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Tamara - by LuvFanny (SSBBW (Multiple), ~Sex, Flatulence, ~XWG)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2006
SSBBW (Multiple), ~Sex, Flatulence, ~XWG - Tamara lives like a big, fat Queen of Excess.

by Luv Fanny

Part 1

It all started when Tamara was 20. She was beautiful, glamorous and hot and she knew it. She was sexy with an attitude. She was also vain, spoiled, incredibly self-indulgent and lazy. She had always relied on her face and body to give her incredible power over boys and men. Since high school graduation, she had never had to work. She got everything she needed to indulge herself with her looks.

She was by all definitions a glutton and she used her power to get food too, and lots of it. She lived to lie around on soft cushions and stuff herself with food, at mealtime and in between. Being voluptuous, she knew how to attract men who worshiped her type, so she never worried about her weight or thought about dieting. She always had candy or pastries at her fingertips to satisfy her constant sweet cravings, but she knew they couldn’t hurt her – her men worshiped her huge breasts and nice butt, and she imagined they always would, no matter how fat she got. Fortunately, her youth and genes had kept her from ballooning. She stood 5’5” and weighed about 180.

Her main boyfriend, Eric, a fine-lookin’ muscular brotha, was completely enraptured and devoted to Tamara’s ass. He was 6 ‘ 2” tall, 195 lbs, muscular and lean, with six-pack abs. He was a construction work supervisor who busted his ass to get overtime pay. He had authority over several sites. He supplied Tamara with an upscale townhouse apartment and all the modern luxuries, including a plush Lexus. Even working 10-12 hours a day, 6 days a week, Eric never managed to have any money for himself – all he earned went to support Tamara in her luxurious, decadent lifestyle,. But Tamara didn’t really care how much he worked or sacrificed as long as he paid her bills and waited on her hand and foot – actually, it turned her on to be fat and lazy while he sweated outside working to support her. Tamara was something of a dominatrix.

One Friday night, after a hot, hard week, Eric came home with wads of cash for Tamara and two large fully-loaded pizzas and a big box of donuts. He ate a couple of slices and left the rest for her.

“These donuts aren’t cream filled, you fool,” she said. “You know I like cream filled donuts!” and pouted even as she started stuffing herself with pizza, lying on the couch.

Eric shrugged, “Sorry, baby,they were out,” and took a shower. Tamara polished off the pizzas and donuts and drank a couple of beers while he was gone. When he came back into the living room Tamara continued her abuse. She was sitting, legs wide open with her massive tits hanging out.

“Is this it, you fool? How do you expect me to survive on so little food. Go get me some chocolate cake and butter pecan ice cream!”

Eric, exhausted, was tired to the bone, but the sight of her like this made him want to grovel in her presence and he obeyed his queen’s command.

When he returned with the goodies, Tamara had shed her black pantsuit and was lying nude and bloated on the blue leather couch. Toying with him she said, “My big tittie has fallen over. Lift it up for me, Baby.”

Eric, under her sexual spell, knelt down and lifted her massive tit and laid it on the couch cushion beside her. He was gentle and kind to her.

Tamara belched loudly. “Now serve me my dessert!” she commanded arrogantly.

Eric served her, even fed her until she became peeved that he wasn’t feeding her fast enough. “Give me that spoon,” she ordered haughtily, and began shoveling the sweet goodies into her mouth faster to satiate her large appetite.

After finishing the huge quantity of cake and ice cream, she could hardly breathe. She stretched out, legs apart, knowing he was being aroused.

“Oh, I’m bloated,” she moaned. She was panting from the exertion of eating and her overfull tummy.

Then she belched again and let out a big, loud fart. Tamara looked at Eric and giggled and said “Ahhhh…that felt so good!” Eric was aroused and she knew it.

Eric knelt down beside his reclining queen, entranced by the sight of her nude body. “Tamara, Baby, why do you treat me so mean?” Eric asked.

She lazily looked down at him and yawned. “Oh, shut up, you fool. Just think how lucky you are to be with me. I have tons of muscular studs who are dying to serve me. Quit complainin’ or I’ll just call one of them.”

Truthfully, Tamara thought Eric was the hottest of any boy she’d dated. But she had to be the boss. Eric was pussywhipped – he worshiped Tamara. He just couldn’t leave her. She told him to turn on the tv and he did. She ordered him to get her a drink or feed her bonbons, and he did. After a hard day’s work, Eric spent the evenings waiting on Tamara, who never wasted effort to burn a calorie or two.

Before allowing him to sleep in her king-sized bed, she would always have specific wishes to be fulfilled. This night she sat nude in the bed, munching on bon bons and gave him instructions for dinner the next night.

“I’m ready for lots of soul food – I want plenty of greasy fried chicken and mashed potatoes and biscuits and gravy, greens and cornbread - and pie – yes, I want a thick, sweet apple pie buried under gobs of vanilla ice cream,” she cooed sexily. Eric was a decent cook, having learned fast living with Tamara.

“It’ll be real late, Sweetie, I won’t get home til after dark,” he said meekly, slipping his great body under the silk sheets with her. “Can you wait until late to eat?”

“No, I want supper by 8 o’clock,” she said, pouting like a little girl.

“Well, I’ll go to your favorite soul food take-out place and bring you all the chicken and mashed potatoes you can eat.”

Tamara, still pouting, said, “And apple pie?”

“Yes, Baby, lots of apple pie.”

And with this tender exchange, Tamara let Eric go down on her and make love to her, playing between her thick thighs and burying his face in her massive tits. For lovemaking, like everything else, was about what Tamara wanted – the man was to be her sex slave – giving her ecstatic pleasure, licking and rubbing her clit so that she would orgasm herself several times first - and then and only then, would he finally get to penetrate her. She only had to lie there while he did all the work.

Tamara just got worse. She slept til noon every day. When the weather was cool (she hated to sweat) she’d go out with Eric’s credit card to enjoy a sumptuous lunch with her girlfriends – usually gorging on heaping portions of steak or fried seafood, fries or mashed potatoes dripping in butter and lots of bread, washing it down with expensive wine and finally having a large dessert. Bloated, she might return home for a long nap or, if she had the energy, shop for clothes – always buying a size too small as she didn’t want to admit she was gaining weight and getting larger. She therefore had numerous corsets and girdles to hold in her expanding figure.

Tamara bought everything she wanted. After shopping, she’d come home in her expensive sports car, take a long nap, then munch on bonbons and watch tv and talk on the phone with her girlfriends.

This went on for months. The bills were pouring in. Exhausted and at the breaking point, Eric came in one night determined to confront her royal majesty. Tamara was decked out in black, waiting for him to take her out to an expensive restaurant.

“Baby, don’t you think you should get a job instead of lying around the house all day. I’m workin’ my ass off like a slave to pay your bills. And you just lay around on your butt, eating and getting fat.”

Tamara was furious. She lit into him.

“Who the hell do you think you are?! Me – get a job? Screw you! I’m a damned hot beauty queen! I was the homecoming queen my senior year! Guys call me all the time just to hear my voice. Job! Mmph!” she said indignantly, nose in the air. “In fact, you know what I think, Eric? I think if you can’t make enough to support my gorgeous fanny in the style I deserve, then YOU need to get a second job! I need MORE money! In fact, when you do get another job you can hire me a maid to clean this place, and a cook. You won’t be able to clean house and cook with two jobs and I need the extra time for my beauty rest and to get my nails and hair done.

"And ANOTHER thing,” she paused to breathe, “I’m glad you brought this up. I‘ve been thinking. Maybe I have put on a few pounds. I might need to join a spa. So it had better be a good-paying job, brotha!”

Eric was just standing there silent, taking all this in. “Spa!” he exclaimed. "What good is a spa going to do you? You ain’t gone use it. You hate exercise.”

Tamara pulled a huge tit out and began rubbing it. “Fool. Who said anything about me exercising? Betty said there’s one in town where they have a guy that gives you a massage. He kneads your fat areas to reduce them. And they have one of those vibratin’ belt machines – steamrooms- saunas…”

Eric interrupted. “Baby, that’s not going to reduce you. Diet and exercise is the only thing that’ll do that.”

“Nonsense, Eric.” She had calmed down and was hungry. “Now get ready to take me to dinner. I’m starvin’.”

Somehow, Eric was turned on even more and looked forward to his goddess gaining – he couldn’t explain it. While in the shower, Eric kept thinking of Tamara’s new demands. He should have kept his mouth shut. This wasn’t Tamara’s idea. She’d been listening to that big fat-assed girlfriend of hers, Betty. He had dated Betty first. He suddenly couldn’t help but remember how she looked naked.

Betty was 22 , 5’7” and probably weighed 220 by now. She had married and was as sorry as any woman could be. Her husband was a college grad and a computer company exec.He made a lot of jack and Betty sat on most of it with her big fat lazy ass!

“Why do I fall for these big-tittied, fat bitches??” he asked himself. “Tamara is hard on me enough without Betty giving her ideas to break me! Spa!"

Tamara was happy. She’d gotten the excuse she needed to squeeze still more out of Eric and to make her life even more indolent and decadent. She gorged at dinner that night and ran up a huge tab at the restaurant. She ate two appetizers, drank four cocktails, ordered a bottle of wine, ate soup, bread, salad, a huge entrée including a 20-ounce steak with a giant loaded potato and a five-inch-tall hunk of New York cheesecake for dessert. Eric cringed at the bill. Tamara must have been ten pounds heavier when she finally squeezed her fat tits out of the booth and waddled to the car. In fact, she was panting from the exertion, she was so out of shape. Her expensive corset, which was exactly like Betty’s, was cutting into her waist and belly and she wanted to get home and let it all hang out.

“Ahhh…that feels so much better," she cooed as Eric helped her release her mounds of flesh from its restrictive confinement.

“I’m so bloated, Baby…carry me to the bedroom,” she said as if it was the most natural command in the world for a woman to give her man.

Of course, Eric obliged. His muscular frame braced as he lifted her now 200-pound body and carried her to her bed where he laid her down gently. She was so full she couldn’t even eat any bedside bon bons that night. But she was happy and she wanted Eric to make love to her. He pleasured her and as she thought of her future – having even less to do but let herself go – with a maid and a cook serving her- a masseuse keeping her fat ass in shape – all without lifting a finger – she reached even greater heights of ecstasy.

The next day, while Tamara busied herself, lying in bed eating a box of cream filled donuts for breakfast and checking the listings for a maid and cook, Eric had already been at work three hours. He started asking other construction companies about doing work with their architects.

Within two weeks, Tamara had hired her part-time maid, Maria, and cook, Maurice. In addition to the expense of their wages, there was now the expense of more groceries. Tamara watched the food channel and dreamed up all kinds of new recipes for Maurice to make for her. She loved rich, fattening food, in large amounts. And, now that Maria was there 4 hours a day, she had a servant to fetch for her. She was delighted to let Maria wait on her hand and foot. She quickly established herself as a household goddess. Maria would arrive at 10 a.m. and be at Tamara’s beck and call. Maurice would fix a sumptuous brunch, usually served to Tamara after she awoke around 11, on a tray in her bed. Maria would prepare her bath or shower and hand her her robe, fetch her slippers and do practically everything but wipe her ass.

One afternoon after she had been fed and pampered, Tamara lay on her bed in a tight leopard thong, stuffed with brunch and extra bonbons, hardly able to breath.

She asked Maria to dial Betty on the cell phone for her. “Betty, what you doing?” she panted. “Just getting’ up? You lazy bitch, its almost two. I been up since noon. Listen, honey, I love having my maid and cook.” Tamara was breathing heavy.

Betty noticed. “Baby, you sound out of breath – you been exercising?”

Tamara giggled. “You know I hate exercise. I’m …just so stuffed…Maurice fixed me another huge brunch and after my shower, I been stuffin' myself with my bonbons. I love my bonbons. But I’m so full I’m almost miserable!”

Betty was intrigued. “Oh, you go girl! What’d ya have to eat for brunch?”

“I had a couple of thick-cut fried pork chops with big buttermilk biscuits and gravy and fried eggs like I like 'em – over easy, grits – oh, his grits are to die for- he puts cream and a lotta jack cheese in 'em. And today he brought me a fresh apple strudel with some kind of cinnamon cream poured on it…(she paused to pant…) Maria had to help me outta the bed, I was so bloated.”

“Mmmmm, girl,” Betty cooed. “You gon’ get so fat eating like that you going to need a forklift to lift your ass outta bed!” They both laughed.

“I don’t care. I’m lovin’ this life, Baby! Besides, I ain’t seen you on no diet, Betty.”

“What? Unh unh- no way. I’m fat and sassy and getting fatter every day! Andrew just loves to see my tits and ass grow! He says I put it all in the right places. He loves my thick thighs.”

“Eric hasn’t complained about my gaining either. I know he loves my fat ass! What are you doing now?” Tamara asked.

“I’m sitting in my new lounge chair at my pool. I got on my new bikini and I’m drinking a Bloody Mary. I love this chair. Its padded so soft and its motorized with buttons so I can adjust it without moving a muscle.”

“Ooooh, nice,” Tamara cooed.

Betty continued, “I’m waiting on my lunch out here at the pool. Jeff is fixin' me a surprise. I know it’ll be scrumptious and there’ll be plenty of it. Girl, you know I’ve gained 40 pounds since Christmas!”

“Ooooh, you don’t mean it! I haven’t weighed lately but I bet I have too!” (the girls giggled).I can’t hardly get my corset on. And Maria leaves at 2. I can’t squeeze into any of my clothes without that corset – when Eric takes me out to dinner I just about wear my poor self out trying to squeeze into that thing and fasten all those hooks.”

“Oh, poor thing,” Betty laughed. “My corset and girdles just keep all my fat under control so I can just let myself go. But I do need help with them. My maid, Vicki, is so good to me – she treats me like a queen. She wants me to look my best and she huffs and puffs, pulling and tugging until I’m stuffed in. One day, she was out sick. Can you keep a secret?”


“Anyway, Andrew was coming home to take me out and I didn’t have anybody to put on my corset for me. Well, the gardener was outside. Have I told you about him?- anyway he’s a hot little kid, muscular and cute. Don’t tell a soul, but I invited him in and asked him to help me with my corset.” Betty had lowered her voice, as if anyone else could hear.

“You’re kidden’ me,” Tamara responded.

“It’s true – and he grinned and looked kinda sheepish, but there I was in my panties and bra and handing him the corset. He chose to help, of course,” she said giggling.

Tamara laughed too. “Oooh, what happened?”

“Well, he was strong so he just easily squeezed my fat rolls in and fastened it fast. You know how that thing makes your boobs stick up and out – his eyes were about to pop out and his dick was too!” They laughed again.

“Did y'all make love?” Tamara asked, excited by now.

“Don’t you dare tell anyone, but yes, he did me from behind while I was wearing the corset. He had a big one and it felt great, but I couldn’t get too excited cause I could hardly breathe in that corset!” They both laughed again.

Tamara asked the obvious. “Are you still seein' him?”

Betty became guarded. “No, but I wouldn’t tell you if I was.” Changing the subject she said, “Hey, Tamara, why don’t you hire that girl of yours full time – you need the help- she can dress you for dinner.”

Tamara rolled over on the bed like a beached whale. “I know it, Hon. You’d think Eric would respect me more than to leave me helpless all afternoon. He finally got a second job, though.”

“Really? That’s good. What’s he doing?”

“He is doing consulting for smaller construction companies. Sometimes he works away from home til after midnight and sometimes he works here on the computer, but he says he is surprised how much more money he’s makin'.”

Betty cooed sexily. “That’s all right. Eric always was a hard workin' man. Don’t let up on him though – he’s liable to get lazy.” She finished her Bloody Mary as her chef and maid began delivering a huge spread on trays beside her lounge. “I gotta go, girl. My feast is here and I’m starvin'.”

After eating and eating until she couldn’t hold another thing, Betty pressed the button on the arm of her lounge. The servo-motors whined as the back of the chair raised her up fully. Then the maid and butler helped her heave her fat ass up. Betty waddled into the big house and started to undress while the maid prepared her bath. She looked down at her body. Her enormous tits sheltered her growing belly fat. She smiled and thought, “With my corset and these big tits on top, I can let my gut get huge.” She turned to look at her big sexy ass in the mirror. “My girdle’ll take care of you,” she thought. Then she stretched, spread her cheeks and let out a big fart. “I bet I lost a pound right there,” she giggled to herself and waddled into her palatial bathroom.

It was clear that Betty was not going to encourage Tamara to get in shape.

As they gained, the girls decided it was time to join the spa – not really because they cared about losing weight – in fact they enjoyed gaining and like being dependent on servants. But it gave them an excuse to get pampered even more while giving lip service to fitness. It was expensive, and Tamara almost had a twinge of guilt as she handed the cute young lady her credit card. The voluptuous girlfriends asked for a tour of the fitness center. When they met the masseuse, Rod, they knew they’d made the right decision. Rod was a gorgeous white brotha, 6 feet tall and weighing considerably less than either of them. His body was sculpted like a statue- all tanned muscle.

“Oh, Darlin,” Tamara cooed. "I need a back rub right now. I think I’m tense.”

Rod chuckled goodnaturedly.

“No, seriously, I understand that you work with heavier women to work on fat areas with your technique- ” Tamara glanced at Betty. “You know, like to reduce hips and butts,” she eyed him coyly.

“Well, it does improve tone, but it won’t reduce…”

“ Sweetheart, you won’t know til you try, will you,” Betty interrupted. “You think we’re too fat?” she asked, putting him on the spot. He could not resist sizing them up with his eyes, but he did not want to offend clients.

“Of course not,” he lied. “I’ll be glad to give you a massage. Just sign up.”

They were to later find out that Rod was just one of many hunks working there, ready to serve their fat asses.

The girls checked out the vibrating belt machine and the steam room and sauna. “I don’t like to sweat,” Tamara said. “I’ll stick to the belt and the massage. I bet that machine will shake my pussy along with my gorgeous fanny!” she winked at Betty and the girls giggled.

“Let’s celebrate and go get ice cream sundaes,” Betty said. They gorged on extra-large hot fudge sundaes and Betty’s butler drove them home in her new Lincoln Towncar.

After riding the elevator to her swanky apartment, Tamara came in and collapsed on the bed, tired from all that walking and eating. She pulled off her dress and panties, pulled on a red teddy and spread out in all of her royal glory in the air-conditioned comfort of her soft bed. She fell asleep dreaming of Rod massaging her fat while she was being fed eclairs.

Betty went home and stretched out on satin in the nude, also dreaming of decadent, fattening, sexy sensual things.

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