~BHM, Romance - Former enemies renew their acquaintance, and attraction kindles after one of them plumps up.
To Tame a Thief
by Ichida
Part One
To anyone not familiar with the city, the deadlock created by wagons, horses, livestock and people would have been overwhelming. To Ritcha, it was decidedly unpleasant but a necessary evil. Every Fair she came to sell, trade or barter her wares a necessary price to pay for the enjoyable solitude in which she spent most of her days. Passing by a fruit stand she quickly paid for a red apple, only slightly overripe. The juice dribbled down the corners of her pink lips, and she dashed the tasty liquid away with an equally pink tongue.
A few old hands nodded to her in greeting, which she returned. The cat calls she ignored as completely as the curses and lashed whips as she dashed around carts. Hefting her multiple, heavy bundles she stopped beside a cider stand.
Morning, she greeted the woman politely. Do you know anywhere wheres I can set up this junk? She rubbed her shoulder, offering her a coin.
The woman turned with a warm smile, smile lines radiating across her face. She gestured next to her, accepting the coin in exchange for a mug. Youre more welcome here than anywhere else, Id wager. Now, I know you arent in the section youd prefer, but you are closer to the gates, so you have a better chance of catching their eye and as they shop your wares, theyll buy a drink!
Ritcha grinned back broadly and winked. I know a smart businesswoman when I hear one! The woman giggled like a chit. They always thought she was a boy. Now, I have to make a few errands before I come back will you watch my belongings?
Nodding happily the woman opened a deep wooden chest, into which went all her gear except for a handful of coins and a few pelts. Pulling out her own lock and key she secured the chest and handed the woman the rental fee. Sauntering down the street at a relaxed pace, she allowed the traffic to tug her inner city as she retied her short auburn hair pack into a horsetail. Whistling a tune she eyed a large wagon. People were flocking around it, yelling in laughter and amazement as the very large man atop it gestured grandly, flaunting his wares in a sonorous, almost overdone voice. The hawkers around him yelled louder, but the wagon driver had positioned his cart so his voice echoed resoundingly. Smart man.
Drawn by curiosity as much as the crowd, she found herself looking up at the man. Despite his rich, baritone voice, she was drawn by his body like a man dying of thirst to water. As he threw an arm up violently to accentuate his point, his large belly rippled, ending with a slight shake and bounce. His broad brimmed hat shaded part of his face from this angle, but his clean shaven jaw revealed an equally chubby chin, which wobbled very lightly as he spoke. Feeling herself begin to tingle and chiding herself for it, Ritcha began to turn away when the man threw an arm out to her.
You! Lovely Miss! Please, come, help me demonstrate my age defying serum! As he looked at her the shadow shifted, revealing a pale, handsome face. His twinkling, sky blue eyes, framed under dark slashing brows, widened in amazement, chubby chin accentuated as his jaw dropped.
Ritcha, trapped by the crowd, felt herself pushed forward and lifted onto the top of the wagon even as she stared. Oh no. Please no!