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The Ticket - by The Norseman (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~MWG )

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2006
SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~MWG - An FA meets the woman of his dreams, who pretends not to notice her size

The Ticket
by The Norseman


I looked at the parking ticket - it still had more than one hour left of the parking time before expiration. I had spent less time than expected when shopping and now I stood by my car, looking around if someone else could make use of the ticket.

A mid-size European car was just starting to park halfway behind a big pillar and I could not see the driver. I went towards the car and was just to ask if the driver wanted my parking ticket.

“Hi, may I give you my…..”

The words stopped in my mouth and I must have looked rather foolish. Right there I was watching one of the most beautiful girls I ever met. In a somewhat clumsy manner she got out of her small car. Standing beside the car she looked at me and said:

- “What did you say?”

I could see she was my age, around thirty. She was of middle height and with a stunning face. Her deep blue eyes had an open and inviting look. She had black, long hair. It was impossible not to look down her body and she saw I measured her. Her body was round and fat behind the fabric she wore. She had fat upper arms and large, bloated breasts resting on two big tummies. The upper tummy pressed out more than the lower one. Her hips were wide and fat. I guessed she weighed around 350 pounds. In a way her body was well proportioned and she radiated confidence.

I looked right into her beautiful eyes and answered:

“Do you want my parking ticket? It stillhas more than one hour left.”

She nodded her head and reached out her arm against me.

“Here is also my business card so you can call me if the parking time runs too quickly when you are shopping”, I said with a big smile.

She got both the ticket and the card. She looked a bit confused but replied:

“Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you. I will call you when I need a new parking ticket or more money!” She laughed and turned around to put the ticket on the dashboard. Then she headed for the entrance to the Mall.

At the door she turned around and waived her arm thanking me once more.
I got into my car and started to drive out of the underground car park. All the way home I thought of her, hoping she would call me.

The days passed by and she did not call.


It was September and nine months since I gave my parking ticket to the beautiful woman. As the months passed I had thought less of her.

One Saturday morning my cell phone called. It was a woman’s voice and she introduced herself as the woman in the car park. She asked if I remembered her. Of couise I did. After some polite talk she asked if we could meet for lunch nearby the Mall where we first met. I responded positively. After the short telephone conversation I was sitting wondering what she wanted after all these months - and she did not know me at all!

Although I left early for the lunch appointment, I was stuck in the traffic and came a little late. Entering the restaurant I looked around to see if I could see her. She was sitting by the window. She had seen me and waived her arm to make notice of herself.

I went up to her table and saw she looked at me with a beautiful smile all over her face. When I reached her table she tried to raise herself from the chair, but failed halfway up from the chair. She was unbalanced and sat heavily down. Then I saw how fat she was. Since the last time I saw her she had ballooned to be very fat and voluminous. I took the situation at once and asked her to sit.

“Hi, my name is Thomas”, I said looking into her blue shimmering eyes and reached out my hand.

“Hi, my name is Elizabeth, just call me Liz”, she said and took my hand.

Whilst I sat down I saw she filled out her chair completely and rolls of fat were pressed way over the armrests on both sides of her. Her lower belly was pressed heavily against the table and on top her bloated large breasts floated on the upper belly.

We looked at each other and decided to order some food. While waiting for the food we introduced ourselves.

Liz was 32 years, two years older than me. She had been divorced two years ago. She worked in one of the large cruise line companies where she was occupied as superintendent onboard one of the ships cruising the Caribbean. She had been away for more than six months during the European cruising season. That’s why she had not called me before, she told. Now she had some months off until the American cruising season starts.

She told me that she had sensed I wanted to know her better and was flattered but had been up against a deadline and had had to ship out. But she'd thought about me often during her voyage and wondered if I was serious. That's why she had called and was happy I'd responded.

I smiled and told her that her impression had been correct, and that I hasd thought of her many times, wondering what had happened and feeling regretful.

Suddenly she looked down on herself, then directly into my eyes:

“I don’t know for how long I want to work on board the ship. I have become so fat it’s difficult to go through the narrow door to my cabin. And I almost do not fit in the small shower. My work allows me to sit a lot when working and there is food all over the ship all day and night. I gain all the time”, she said with a wry smile.

Before knowing it I put my hand on her hand to comfort her. She had very pretty hands and fingers with well kept nails. She seemed eagar to talk about herself so I let her go on.

“My weight gain began some 10 years ago. All the time I said to myself to stop the gaining, but I put on weight constantly. The last years have been horrible and now I weigh more than 400 pounds. My life on board the ship is doing me no good, I think”, she said.

I looked at her eyes and her face. She had started to have a double chin, but her face was still stunning. She was so open and personal, telling a stranger about herself. She had been married for five years. They were both working very hard in their jobs and had no time for children. Little by little they had less time for each others. Slowly they drifted apart and they decided to split up after five years. After that there had been no men in her life.

I told about myself, my work and my friends. I had lots of friends and in the weekends we played tennis and some golf. During winter we loved to go to the mountains doing alpine skiing. I had many girlfriends, but never found the woman of my life. I told her I had not been on a cruise and asked her if she could give me a free cruise ticket. When reminding her of a ticket she laughed of all her heart. I saw her large fat breasts bounced and shivered when laughing.

We were talking and eating for almost two hours. I noted she was eating more than me and without any self-consiousness. She was so nice to be with and we both had a wonderful time together.

Before leaving I asked her to eat dinner with me three days later.

“Yes, I will love, that was kind of you”, Liz said.

She looked at me with a question like look in her face.

“Thomas, can you please help me up from this chair?”

I went around the table to where she sat completely stuck in her chair. Without saying a word she raised heavily while I hold the chair back from her fat hips and fat rolls.

We went out of the restaurant. Outside we said good bye by shaking hands. We went separate ways. I could feel my heart was pumping a little faster when I turned around looking after her.

We spent a lot of time together the next weeks. We fell completely in love Liz and I, and had a wonderful time. After two months she had to go back to her work on board the cruise ship. We spent the last evening in my flat. I’m not a good cook, but managed to make a nice dinner with lots of red wine. After the dinner we had a cup of coffee. We were small talking about her job on board the ship when she suddenly said:

“Thomas, I want to spend the night together with you!”

She looked at me with shining eyes. I helped her up from the deep sofa and gave her a warm hug. Hand in hand we went into my bedroom.

“Shall I help you to take off your clothes?”

“Yes, please”, Liz said in a warm tone.

I started with her white long skirt which was very large trying to cover her fat folds. This was the first time I was going to see Liz naked, and without her blouse I saw how fat she really was. Her skin was very soft and in a way bloated all over. She had large saddle bags of fat on each side of her back. It was impossible to see where the saddle bags ended and went over into her large breasts. Her upper arms were wide and bloated with fat folds.

I saw she was having troubled taking off her enormous bra and moved to help her. She smiled gratefully. It was the largest I have ever seen. Her breasts rested heavily on her upper belly and down by each side of the belly. The upper belly was a very large fat fold and looked like a tire of fat reaching out in front of her. Together with the lower parts of the belly, it made her front extremely large, especially when sitting. The lower belly both pointed outwards and hang down due to its heavy weight.

Slowly I took off all her clothes. There she stood in all her glory in front off me. Her buttocks and hips were fat, wide and bloated.

We hugged and I could feel her warm fat body sending electric waves through my body.

She lay heavily down on the bed and managed to maneuver her big body to make room for me alongside her. We started to explore our bodies and kissed deep and warmly.

I learned she was a hot girl who knew what to do in bed and we made love like I never did before….


I followed Liz to the airport and helped with her luggage. This time she was going to be away for four months and both of us felt it would be a very long time. At the security checkpoint we had to kiss goodbye. It was several warm kisses and hugs.

Hugging her was quite special - due to her large body and circumference my arms didn’t reach around her, at the same time her body was so soft and curvaceous. I watched her as she went through the security. She was asked to take off her shoes. She really struggled to bend down to do it and almost lost her balance. She gave me a desperate look and I longed to be there to help her. She barely fit through the x-ray stand. Gosh, I said to myself, so fat and wide she was! She waved to me and smiled when the security control was done.

Then I should not be seeing her in four months….

I thought a lot of her the next days and weeks and looked at pictures I’d taken of her. I was a keen photographer and she loved to be taken pics of. A lot of fat people hated cameras, but Liz was different. She was so happy, so full of life and so confident. It seemed as if she never thought of her extreme fatness and heavy weight. I had several close ups of her beautiful face, one of them showing only her eyes, nose and perfect mouth. She was so good looking and I couldn’t have enough of her face. Other pictures of her full body where taken in angles where she looked unbelievably thick.

We talked together by the phone a few times and also used e-mails. However, the cost of using the telecom system to and from the ship for me was considerable, so it limited itself.

One day about two months after her departure I received the following e-mail:

“One week cruise ticket”

“As Elizabeth Johnson is going to leave working on my ship in two months and thereby take up a new working position at our headquarters ona shore, on behalf of Miss Liz and myself, I take the opportunity to invite you onboard my ship M/S Sunflower for one week cruise in the Caribbean together with Miss Liz. More details to follow.

Best regards,

Frederick DeHolland
Chief Captain”​

I was in heaven. I imagined Liz for my eyes when arranging this offer with the Captain and sending it to me as “a ticket”. I smiled to myself. Once again Liz showed the best part of herself, this time her sense of humor.

She called me a few days later telling that the ship should dock for one week in two months time. She would come back on holiday that week and then fly back with me for the cruise. I asked her how she was doing. She said everything was well with her. She said she didn’t look forward to the two flights, without saying anything more about it.

I thanked her so much for arranging the Caribbean cruise, and with a smiling tone congratulated her using the ticket trick. Now the score was 1 to 1 between us!

We talked some further, then said good bye and kissed through the phone.
Afterwards I thought about her fear for the flights. I thought it must be the jet legs due to two flights during the short time of one week.


The days passed by and the day for her arrival was close. I was like a kind looking forward to see her again.

I drove early to the airport to meet her. I went anxiously back and forth waiting for the plane to land. At last the first passengers from her flight came through the doors from the customs. There Liz was. I saw her first and she hadn’t yet seen me.

"My word," I thought, "she has really filled out during those four months onboard the ship"

Being much wider and with a further belly expansion, she waddled heavily behind the luggage cart. Then she saw me and with a big smile all over her face she waved one arm to me. Her upper arms had become so fat; it was almost not to believe. I felt a little sorry for her whilst walking towards her.

We hugged and kissed and were both very happy to see each other. She was tanned after so many days onboard the ship sailing in Caribbean, her face was beautiful, but more round and with a bigger double chin. Her neck was now very fat.

“How are you? How was the flight?” I asked.

“I feel a little tired. The flight was terrible. I was seated against the wall and with my big body the space was narrow. I had to ask for a seat belt extension and I could not use the folding table in front of me because of my belly. I tried to sleep a bit, but could not manage. But it’s so good to see you and be back home, so now I feel better”, she said with a smile and taking my hand as we went out to find my car.

I had to slow down as she waddled slow and heavily. I could hear her breathing. We got on a parking bus heading for the parking lot. When reaching my car I hold the door open fir Liz. With her big body she struggled to get into the seat. Driving to her flat I told her I’d made a reservation this night in a good restaurant to celebrate her homecoming and her new position. I would take a taxi and pick her up later on.

We arrived at the restaurant and went inside to get seated. The waiter hold out the chair for Liz and she lowered her body to sit down. By all of a sudden I saw despair in her eyes.

Liz whispered to me:

“I don’t fit in the chair. With the arm rests the chair is too small!”

I asked the waiter to get another type of chair. He told, however, that the restaurant some weeks ago changed all furniture. All the new chairs had armrests. He called another waiter to ask if they still had the old chairs, but they were all thrown away. By this time some of the other guests got interested in the situation and I started to feel uncomfortable.

Up until now Liz had smiled off the incident. Then the head waiter showed up. They were all polite and wanted to help us. The head waiter invited us over to the bar whilst they would get a new chair from a nearby restaurant. Suddenly Liz took my arm and said she wanted to go home, I saw a humiliated look in her eyes.

To make it short - we left the restaurant and took a taxi home to me. We talked about what happened and for the first time Liz felt humiliated and sorry for her weight and voluminous body.

Entering my flat Liz felt tired after the flight and the incident in the restaurant. She went over to a recliner to sit down. She was not comfortable and sat heavily down. She almost lost the balance, missed on sitting right down on the chair, the chair cracked and Liz fell heavily on the floor. In a long second she was quiet, like in chock, then she started crying. She cried hysterically whilst I helped her to stand up. She didn’t hurt herself, but I helped her to lay down on my bed.

It was not easy to comfort her. All her hidden feelings flowed out like a waterfall.

- “Thomas, I’m a mess. I’m so fat. People are starring at me. It’s so tiresome wearing all this heavy fat all day long. I can’t do everything I want and together with you. Thomas, help me - please never leave me, I love you so much.”

She still cried and her face was wet with tears. I understood she was not so self confident and safe of herself as I‘d thought. In all her years as a fat person she had tried to hide her body for herself by trying to be unaffected.
Now these hidden feelings were out and they could be worked with.

I comforted her and we talked together for a while until she fell asleep quite exhausted. I tried to take off her clothes, but she was too heavy to manage it myself. Instead I loosened her bra and waistbands.

The following days I spent much time together with Liz talking about the incidents that special day, and talking about her inner feelings being a fat person. It was of great relief and comfort for her to bring forward these feelings. I pretended not to be an amateur psychologist, but listened to her and helped her to sort out different feelings, problems and situations.

Liz was back on track after a few days. With her intelligence and personality she could draw her own conclusions and how she should react in life. She felt like a stronger person after this whole incident.


Two weeks later we were heading for our cruise adventure. I picked her up by a taxi at her flat to help her with the luggage. We checked in at the airport and went into the vast departure hall. We made our direction to one of the information boards for all the flight times. Suddenly I almost stopped by an incredible sight right in front of me. A young super-bbw was looking at the big board. She was dressed in a wide knitted sweater and a pair of blue jeans.

The wide sweater was probably intended to cover the young ladies fat figure. It was, however, impossible to hide those forms. She had enormous fat and wide breasts partly divided by a ball-like tummy pointing right out in front of her. She had wide shoulders and fat upper arms. When she turned away from the board I could imagine large fat folds and saddlebags on her back under the knitted fabric. Her lower parts were fat, but nothing like the upper body.
It was impossible for Liz not to see I watched the fat young girl. Liz looked at me with a somewhat surprised glance.

“I don’t look like that?” she said.

Of coarse she didn’t look exactly like that young girl, but I was taken while my guard was low. What was I to say?

“You are much more beautiful than her,” I said. Liz was happy with that answer, and she didn’t follow up saying I should not gaze at fat people.

We had plenty of time before departure and sat down in one of the many eating and drinking places in the airport. Whilst waiting Liz managed to eat three large sandwiches and a large beer. To accompany Liz, I had a beer and a small sandwich with cheese.

One hour later we got on board the plane. Liz squeezed through the aisles to find our seats. I sat down in the middle seat and raised the armrest before she maneuvered her extreme body down on the small seat next to the isles. She was much wider than the seat and I felt her flesh pressing hard against my body. It was not comfortable for either of us, but we had to do the best out of the long flight. Liz asked for a seat belt expander and fumbled to attach it under her enormous thigh.

After a while the plane took off heading for Miami.


The captain had arranged for a special cabin for us onboard the ship, a cabin normally used by the top managers in the shipping company. It was a very comfortable cabin almost like the small suites, Liz told me.

“The best thing is that the shower is larger than in normal cabins, where the showers are not wide enough for me”, she said.

We unpacked and after a shower and dressing, Liz showed me the ship. We went to see her working place, where we also met her collegues. One of them was like a dream to me. She was from Puerto Rico and was called Latina. She was our age, I guessed, tall and with a slim legs. Her upper body, however, was fat with a very large belly. Her clothing could not hide all her back fat, saddle bags and fat, round buttocks. Her boobs were small compared to the belly. She head beautiful eyes, and her fat, stunning face was surrounded by raven black hair.

She was a very nice girl and had become a good friend of Liz. I immediately asked Liz if we should invite her to have dinner with us. Both of them laughed and told me we had the same dinner table all week long. I looked forward to the dinners with such beautiful and nice girls like Liz and Latina.

After showing me a lot onboard the large cruiser, Liz was quite exhausted. On our tour we had met the captain and I got the chance to thank him for the invitation to the cruise together with Liz.

Liz went over to one of the places on the main deck where one could have something to drink and to eat. She sat heavily down in the shadow. Her face was sweat and her light clothes clung to her fat, sweet body in the warm weather. To my surprise a waiter come over to where we sat.

“Hi Liz, nice to have you back," he said, "What do you want to eat?”

I looked at my watch and told Liz is was only a few hours to dinner.

“But, I’m tired, thirsty and hungry and need something to eat”, she said very determined. She ordered something I had never heard of before. The waiter looked at me and I ordered a cold softdrink. After a while the waiter came back with what I would say was a full dinner plate to Liz. He also brought her a large beer.

I was ready to protest, but kept silent. This was her life and I was only her boy friend. I drank my drink and watched Liz eating. When she finished, we decided to go to our cabin and rest and dress for dinner.

She struggled to get up from her chair.

“Gosh, I’m so full”, she said whilst balancing after raising. She shuffled away from the table heading inside the ship.

Watching her eating in the airport and now on the ship I understood why she was so fat. She really loved food and eating. Probably the bigger she became, the more hungry she was….


The days on the cruise ship were fantastic and I fell deeper and deeper in love with Liz. We made love every night. It was like Liz and I were in heaven. I help her with her clothing and other matters which were difficult for her with her voluminous body.

One night I helped her off with her clothes. She said the clothes were tighter after all the food and lacy living onboard the ship. When on shore she did not manage to walk far due to her heavy weight. Therefore we spent the time sitting by a beautiful bay or stayed onboard. It was obvious she put on weight constantly. It looked like most of it went to her belly and her thighs and buttocks. Her double belly was enormous. It stuck out and hang down like an unbelievable fat sack.

It was difficult for her to maneuver, to find chairs to sit in, to sit by a table in a normal way, and to get up from low and deep chairs.

She had not been on a scale for a long time, but it was obvious she was near to 500 pounds or already beyond. Walking was a heavy task and she only walked for a short distance before taking a short rest. Making those short rests she was standing besides me holding me hand. I could hear her hard breathing and watch the sweetness in her face. But she was so lovely, king and reliable. I loved her of all my heart.

The second to last night onboard the captain invited us to his table for the captains dinner. It was a large round table seated with twelve people. It was a very fine dinner with good wines and nice people. Liz, however, had somewhat of a hard time sitting pressed between the armrests on the big chairs around the large table. After the dinner I helped her up. Hand in hand we went outside and stopped by the rail surrounding the deck. It was warm and beautiful, and we had a wonderful view over the scenic Charlotte Amalie, the capital of St. Thomas.

I was holding Liz very close. Gently I turned her face against mine and looked into her wonderful eyes.

“Liz, do you want to marry me?”

I saw tears in her eyes, she nodded and kissed me passionately.

Right there our common and new era started.


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