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flicks a booger on conrad
Mar 7, 2006
I am DONE!!

I know how I feel about whine/rants out here...but...

I have not been around for about 3 weeks because of some stuff going on in my world.On the 5th of December I came home after being at my moms for 5-6 days decorating her place.I walked into an apartment that was partially flooded.We had been having issues with clogged drains for about 18 months.It really came to a head on that night.At first we did not know who was responsible, but now know it was because the power company had been digging around and one of their pipes went through one belonging to the apartment.When my landlord thought it was his problem, he treated the people in the four lower apts like crap.If there is a hell...well...fill in the blanks.He is a real piece of work.He did not even want to pay for a hotel the first few days before we found out who was the guilty party.

I have lost quite a bit of stuff and hope we do not run into a fight about the claim..because I dont have a fight in me right now.I am not working right now and my roomie is losing his job in a few weeks(business being closed)..anybody need a Photoshop person/designer/prepress expert/teacher?..*s*

We also learned that if someone had dug in the wrong place/way..we could have been in the clouds.That had me not sleeping for a few nights.We are now in a hotel.It is nice but is not a suite so no refrigerator..etc.So many people are staying in hotels due to the storm last week.I can't ge a hold of the people I need to talk to...contractor...the building hygienist who will determine if the air quality is ok..mold..etc.I guess they were there on Monday, but cannot verify that...oy.

I know there are many...many...people worse off and I am trying to remember that...but I am just pretty down right now in so many ways.I am also feeling pretty crappy about myself.I think all this has not helped matters.I am pretty happy to be on my roomies laptop,just being able to be back here at Dims...well, except for chat.

So many things are going wrong right now and I am really trying to find the good..and it is there..dont get me wrong.But if any of you nice people would like to send a ncie message..or massage..but I guess tha tis a different story..please do..would be MOST appreciated!I was going to submit one of those Amazon Wishlists a few weeks back, but I thought that would be kind of...hmmmm...greedy..I am kicking myself..lol...mostly kidding..I am just in real need of more comfort than I am finding right now.

Have a great holiday..or just a peaceful day!


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