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The Other Side of The Coin

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
a lot of people here are used to being pressured because of their size and being to made to feel unacceptably big. have you ever had to comfort anyone who was told they were unacceptably thin? how did you handle it? how did you feel about the situation?

i read this quote on facebook and i thought it was interesting:

"Many years ago, I was seeing a guy, who out of the blue one day, looked at me and said "I need you to gain some weight." That hurt me. Bad. No matter how much I liked him, that request, was the beginning of the end. My weight, my size was something I could not change and I knew I didn't want to be with a dude who would be yearning for something I could not be. AND...I had no interest in spending my days killing myself trying to be the thing he desired.

I am petite, slender and have been this size since high school. The media may rave about thin women, but on the street...men of color...love thick women. It has taken me YEARS to accept and love my frame. I've learned to work what I got, take care of it and build other attributes that out weigh what I may "lack" physically.

I tell you all this because NOBODY is perfect. Not even those of us in the magazines. If your man, woman or partner can't love you for what you are...they may not be the one for you, because...

YOU are PERFECT and ENOUGH as you are. And...there is someone out there who wants nothing more than to love you for THAT."

- Jada Pinkett Smith