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BBW Take It All In- BBW, Dining, XWG

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2016
[Author's Note: Hello all. While I'm mainly known elsewhere as an expansion writer, this story is something new for me. This is my first story that involves weight gain and eating, and is also my first attempt at a chapter by chapter release. I hope you like it. Special thanks to Blake Isaac Gordon for early feedback.]

Take It All In
by Clovis​

Chapter 1

“Why does she always want to meet in the quad?” Lydia wondered while trying to find her little sister amongst the collegiate throng all rushing hither, tither, and yon. There was a storm coming and the wind was whipping. Her frustration peaking, Lydia then caught sight of a banner waving in a familial reddish shade, held atop the shortest of poles.

“Dawn, there you are,” Lydia said looking up at her younger sibling. While not as skinny as a flag pole, Dawn did have the slightest of frames. “Please be careful up there, it’s starting to rain.”

Dawn smiled down, her fantastically long auburn hair flapping wildly about. “You’re the one always complaining about how hard I am to spot in a crowd.”

“I have said that- and I’ve also seen a swift wind knock you down, so if you wouldn’t mind…” Lydia took Dawn’s hand and helped her descend from the polished granite block that bore the word “HEALTH” in two foot letters.

“You don’t have to mother me,” Dawn huffed as her two friends joined them.

“No, but I might sister you to death,” Lydia said as she opened the building’s door and waved them all on in.

Once inside Lydia gave her sister a hug. Dawn loved the hug, but she was not a fan of what inevitably followed.

“I can still reach,” Lydia teased as Dawn felt the annoyingly familiar double-tap behind her back that signaled her big sister was not only able to reach fully round her in the hug, but had enough arm left over that each hand could tap her own elbows. “Still waiting on that last growth spurt I see.”

“Ugh!” Dawn pushed Lydia away. “I’m nearly done my last year of college- can we end that particular running joke please?”

“Of course we can,” Lydia grinned playfully, as she raised a fist with the knuckle of her middle finger cocked and ready. “You know I’ve never actually given a noogie, but I’m willing to try new things if you are.”

“Would you please!” Dawn was exasperated. “I have friend’s here.”

“Yes, yes, I know- I just miss you is all.” In lieu of a noogie, Lydia gave her shorter sister a kiss atop the head. Turning her attention to Dawn’s two- and possibly only- friends Lydia greeted them with the warmest of smiles. “Hello Amber. Hello Holly.”

Amber was Dawn’s free-spirited roommate and she immediately went right in for a hug of her own. She found Lydia fascinating and always wanted to pal around during her visits. Holly on the other hand, was much more reserved- a wallflower by way of a sunflower: tall, yellow haired, country sweet, and bumpkin naive. She simply wilted in Lydia’s somewhat gothic presence.

“Holly… hey Holly,” Lydia repeated as she waved her hand in front of the girl who, while smiling back, was biting those smiling lips.

“Let her be sis,” Dawn intervened.

“She thinks you’re a witch,” Amber joked- but joke or not, Holly’s expression went from politely uncomfortable to downright terrified.

“Oh, sweetie,” Lydia’s heart melted as the poor girl trembled before her. “Don’t mistake a fashion statement with any actual occult belief or practices.” Lydia desperately wanted to give Holly a hug to calm her, but instead, she took a step back- placing her much less threatening sister in between them. “But you know,” Lydia added, “if I could do any spells, I’d get that cat to give your tongue back.” This at least earned her a smile.

Dawn turned back around to face her sister, her own lip bit in anticipation.

Lydia knew what she was waiting for- the last part of their ritualistic greeting- the part Dawn liked best. “Haven’t you outgrown that?” she asked.

“As you and the rest of the world loves to remind me, I haven’t outgrown anything. Humor me.”

“Well, I am curious myself,” Lydia said as she moved to stand toe to toe with her sister. Sliding her hands around to the back of Dawn’s head, she positioned her fingers just beneath the hair-line. In a grand sweeping gesture Lydia then held Dawn’s beautiful long hair out as far as she could to either side.

“Did I do it?” Dawn asked eagerly.

“You finally did! Look-“ Lydia said showing that Dawn’s locks exceeded her span by several inches before letting the glorious auburn tresses rain gracefully back down as they gathered and bobbed.

“I’ve always said a single strand of Dawn’s hair could clog a shower drain,” Amber added while marveling at her roommate’s bountiful coiffure.

Dawn performed a cute little twist to show off the fact that her epic mane now fell to her thighs and fully covered the flat curve-less bottom for which others had given her such grief.

“Just… you know, be extra careful around machinery and flames,” Lydia cautioned.

“Yes sis,” Dawn moaned as her sister sucked the fun out of her accomplishment.

“So,” Lydia clapped her hands together signaling it was time to get down to business, “while it’s lovely to see my darling sister and her darling friends- why exactly have I been summoned?”

Lydia caught only the bullet points as Dawn launched into a thoroughly comprehensive rant detailing the horrible crime being committed against her. Lydia hadn’t experienced such an animated vocal onslaught since the first time her sister realized that boys might not be so gross after all. What Lydia was able to discern was this: there was a professor, she was a monster, and she tried to give Dawn what no other teacher ever dared- a failing grade.

“Ok, ok, ok…” Lydia tried to bring Dawn’s breathless tirade in for a landing. “What’s the class? Is this even a requirement?”

“Nutrition… and no, but…”

“Then just drop the class- aren’t you way over in credits already? You’ll get your degree regardless.” But Lydia knew that wouldn’t fly with Dawn. It wasn’t simply about getting by with her. Dawn was determined to show the world that only saw her as cute and insignificant that she was a force to be reckoned with. Dawn didn’t have much to fight with, but she was a fighter none-the-less- and this was injustice. Unable to overpower or intimidate, Dawn wore her opponents down with mental aptitude and an unflinching persistence which Lydia admired. She had such a bleeding heart that their Senator’s and Congressmen not only knew the name Dawn Morrigan, but winced whenever they heard it or received one of her exhaustive letters pleading for one cause after another. From the woman on the news who’d left a puppy in a hot car to supreme dictators on the other side of the globe, Dawn would spread awareness and fight for the meek, the downtrodden, and anyone else denied their fair share. To Lydia, her seemingly frail sibling was actually an amazon- only one who had been compressed like a diamond into a small, highly volatile- yet adorable- package. That Dawn called in her big sister for help with this seemingly minor problem was a worrying sign.

“…and I don’t even know why she’s failing me! She’s had it out for me since day one. As soon as she heard my name she’s had nothing but utter contempt for me.”

“You’re name?” This detail peaked Lydia’s interest. “Who is this professor?”

“Bitchasaurus,” Dawn spat as Amber nodded in confirmation.

“That isn’t nice,” Lydia’s voice was stern.

“Fine… it’s Miss Vesuvi- Etna Vesuvi.”

Before the name even registered in her brain, Lydia’s subconscious sent a wave of bile burning up her throat. Lydia felt her legs give way and her hand went to her sister’s shoulder for support- support Dawn was neither prepared or built to give, and both girls collapsed to their knees.

“What the hell!?” Dawn started, but then saw the look on her sister’s usually unflappable face.

Lydia gasped as she tried to compose herself. “Et- Etna Vesuvi?” The name tasted toxic on her lips.

“You know her?” Dawn said surprised by this development.

“I knew her,” Lydia regretfully acknowledged, thankful for that past tense. “Do you remember how sometimes when I came home from high school and you’d come skipping up to me wanting to play or chat and I’d slam the door in your face and cry, ‘Not now, I just had the worst day of my life!’”

“Yeah, I remember,” Dawn said rolling her eyes, “I remember that as being pretty much every day.”

“That was her,” Lydia’s eyes went distant. “My… my fucking nemesis. The reason I went and became a…” she caught herself.

“A librarian?” Dawn finished.

“… yes.”

“Well,” Dawn sighed, “now she’s my nemesis.”

In a long sustained silence, Lydia stared at Dawn with a look of utter dismay. Lydia wouldn’t have wished Etna on even her worst enemy. Unfortunately, Etna was her worst enemy and the person who got the unintended wish was her own sweet sister.

“I thought your nemesis was high shelves?” Amber blurted, awkwardly breaking the tension.

Holly covered her own mouth and blushed a deep scarlet as Amber immediately tried to walk the comment back, “a joke- just a stupid joke.” Lydia took note of how the larger roommate seemed genuinely intimidated by the smaller. “I’m sorry Dawn,” Amber continued, “but we do know why you always insist one of us go shopping with you.”

“What’s the plural of nemesis?” Dawn fumed.

“Oh, leave them alone- you know they love you,” Lydia said making peace. She tried to hide the fact that she was shaking. Lydia wanted to run- run from this place and never look back. The air thickened, an acrid smell filled her nose, and even the hallway seemed to dim just in her knowledge that Etna was somewhere nearby. The storm outside only made things more ominous. But she had to be strong. Dawn had asked for help- help from her big sister. Hadn’t she grown so much since she’d crawled out from under Etna’s oppressive shadow? Or was she still the same scared, awkward child she was in High School? “So…” Lydia started with great apprehension in her voice, “where’s her office?”

“We’re not going to her office,” Dawn said leading the group onward, “she’s never there.”

“I don’t think she can fit in her office,” Amber joked.

“Guys don’t be mean,” Lydia chided them, though she found the comment puzzling. “Even with Etna- you know how I feel about bullying.”

“Well, there’s mean and there’s the literal truth,” Dawn said. “You want to see her- well I guarantee she’ll be in here and you’ll see who’s the bully.” Emboldened, Dawn marched in double time- her balled fists swinging as she walked, her auburn mane keeping time behind her as it swished and snapped while she led her odd little group to their goal- the dining hall. Dawn’s frenetic momentum came to a halt however when she grabbed the handles of the hall’s double doors with the clear intent of swinging them open wide and dramatically. This didn’t happen, for as Dawn threw her weight back, the doors merely shook. Her second attempt got them partially open, but the rebound pulled her right back and Dawn’s face met them with a painful slap. The comedy of errors continued and Lydia put her face in her hand. Nothing set her sister off more than when anything dared defy her complete lack of strength. “DAMN… STUPID… STUCK!”

“Ugh! Here, let me,” Lydia grabbed a door and opened it, then gave her little sister a push inside. “While we’re here I’m buying you lunch- you desperately need to put on…” but Lydia didn’t finish. In amongst the commotion and noise of a hundred or more students, she saw Etna. Dawn was right, she could not be missed.

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