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The Wedding Present - By SpeedyWheels (~BBW, ~~WG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Mar 1, 2014
~BBW, ~~WW - In which, the friends of an engaged young brunette take her to Spain to feed her up.

Author's Note
- I am a scientist, not a writer. As such mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar are neither deliberate, nor stylistic. Please let me know in a PM and I will amend the text. Also, the back-story is all true, but the Spanish holiday is not. Yet.

With no further ado:

The Wedding Present


There’s something about the *thud* that the envelope makes as it hits the front door mat, which sets a wedding invitation apart from all other post. As Anna tore open the envelope the names embossed in silver within were very little of a surprise. Rich and Jenn had been with each other for years and their tying of the knot had long been awaited.

The three had met in Oxford and had become the sort of friends that came together every fortnight or so; sometimes for films at the cinema, sometimes for a nice meal out and sometimes for a warm, sleepy threesome that would stretch on long into a lazy, naked Sunday morning. Anna had moved north and was now designing jet engines for a living, while Rich and Jenn had become career scientists near Bristol, and, she realised with regret, she hadn’t seen either of them in far too long.

It was this thought that occupied her mind as she brushed toast crumbs off her jumper, left the house and walked to work.

By the time she returned from work that evening, Anna had a plan. She would throw Jenn a hen-holiday (Was that a thing? If not, she would make it a thing and then throw it). Her new boyfriend (an up-and-coming author with one or two famous titles to his name) had already offered no-holds-barred access to his family time-share in southern Spain. Which, apparently, was due to be unseasonably warm this year, due to a combination of gulf-stream deviation and narrative necessity.

With a destination in mind, Anna googled for flights, looked at local activities, considered the costs of self-catered vs. fully-catered and even considered travel insurance. Feeling pleased with herself, she had a flick through Facebook to see what her friend had been up to in the years since they’d been at uni. And was shocked at the photos.

Anna had met Rich at a college formal meal and, after the second time he offered her more potatoes, had formed a pretty accurate picture of his feeding tendencies. As the years had passed, Anna had seen Rich offer too much food to pretty much every good-looking girl within reach and even seen his blissed-out state as one of his girlfriends had gained thirty pounds and a sizeable pot-belly during their nine month relationship. Rich was almost as besotted with weight gain as he was with Jenn.

So, to see the most recent photos on Facebook of Jenn looking thin as a rail was somewhat surprising. Anna had expected after seven years with Rich, to see a beautiful, pear-shaped Botticellian Venus smiling back at her, not this toned and elegant sylph. She was still very beautiful though, Anna’s pulse quickened and her guts tightened with a familiar longing. Old habits die hard, she thought to herself.

“Well!” exclaimed our petite, blonde heroine to the empty room, “This changes the game completely!” She re-opened the time-share complex website and resolutely checked the “Fully-Catered” option. She would make this a gift to both of the betrothed: A hen-holiday (Damn, forgot to check on Google) for Jenn and a surprise wedding present for Rich.

Two thoughts crossed Anna’s mind as she stripped down for bed, dropping her too-loose jeans and running her hands over the last stubborn remnant of the chubby tummy she always seemed to grow over Christmas and lose again by March: Firstly, Anna hoped that Jenn hadn’t already bought her wedding dress. And secondly, Anna realised that she had no idea how to go about feeding a woman into a larger pants-size, but she thought she might know someone who did.


“No.” Said Claire flatly. “You’re out of your mind, your jurisdiction and your depth.”

Anna sat sipping her tea from a ridiculously large mug opposite the smartly-suited woman with the flaming red hair whose help she was trying to elicit and started to feel down-heartened. Claire was a formidable woman and Anna was just beginning to wonder if she could be convinced at all. It may be back to the drawing board. Was there an Idiot’s Guide for feeding girls, she wondered.

To make matters a little worse, Anna had never really met Claire before. Apart from knowing that she was the other girl with whom Jenn and Rich used to spend long, happy and naked evenings, the only thing Anna knew about Claire was that she was Rich’s ex.

Before he’d properly got to know Jenn, Rich had been with Claire for a tumultuous nine months. To her credit, during this time, Claire had repaired much of the emotional damage with which he had appeared at Oxford. She’d even gone as far, after discovering that he was a feeder in the denial, to fatten herself like a suckling pig just to prove to him that it was something that he should have no shame in enjoying.

Eventually they grew apart and split, but not before she had presented him with the popped-off buttons of both a size 12 and a size 14 pair of jeans and had convinced him to feed her in public, him rubbing her growing belly with one hand and spooning food into her open mouth with the other. He’d been terrified at the start, but by the end she’d nearly burst a seam and he’d nearly burst a blood vessel.

Rich had never looked back after that, but Claire had iron will and had slimmed back to her original size very quickly and eventually graduated to the suits and cases of a lawyer. From which intimidating position she was currently addressing Anna.

“Besides its being daft and expensive...Although you’ve said you have the expense covered?” She shot a look at Anna, who nodded, “Well, besides that, it isn’t even consensual. I’ll have no part in it.”

Anna had been waiting for this opportunity and after being ranted at for fifteen minutes she leapt at her chance. Quick as a flash, she whipped out an email from Jenn she’d printed out that morning, on which was highlit the line “Anna, don’t get me wrong: I’d love to be a bit heavier (and we both know that Rich’d be overjoyed!), but I just never have the time to eat or relax”.

“It’s consensual, paid-for, silly and will make two of our mutuals very happy. You might even have some fun! It’s a free holiday in Spain! What do you say?”

“No.” Said Claire flatly.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, the Captain has switched-off the fasten-seatbelts sign and you are now free to move around the cabin. We have reached our cruising altitude of eleven thousand metres and will shortly be serving a small in-flight meal on our way to Mallaga today.

Jenn could not believe her luck! She was on an all-expenses-paid month-long “hen-holiday” (sp?) to *Spain*! She could explore the country, use her passable Spanish (which hadn’t had an airing since college) and swim in the sea! And she wouldn’t be doing it alone:

Jenn looked to her left where Anna had her headphones on and was flicking through the available films. She saw her curly blonde hair, her cute freckles and her startling blue eyes. She also took in Anna’s large bust standing in (very well tailored) contrast to her slim hips and waist. Although, noticed Jenn, the tell-tale winter tummy looked ever-so-slightly larger than usual this year. She’d help Anna walk that off in no time! *Spain*! The land of hill-walking and adventure! And all the more adventure with *three* of them!

Claire was sat on the other side of Jenn watching the happily engaged brunette smiling contentedly. She saw her long, dark plait and her chocolate/charcoal eyes. The same eyes that had once danced and shone as they drank in Claire’s naked body. She saw Jenn’s slim neck and elegant shoulders. Possibly a little sharper than when Claire had last kissed them? “Stop it!” She told herself. “You are here to spend time with a friend and, possibly, make sure she has access to as much food as possible. Not to jump back in bed with her!”

The lawyer sat back and reviewed the case so far: She’d been very surprised when a woman she barely knew emailed her in the office and invited her for coffee. And even more surprised by her proposal. Of course she had refused. But that evening she had sat at home with sushi and salad and remembered how great it had been to get fat: How much she’d enjoyed cooking great feasts and then guiltily, greedily stuffing herself with the while lot; how much she’d loved seeing her body with new eyes as Rich kissed every expanded inch of her in the evenings and caressed her endlessly. He’d been captivated and, against his nature, had only had eyes for her while she blossomed.

She had planned to stop at ten pounds and then really thought about stopping at twenty, but her doting lover’s smile and absolute bliss convinced her not to and before she knew it she had a belly that drew approving looks from expectant mothers and her body was alive to the sensation of thirty new pounds of fat wobbling and bouncing every time she moved. She’d loved it. Obviously, when she and Rich had split, she dropped the extra weight in no time at all. After all, most people don’t go for that aesthetic and she thought herself just as beautiful lighter. But, every now and then, she’d reminisce about stuffing her fat, round belly with Brie or brioche and she’d smile. She was fairly confident that Jenn would be happier heavier. Would she help Anna with this hare-brained plan or not?

“So, which for you? Yes or No?” Said a voice shaking her out of her reverie.

“Sorry. I was miles away. What’s the question?”

“I was just saying,” said the good-looking air steward “that we’ve been supplied too many mini-Bries with our meals today. Would you like and extra with yours?”

Claire looked over, saw Jenn had accepted a spare and that Anna, with a mischievous glint in her eye has accepted a handful, doubtless intending to give them to Jenn. “Amateur!” she thought amusedly and then turned back to the steward who was looking a little bored.

“You know what?” She said “I think I will!”


The resort was not exactly as Anna’s boyfriend had described it. He’d sold it as a little run-down, but a safe and useful base from which to explore. However, the vista that appeared before our three young women was more like something out of a Bond film:

Three pools glittered in the sunlight as the one or two millionaire guests swam idle, beautiful, tanned lengths. Waiters trotted smartly from the cocktail bar to whichever supermodel or politician was thirstily sunning her- or himself between the seven-foot tree ferns and marble statues. The outside dining area was covered by a palm-frond roof and, beyond the white cotton table-cloths, a board proclaimed this week’s guest chef as an expert in tapas from Barcelona.

The three stunned women were shown to the “poky little time-share” that had been described to Anna to find it a stand-alone chalet with three bedrooms, a living room (all done in teak and cool, grey marble) and a range of en-suites. The girls stood. And looked. And stood. And looked. For some time.

Then, as has the others, Anna chose a room and retired to change her clothes, still in awed silence. Unlike the others, however, she sat down a little heavily on her Egyptian cotton double-bed, having eaten six of the (not-really-that) mini Bries that she’d been unable to slip subtly onto Jenn’s tray table as per her plan. She looked down and was disappointed, but unsurprised, to see past the swell of her bust, a small, round roll sitting stubbornly on her thighs. Anna thought to herself: Right! Note to self, This month was about making Jenn fatter, not this little roll. This wasn’t to grow. At all! She didn’t want to see an ounce more of this little roll. Starting now! She was going to be strict with herself and that meant stopping eating before she was full, not ordering deserts and swimming as much as possible. Still, at least it wasn’t as bad as it usually was at this time of year.

Feeling resolute, she threw open her case on the bed and chuckled at the contents: Three bikinis, a couple of swimsuits, a couple of towels, a nice top or two and a shed-load of sunscreen. You might almost be able to guess, dear reader, what she was planning to do for four weeks as she, once more, slipped out of her jeans...

Claire and Jenn, on the other hand, had packed a little more extensively: both bringing, in addition to Anna’s aquatic fair, a couple of loose floaty sun-dresses for the heat and sensible shoes. However, this didn’t stop them from choosing the exact same items from their cases as Anna had from hers and joining her in the pool immediately.

Their hard bodies glistened in the strong sunlight. Strong sportswomen, both of them in their way, with defined shoulders on Claire and sculpted thighs on Jenn propelling them effortlessly through the water while Anna splashed about happily, revelling in the immersion. The three were happy.

Having swum and explored the complex and watched the sun set and explored some more and returned to the chalet to change (Jenn and Claire into dresses and Anna into her travelling jeans and a white blouse) they headed to the restaurant to see about this guest chef.

The girls ate and talked and sampled Spanish cocktails until the moon was well out. Anna was still feeling full of cheese, but managed to try a few of the tapas bites, here and there. Jenn picked at a few as well, but mostly talked with her friends. Claire had meant to eat very little and spend the meal observing Jenn’s eating habits and triggers. However, with Jenn so obviously not hungry and tapas being her favourite meal in the world she gave in to the deeply hidden desire and, just for tonight, surreptitiously stuffed herself silly.

That night Claire lay on her side holding her packed midsection wondering how on earth she’d forgotten how good this felt. Obviously, this was a one-off, but what a one-off it had been! She could see how her figure had burst-forth last time. She almost missed it. Great memories. But this was not the month for that: This was a month to plot, plan and be cunning. Which she would do. Right after sleeping this off.


A week had passed in a flash! Jenn had been skyping with her fiancée, Claire had been reading crime thriller after crime thriller and Anna had met pretty much every guest and struck-up interesting conversations with all of them. They’d been relaxing.

The days had been spent in a very similar fashion to the first afternoon: Swimming, lounging, talking and eating. To all of their surprises, they’d enjoyed getting their first spa treatments and pedicures (Oxford women not usually being the type for such frivolity) and, although Jenn had been suggesting exploring the local hills and swimming out to secluded beaches, the other two had managed to divert her onto less energetic pursuits, so they hadn’t had to burn off too many calories. This would, the reasoning went, make it easier to let her eat herself tubby at the restaurant. Which was where they were all sat presently and Claire was frustrated:

Regardless of how little exercise they did, Jenn was never going to get fat if she ate like she had been: Picking a little here and there and then stopping. The girl just had no appetite! How was she meant to fatten up a woman with no appetite? Her friend was destined to stay skinny. Which would annoy Anna, frustrate Claire and deprive Rich of a surprise that he knew nothing about.

To make matters worse, her twin loves for tapas and for getting fat were teaming-up against her. The other two hadn’t noticed yet, thank God, but her famous ability to gain weight had landed her with a shiny-new pot-belly the size of a grapefruit. She could suck it in when getting into and out of the pool, of course, and it didn’t show in the loose floaty dresses, but it was there. She’d been wearing the looser of her two dresses toward the end of the week in an effort to hide the soft, swollen belly that was emerging where her steely abs were subsiding.

Anna’s dress sense had changed subtly too and Claire thought she could guess why. Anna was, thanks to the wonders of overnight-complimentary-dry-cleaning wearing the same smart, white blouse most evenings and in the last couple of days had been wearing one extra button open around the neck.

Claire watched her talking with Jenn now. They were both eyeing up a cute waiter and laughing about old times at University. As Anna chuckled, her already impressive bust swelled and shook like the sails on a galleon, filling her blouse to breaking point. Having once, for a few months, had breasts to rival those, Claire knew the engineering involved in supporting and preventing spillage. She knew that that sort of bra doesn’t stretch and as she watched Anna feebly attempt to slide an extra piece of chicken onto Jenn’s plate without being caught (before giving up and absent-mindedly eating it herself) a very frustrated Claire had an idea. A wonderful, awful idea.


Anna was happy. She’d been swimming every day, as had been her deal with herself, she’d been putting huge effort into feeding Jenn (which wasn’t yet paying off, but might any time now) and, to top it off, she was having a great time.

Our leading light in jet engineering was keeping up to date with developments in her field as she normally did from her desk, but for the past two weeks she’d been doing so on an iPad in a swimming pool in Spain. It was amazing! It was comfortable, she got a tan, the wifi was flawless and it counted toward her time spent swimming, which had remained the best part of the day. Who said fitness regimens aren’t fun? she thought.

Also, she was really starting to see what Rich had found attractive in Claire. Although harsh to begin with, the red-headed lawyer had been a lot more friendly in the last week and just twenty minutes ago had got up to get her a drink, so Anna didn’t get dehydrated reading in the sun. The banana smoothie with which Claire had returned hadn’t really done much to quench Anna’s thirst, but it would have been rude to say no and, Anna reasoned, a little fruit was just what was needed to prevent her belly rumbling after her small lunch. Well, reduce the rumbling. A bit.

It had been a fantastic meal though. The guest chef for the girls’ second week in paradise had been an ice-cream expert and Anna had taken pains to ensure that she sampled every unusual, exotic and perfectly balanced combination without letting herself over-eat and get full. And. And, she reminded herself, she was completely allowed today’s vanilla/orchid, mango/red wine and strawberry/black pepper platter because her diet was working wonders: She no longer caught sight of that pesky little belly roll when she looked down! She’d known so much swimming would do the trick. Also, Claire had walked over to get it for her and, yeah, it would have been rude to say no. All in all, Anna was happy.

And a little bit horny, if she was honest. She’d spoken to her great new boyfriend online earlier, but being surrounded at all hours by an ex-lover and a stunning, curvy redhead wasn’t helping. However, unlike the soon-to-be-weds, Anna didn’t go in for open relationships. She took one last, long, lingering gaze at Claire’s arse as she lay on her side on a sun-lounger and then returned her attention to her reading.

Or tried to: aside from Claire distracting her, there was the problem of Jenn. Her friend had barely touched her food in these two weeks. She had lost quite a lot of weight in stressful jobs since leaving university and looked like she was going to stay slim. Fair enough, thought Anna. She may not be able to give Rich a chubby bride, but she’d make damn sure Jenn had a great henholiday. (Totally was a thing, Anna had looked it up). And that meant a change of pace.

That choice made, Anna clambered out of the pool (an exercise that took a little more balance than usual due to the iPad in one hand – It would have been worse, but the waiters made sure that any empty glasses were removed from the poolside at once, so Anna didn’t have to carry the iPad and the one, or two, or whatever empty smoothie glasses) and walked over to the shade that Jenn and Claire were currently occupying.

Jenn had been reading various journals that she’d brought with her, but was now eyeing a map of the hill walks jealously. Claire was dozing on her side facing away from the pool in a dark-coloured one-piece swimsuit. Hello! Anna looked again. When had that arrived? Anna wondered. Claire was very definitely cradling a belly in her sleep. A very round and very soft pad of fat was pushing Claire’s one-pieced attempt to hide it away from her by a couple of inches. The thin material looked slightly stretched and gave a very clear imprint of a deepening navel. Anna risked another glance, not wanting Jenn to catch her staring, and noticed that it sagged ever so slightly down toward the white cotton of the sun-lounger, looking like it was completely empty, confirming Anna’s first impression that her darling lawyer was not bloated from lunch (indeed Claire had hardly eaten anything), but was instead getting quite rapidly, quite noticeably fat. Not that Anna minded too much, it didn’t detract from Claire’s good looks too much, and if anything, made her seem more fallible and more relatable.

So, the feeder that Anna had so carefully chosen, turned out to be a bit of a glutton, did she? Ah well, thought Anna. At least there’s one person going home from this trip heavier than they arrived. She cleared her throat and Jenn looked up from her in-depth study of the map.

“So” said the buxom blonde, “chosen a route yet?”

Forty minutes, one rapid change of clothes and 1.4km later, Anna stopped to catch her breath and, mostly, to let Claire catch up. Jenn had gone off like a shot as soon as they’d reached the hills and would doubtless be waiting for them at the top, enjoying the view. Claire had fallen behind a little, mostly because she had insisted that a floaty sun-dress was the right attire for the hike.

Anna suspected that she was hoping to conceal the effect of two weeks of over-eating with an over-abundance of material. The attempt to cover up did nothing to stop Anna from being fully occupied with Claire’s body during the walk. She turned over the facts in her head, trying to work out the enigma of the red-head’s growth. Claire had been very subtle, she never ate between meals, never had that much at lunch or breakfast and didn’t obviously overeat at dinner. So where, thought Anna while watching Claire climb the last few steps towards her (her dress blowing against her and providing a perfectly explicit view of her widened abdomen), had all this come from?

Anna offered a word of encouragement as Claire hiked by and then watched the gorgeous lawyer clamber uphill. Anna gave her a few steps head-start and then followed. That round bottom hadn’t changed noticeably, smiled Anna with her eyes locked onto it. Maybe it was a little rounder? She couldn’t really tell. She could tell, as her pulse raced more than usual for a slope like this, that walking behind Claire for any length of time was going to make her too hot and bothered for tight jeans to be a good choice.

Ugh, talking of jeans: It appeared to Anna that overnight-dry-cleaning was a fantastic idea that enabled any traveller to bring the bare minimum of clothing. But, if you were going to offer the service to people staying for a month, best to make sure that you don’t shrink their clothes in a fortnight, eh? For the past couple of days, Anna had been forced to unbutton the top of her blouse at dinner and she now had her T-shirt pulled low (or as low as it now went) to hide the fact that her jeans no longer buttoned. Bloody dry-cleaning! Ah well, she thought, it was free. Or complimentary, at least.

And then she discovered something else free. The view. The sun hung low in a dusty orange afternoon sky, lighting dusty arid hills. Jenn was perched on a rock, taking some complex panoramic photograph. Claire was just stood, staring. Having finished with her camera, Jenn walked over and pointed out the resort on the opposite hillside, nestled amongst the scorched crags and cacti, an oasis of blue and green. She licked her lips and the three of them set off back down the hill.

They didn’t bother changing for dinner, which was fine for Claire in her dress and for Jenn who always looked so elegant anyway, but meant that Anna had to quietly tug the metal zip on her shrunken jeans a few clicks lower so that they’d let her sit down. As per usual, they filled their plates at the buffet and sat down, but tonight Anna really paid attention to what Claire was eating. There was a secret efficiency to the woman, Anna saw. She had not- only picked up a slightly larger plate than the other two, but filled it much more densely. Now Anna added it up, there must be twice the calories on Claire’s plate compared to her own. And then there was the bread basket. Anna had never really noticed how often Claire’s hand reached to the centre of the table. She counted piece after piece disappear, but as per usual the waiters topped up the water and the bread so nothing seemed to change. God, if Anna had eaten that much she would have burst! Had it been like this every night? she wondered, trying to think back.

So engrossed was she in trying to keep track of Claire’s intake (without obviously staring), that she nearly missed something amazing: Jenn got up for a refill of tonight’s Argentinean feast.

She wandered back with a stack of food and dug in with gusto. Claire had stopped as was watching too. In a very clever move, on which Anna would congratulate her later, Claire resumed eating, this time more obviously hungry, turned to Jenn, wiped her mouth and said:

“I don’t know about you, Jennifer, but walking seems to have given me an appetite!”

Jenn looked up from her overloaded plate.

“I don’t think it’s the walking. For me, it’s the views! Knowing that I’m so far from home, so far from anywhere, must trigger some primal part of my brain that wants to stock up for the journey home. Or something. Did you enjoy the walk, Anna? It was great to get out of the complex and get some miles in, right?”

And just like that, the conversation moved on. Anna’s brain started humming like one of her titanium-bladed creations and when Jenn left the table to top-up for a second time, Claire looked at her with something approaching triumph in her eyes.

(Part Two Follows)

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