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The Other Side - by Coop (~BBW, Eating, ~XWG)

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Sep 30, 2005
~BBW, Eating, ~XWG - A woman discovers the joy and beauty of having a large backside.

The Other Side
by Coop

Joanne works at a large computer firm in the city. Her job is to keep track of reports and information that the company holds. She tends to keep to herself when working although she will always mingle with her best friend Rita who also works at the company. At 29 years of age, 5'8 and at 150 pounds, she isn't exactly what you would call skinny. At the same time she isn't exactly fat either.

She had an average body with only one exception. Her butt was bigger than normal. Her measurements were 25-24-35. Most of her body fat seemed to go to her butt. She regularly went to the gym to work out so she could maintain her weight. The only problem is that she can never seem to shrink her butt down to size. Despite this, she didn't mind having the extra backside support. It made sitting on her chair comfortable with the extra padding she had on her ass.

While she was working on a file, her best friend Rita came over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. Joanne turned around and smiled. Rita was eating a candy bar.

"Hey Rita! I was wondering when you were gonna show up!"

"Sorry. I just got a quick snack on the way up here. I'm gonna go send this file over to the boss then we can go out for lunch. We can go to that deli across the street since it's nice out and we can eat outside."

"Sure thing. I'll be done soon anyways." With that Rita walked away to send the file. As she walked, Joanne couldn't help but stare at Rita's butt. It was quite big. It swayed back and forth and she walked. Rita weighed in at 200 pounds and she would always been seen with some type of food or other. Rita had big hips and legs. Joanne would many a time wonder what it would be like to be that big. This had been an ongoing thing for her.

Throughout her life. Joanne would always try to maintain her weight under 160. She would work out regularly and eat healthy. But for some reason, Joanne became very curious about bigger woman. She wondered things such as if bigger woman get better sexual pleasure or if they have better sex. She would even at times get aroused by these thoughts.

Rita returned from the other room and went up to Joanne. "Ok I'm done. Let's go eat. I'm starving!"

Joanne got her things and went out with Rita to the deli across the street.

Joanne ordered her usual salad with a drink of soda. On the other hand, Rita ordered a huge jumbo cheeseburger with fries. This made Joanne a bit envious of Rita. She wondered "how can she eat like that and not care about gaining weight." Joanne's curiosity got the best of her and she decided to act upon it.

"Rita. I need to ask you something a bit personal."

"Sure go ahead. Ask away." Rita responded as she stuffed her face with food.

"How exactly can you eat so much and not be concerned about gaining weight?" Rita swallowed and let out a slight chuckle.

"Joanne. I gave up worrying about my weight a long time ago. I kinda like being big and being able to eat what I want without worrying about my body!"

The answer shocked Joanne and her curiosity was pushed further. "Does being fat increase sexual pleasure?"

Rita couldn't help but laugh again. "I'll be honest. I have been getting a lot of pleasure on the back end if you know what I mean."

Joanne was surprised yet aroused at the same time.

"Why do you even care anyway Joanne? It's not like you to ask something like that."

Joanne then looked at Rita and told her. "I've been thinking about getting real fat."

Rita was a bit surprised at this. "You? Why?"

"Well I've been wondering what it would be like to be a fat woman. I've been curious as to how it's like having a big butt and hips and waddling. Don't take this the wrong way but when I look at you walk, I get this strange feeling. I feel like I need to act upon it."

Rita smiled and laughed. "To be honest I'm estatic that you're thinking about this. But are you really sure you want to go through with it?"

Joanne looked sure about her decision. "Yes. I have nothing to lose anyway. I want to be able to be happy and eat what I want without not worrying about my size like you. So starting tomorrow I'm going to eat what I want and when I want. And you can help me with suggestions with food to eat."

Rita smiled again and hugged her best friend. "I'm happy that you are going through with this. I'll help you every step of the way."

Joanne and Rita then went back to work.

Later that night, Joanne was in her apartment sitting at the kitchen writing a list. On the list she began to put what she would think be very fattening. Since she wants to start tomorrow she needed to be prepared. She gathered information on ways to gain weight as well as places to buy plus sized clothing.

Joanne had a sense of determination to her. She wanted to get really fat. She wrote the number 400 on the list. To herself she said. "That will be my weight limit."

After writing the list she got up and went into the bathroom and looked at herself. She looked at her brests and belly and then her butt. "I wonder if the weight will go to my hips and ass?"

She then went into her bedroom and went to sleep. This night would be the night where everything changes.....for the better.

The next day she began her new lifestyle of weight gain. Rather than eating a bowl of cereal she went to the deli on the way to work and ordered 2 hash browns, an egg sandwhich and a milkshake to drink. She ate on the way to work. At work she stopped at the vending machine and took out a candy bar and ate it as she worked.

Rita came by again and saw Joanne eating and smiled. "Looks like we have the same taste in chocolate."

Joanne nodded in agreement as she was busy eating her candy. For lunch she ordered a philly cheesesteak with fries at the deli and a bag of chips. When she went home she grabbed a bag of candy from the fridge and munched down on it as she watched TV. For Dinner she made a bowl of pasta with meat sauce. After her day of eating she rubbed her full belly and went off to bed to sleep.

This went on for the entire week. Her meals were bigger and she would eat snacks in between. She would at times stop at the ice cream polar and order a sundae to eat. She would often go to bed just after eating so the effects of the food would take place quicker.

The next day she got up and got dressed for work. She put on her shirt, stockings. However she had a bit of problems putting on her underwear and pants. She noticed that her pants were a bit tighter when getting them on. She struggled and layed down to get them on. It took a fight but she managed to get them on. She noticed that her butt was more fuller and rounder as well. Her upper body had no noticable changes. After the ordeal she went to work.

As she worked she periodically ajusted her seat so she could get used to it. She felt a little uncomfortable since her pants were a bit tight. So she loosened the belt a bit. Her friend Rita came by again and the two went for lunch.

Rita ordered a plate of chicken parmagan and Joanne got some fried chicken. They were both really hungry and ate their food.

"Wow! I had no idea eating food like this felt so good. What have I been missing."

"Glad to see you came over to the other side." Rita replied with a smile.

Joanne was still hungry and ordered 2 bags of chips to eat. She shared with Rita and they went back to work.

Joanne kept at it for another week. She continued to eat more and excercise less. However she still worked out so she could tone her newly added fat. After the 2nd week the results were much more noticable. Her breats were a bit more fuller and perkey and her belly developed a layer of fat. She rubbed her belly then turned around to her ass. It was much rounder and appeared to stick out a bit. It seems most of the weight gained went to her butt.

She grabbed the bathroom scale and stepped on. The dial stopped at 177. She giggled in delight and went to the freezer to have some ice cream. Altoough impressed with the results she wanted to wait till 200 pounds before she measured her self. Afterwards she went to bed and dreamt about what the next 2 weeks will bring.

(continued after the next post)

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