typical quotes if Hyde Park was a school yard
biodieselman: posting pics of obama on vacation
shosh: I support Israel to the max
happyface83: you damn racist bigot!
blackjack: stop calling me racist, happyface
bigmac: but san fran is the way to go
mathias: you crazy obama haters
delimann: obama is a commie marxist!
christov: let's all get along! Obama is just a man
cinnamitch: agreeing with christov
mack27: socialism sucks!
biodieselman: posting pics of obama on vacation
shosh: I support Israel to the max
happyface83: you damn racist bigot!
blackjack: stop calling me racist, happyface
bigmac: but san fran is the way to go
mathias: you crazy obama haters
delimann: obama is a commie marxist!
christov: let's all get along! Obama is just a man
cinnamitch: agreeing with christov
mack27: socialism sucks!