Now I know that pictures of bellies and such are very "big" around here...(very weak pun there)...but there is a whole world of creativity and positive work going on around our little comminity too. I think most of us know that RV is an actor as well as one of the the official cartoonist around here along with Geep! I do painting, sculpture, performance art, music and writing...I am sure there are more of us with creative hobbies or artistic careers...let us know what is going on. For example, my quest to find a couple more musicians of size to create the "World's Fattest Band" is an ongoing project which seems doomed. Musicians in San Francisco are chronically starved...but hope springs eternal...we will be doing a show at Balazo gallery later this year...around the solstice with Freedom Rock and maybe a few more stoner bands...maybe some of you out there would like to either come or even....golly gosh......participate...let's get them creative juices flowin' and swappin'! LOL (That's a Mark Twain expression!)