Okay, so I'm sitting in the college pub with a bunch of TVs, and across the room there's an episode of Tyra playing. Unfortunately I cannot read the text (it's driving me nuts!), but there was just a 500+ pound woman on there (they showed modeling pics of her, weighed her etc.) with a thin guy, and now they have a smaller chick on there that they keep showing a low-quality video of rubbing her belly.
I wanna know what episode this is (if it's new or old), who the models might be, and if there are clips of it available anywhere?
It'd also help to know exactly what the ep is about. Is it in specific reference to the feeder/fa/bbw/etc. community (I assume so). Any info would be appreciated.
EDIT: Nevermind! Found it. Apparently it aired last monday and it's called "Fat Families" ... there must be a thread here on Dims about it. *seraches*
I wanna know what episode this is (if it's new or old), who the models might be, and if there are clips of it available anywhere?
It'd also help to know exactly what the ep is about. Is it in specific reference to the feeder/fa/bbw/etc. community (I assume so). Any info would be appreciated.
EDIT: Nevermind! Found it. Apparently it aired last monday and it's called "Fat Families" ... there must be a thread here on Dims about it. *seraches*