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Thick by Green Eyed Fairy (BBW, BHM, Aggressive ~Sex)

Dimensions Magazine

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Green Eyed Fairy

Veteran of a 1000 Psychic Wars
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2006
In Your Head
~BBW, ~BHM, Aggressive ~Sex - Woman learns of the desires and pleasures of a younger man

by Green Eyed Fairy

She was still lightly laughing over his last joke. He had shown up unexpectedly again…but his presence was enjoyed by many.

Adrian was a genuinely nice guy. She had met him on her job a few months ago. He kept coming back….and always made a point to talk to her when he did.

They were friends now. He called and talked to her in her off time, making her laugh and smile. They had formed an easy, fast, steady kind of friendship….the kind that she didn’t feel too often. She always looked forward to talking to him again…

She didn’t have a lot of friends. The few she had, though, were very trust-worthy, kind, fun, open people. This was important to her. Quality over quantity.

It had taken her years to form those friendships because of her trust issues. Adrian had stepped in so easily though….not letting any of her walls deter him. Sometimes, she speculated that he just didn’t realize they were there.

Adrian was unique. Always showing her attention, making her feel special. He often joked about them going out on a date…and occasionally let a sexual innuendo slip by. She just blew those off as part of his usual banter.

He was much younger than her. Almost a decade younger….
He came with a very handsome face, beautiful hair, long legs….and that easy, relaxing banter.

She was sure he had a half dozen women on the line somewhere, women much younger, attractive…even easier to get close to than herself. She was never one to be hooked too easily.

In other words, she never took his quips, or his age, seriously…and never considered herself attractive to him.

He was on the thick side with a slight pudge in his mid-section that she thought made him look more approachable. She was quite thick herself…having spent years seeing herself as unattractive because of it. Several men that had passed through her life had shown her that this was not always true for everyone. However, she was not everyone’s cup of tea and she couldn’t imagine herself being sexy to a much younger man..especially one like Adrian.

Adrian wanted her to go with him to look at a new apartment he was considering renting. He wanted her opinion of it. Flattered that he asked, she had easily agreed to go with him.

He picked her up around 6 p.m. that evening. The apartment was on the small side but perfect for a single person. Lovely view, clean and conveniently located…all topped off with very affordable rent. She told him to grab it…

Back at her place, she asked him to come in and hang out for a while. She had a new Netflix movie that she thought he might enjoy.

“This is the first time I have actually been in your home since we met” Adrian noted for her.

“Wow, really?” she asked in disbelief. “We do just talk on the phone and hang out with others a lot though. So how do you like my place?”

“Very nice” he answered with a smile.

I offered him the couch as a seat and went to get us a couple of cold beers from the fridge. Sitting beside him with the TV in front of us, he looked sideways at me. Unsure of why he had looked at me that way, I just turned to look back at the movie.

“Thanks for going with me” Adrian said.

“Oh, you’re quite welcome! That’s a really good deal…you make me wish I had found it first” I joked.

He smiled then and leaned his head on my shoulder. Surprised, I let my hand wander into his thick, shiny hair and kissed the top of his head.

“You smell really good tonight…and you always look good” he told me.

Slightly taken aback again, I thanked him. I felt a little unsure about what was going on now.

“Don’t thank me…it’s true” he said.

I smiled and kissed the top of his head again. I tried hard to put my full concentration on the movie playing on the TV in front of us. His head was still on my shoulder. I felt his arm wrap around my thick waist.

I come big-breasted, thick-waisted with soft protruding belly. My hips are thick with a pronounced caboose on the back of me. Thick, soft, thighs that splay out when I sit down are always seen, as well.

Much softness to be found in this quadrant….and I wondered if Adrian was the type of guy to appreciate it. He seemed very relaxed with his hand and head on me and kissed the side of my neck in return.

“This feels so good…” he stated softly to me.

I felt a slight panic rise in me. My wall was going up. Memories of other guys that had talked me up like this…trying their best to use me. Was Adrian one of those guys?

“No” my mind answered itself. “He is one of your best friends. He won’t hurt you like the others”.

Trying to calm myself and put some distance between us, I quickly extracted myself from him by standing.

“Ready for another beer yet, Adrian? I have plenty…” I said.

“You sure do have plenty” he answered and looked up at me with a skewed smile.

Thinking that I should be angry, I couldn’t help but grin down at him…feeling flattered and girlish. I hadn’t felt this way in a long time….and didn’t want to end it right now.

As I made my way back from the kitchen, Adrian stood up to meet me as I approached the couch. Something had changed between us…quickly. Unsure of exactly what the change was about, I averted my eyes down. He nudged my chin up with his fingertip so I had to look him in the face

“I highly value our friendship. I hope to never do anything stupid to jeopardize it.” he told me.

“You are a very attractive woman but I don’t think you always realize how much so. I was hoping you would let me show you….” and with that he leaned down to kiss me, wrapping his big hand around my neck to pull me into him.

All my soft, protruding womanly bits pressed into him. He was tall, hard and yet slightly soft at the same time. His tongue invaded my mouth and I felt my hands slip up to grab the strength to be found in his arms.

Wow….he was such a good kisser. Due to our age difference, I often felt like I should be a motherly type figure to him.

I understood now that he didn’t see me that way……that he had something else entirely different on his mind. I was also starting to feel the difference pressed up that closely to him with his tongue in my mouth.

I attempted to step back from him, breaking our kiss. A slight darkness tinged his eyes….and he reached around to pull me close again.

“Don’t” he demanded.

“You always keep me at arms length…..stop it. I want more….I want to give you more” and he claimed my mouth again.

Oh … I was melting. He had me alright…..and my head was spinning. I hadn’t seen this coming and my mind was having a hard time keeping up with the new system overload.

Adrian wanted me…..and I wanted him. That was a hard admission for a proud woman for some unknown reason.

“Get over yourself” my mind chided, finally fully admitting that I found him highly desirable.

I was probably going to do anything he wanted tonight…and wondered if he realized that part yet. Nothing should come too easy….

“Adrian…” I softly said.

“Yes?” he asked.

“I don’t want to disappoint you” I whispered. “ I want you to have all the pleasures you deserve in this world. You will have to show me what it is you want from me”.

He laughed a deep, throaty laugh then.

“Oh I think you have a pretty good idea, my sweet” he answered with a knowing look in his eye.

With that, he grabbed a handful of my hair and assaulted me with his probing tongue again. I felt a sudden stirring at his new aggressiveness. He could do this? Light, carefree, always jesting Adrian could be this way?

Wow, how wet he had just made me. I liked this new side to him…and knew this was going to be good. My excitement about the night ahead grew quickly.

I felt my legs getting weak and Adrian seemed to know it. He sat down on the couch, still gripping my hair and making me follow.

My wantonness was taking over…along with that the little demon inside me that wanted to gain some control over my dominator.

I pulled back in spite of the pain of my hair still in his grasp. While he watched, I grabbed a big, generous, soft breast in each of my hands. This caught his attention and he raptly watched as I squeezed and tweaked my nipples through the fabric.

It was my turn to laugh as I started to slowly unbutton. He took charge again by grabbing the front of my shirt and ripping it apart. I loved the look on his face and couldn’t unsnap the front of my bra quickly enough for him.

My abundant breasts burst free from their confine, springing forth into his hands. He leaned down to take a nipple in his mouth as I leaned back to offer them up to him. He adeptly brought it to life with his tongue as his other hand pinched the other one into attention. When he had them both feeling raw and standing at full attention for him, he took back control of my head with a handful of hair again.

“Your curly, red hair is so gorgeous…just like the rest of you” he stated.

He used his hand to guide me to my knees on the floor in front of him. Oh my…how my womanhood loved this part. Yeah…on my knees was so good.

I met his eyes easily this time while my hands splayed out over his thick, manly thighs. I let them roam upward from his knees, sliding down into the inner part of his thighs.

The black denim of his jeans felt good under my hands. I let my thumbs come to rest directly underneath his square of his pronounced manhood. Gently, I let them start a soft stroke on the globes that I knew were there while my other fingers found the outline of his already stiff shaft.

Mmmmm yeah…I love being in this position with a man. My anticipation mounted but I made myself be patient…wanting to please him in every way.

He grew impatient, pushing himself upward into my skilled hands. I unbuttoned and unzipped him quickly, wishing not to keep him waiting for what he needed.

I gasped when I saw it. It was rock hard and quite beautiful. Eagerly, I pulled it out. Adrian pushed my head down towards it with his handful of my hair. Yes, he definitely had me figured out and it made me all the wetter knowing that…..

It filled my warm, wet, hungry mouth so easily. I swirled my quick tongue around the head, tasting a slight saltiness from pre-cum that I always enjoyed. Greedily, I took more of him into my mouth.

He pushed up then, quickly, hard, unexpectedly. His head pushed down my throat, gagging me slightly. I should be mad? But no…I loved it. I enthusiastically put my mouth right back down on him…wanting him to do that again.

He held the back of my head and pushed me down hard, making me wait to come up only when he was ready for me to do so. I gasped a gulp of air before taking as much of him as I could into my mouth again.

My left hand continued to stroke and please his manly globes as my mouth, tongue and throat pleasured him in ways that were extremely pleasing for us both.

I relaxed my breathing and throat muscles, finally able to get all the way down on his shaft. I slipped my tongue out to lightly lick his globes with the tip before having to come up for more air.

I let my hand grip a handful of his middle pudge, enjoying the thickness of it in my hand as much as I enjoyed his thickness in my mouth. My right hand tweaked his left nipple, hoping to please him again.

He moaned his pleasure to me and I couldn’t help but hope he would explode in my mouth. Alas, that wasn’t meant to be. Adrian wanted more from me.

He pulled me back up to him by my hair and French kissed me fully again. Our tongues meshed and fought for control…with me knowing he would always win.

He was a big man and moved me around easily. This was different than with thin men. His weight made him more dangerous in some ways. When he was on top, when he guided me into positions, when he pushed into me…it was different.

I was dripping wet for him and he took full advantage of this fact. First he pulled up my skirt and let his finger feel how much I wanted him.

With a satisfied smirk, he turned me away from him using my hair again to control me. Then, he pushed my face down into a couch pillow, pulling my big hips and ass up in the air.

I felt my breasts, stomach, hips and thighs all jiggle freely before compressing together on the soft cushions of the couch. He was behind me and I purposely, quickly, spontaneously parted my legs for him.

He slapped my behind hard then, relishing how it and my hips and thighs all jiggled like crazy from his blow. He quickly did it again and watched his red hand print spread across my backside.

I jumped at first but then soon asked him to do it again. I told him to hurt me. He was still on the gentle side but granted me some more blows on my thick hips and ass.

He then teased me with his member head, rubbing it against both of my openings. I pushed back onto him, begging for entry. He teased my tight ring once more before slipping himself easily into my womanly wetness below.

I took him in fully and clenched my wall muscles around him in a welcome greeting. I wanted him to stay a while….

I could hear the wetness of myself as he drove in and out of me. Slowly at first, but picking up speed and momentum. His weight pushed me forward when he slapped into my big ass as I tried to thrust back to meet him.

I had to clench the arm rest and let him have total control of my body. He was too big to match. I loved his total domination and knew I was going to cum hard around his thick shaft soon.

I told him I was close and begged him not to stop. He responded by pulling my hair hard again.

“You like this, slut?” he asked.

I moaned my pleasure and told him to call me a whore. He slapped my ass again as he complied with my desires.

Pinned down completely on the couch as he assaulted me from behind, I felt myself explode with intensity and waves of pleasure. I hadn’t gotten it this good in a long time.

He pulled out and pulled me around to him, putting his manhood in my face. I opened my mouth and orally pleasured him again as he granted my earlier wish of emptying it in my mouth.

It was as delicious as the taste of my wet womanhood all over him. I stroked his globes lightly again as he finished his spasms in my mouth, feeding my deepest desires fully.

“You are so delicious Adrian” I whispered as I lay with my mass of curls on his thick stomach mound.

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