, she thought she could see her counterpart settle happily.

Another week of nonstop enlarging. Now, Kira could watch as well as feel her body weight soar. Seven million pounds, 8 million, 10 million, bigger and bigger she grew, far fatter than she'd even been, than she'd ever hoped she could actually get. She reveled in her unbelievable intake, downing 15 pounds of fat every second, but she wanted desperately to be able to increase it even more. The 20 they'd tried, maybe even 30 or 50...
Sometime during the timeless expansion, Kira managed to stretch her throat enough to push some of her mouthful down into her bloating body. She hoped that extra stretch could let her take 20, at least.

When the Intendant finally came back again, Kira was over 7500 tons (27,216,110 lb). This time, the Intendant immediately stripped down and jumped onto Kira's gargantuan body immediately, sending delicious waves running all over her oceanic fat. "Oh, my lovely ball of fat," she whispered. "You're so huge, so immense, so incalculably vast. It's wonderful. You're wonderful, and so very gorgeous. But you're still nowhere near planet-sized. You're not even moon-sized yet. You've got so much more to grow. Let's see if you can handle 20 per second yet."

Already holding the control, the Intendant spun it immediately to 20 pounds per second. Kira's cheeks swelled again, but this time stabilized. The Intendant could actually feel her fat-filled mattress growing fuller, fatter, tighter, against her own naked flesh.

This visit, she was able to stay for some time. All during her stay, the Intendant stayed nude, laying on Kira's ever-expanding form, rubbing her own body against the velvety soft flab, sinking deliciously into the immeasurable sea of fattening blubber. Just like the sessions with Dax, the Intendant would tease Kira repeatedly.

"You made it to 20 pound per second. You're growing so fast now, inflating with fat like a blimp. But you're so much bigger than any blimp there ever was. You're more than twice as fat as you've ever managed before. And you're not near done yet. There's so much more you need to eat to get to be a planet. But I promise you'll get there, don't worry."

"Your limbs are completely buried inside your fat body now. Even your hands and feet are covered. Your fat is spreading out everywhere. Let's dig inside your gigantic folds and see... Oh, my wonderful immobile mirror, your hands are bigger around than your whole body was when you started. How huge must your arms be? Let's see if we can find them... Oh, how breathtaking! Remember when you were told your belly was bigger than a shuttle deck? Well, now just your arm is. All your limbs are. And still they're completely buried inside your immeasurable flabby body."

"It's been another whole week, my lovely little blimp. Oh yes, you're still so very small compared to what you'll be when I'm done. Even so, you've already outgrown the huge clearing we're in. Your huge body is easily 50 meters across. And your belly, laying down, is still twice as tall as you ever were. Did you ever think you'd really get this big? And you're still going, still expanding, still swelling, faster and faster."

The only problem was that, even though the Intendant tried to up the speed of the pump, Kira seemed to have reached her physical limit for intake. Every time the pump sped up, Kira's cheeks just blew up with food. And this time Kira couldn't manage to force any extra down her throat, so by the time the Intendant finally gave up and accepted the limit, Kira's cheeks were swollen to 6 or 7 times their normal size, filled to the absolute brim with tightly packed food. No matter how Kira tried, she couldn't force the excess into her belly.

At last, the Intendant took her leave once again. "This week has been so fantastic, my darling dirigible, my amazing monument to indescribable gluttony. I hate to leave you, especially without a solution to our problem of your limit, but I'll find one, I promise. You'll be gorging faster and faster again soon."

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