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United 93...the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2005
This film was incredibly real. It was not a dramatization, although clearly the script is fictional. It was as close to a re-enactment as one could ever come. It is done with artistry but not polish, and it merely depicted events as they probably happened. It was gripping and compelling.

I'm saddened and a bit angered by the comments of those who have said they will not see it. For those who fear the Hollywood-ization of the events, put those fears to rest. This is a story of true heroes, and it is only good and right that we should all know their story. These men and women put aside their fear and pain to make the ultimate sacrifice, and I don't think it's much to ask to sit through a little discomfort both in tribute to them and to experience an exalting, transformational experience of the self.

The bit of anger comes from the suspicion that many fear to see the movie because of their politics and an unwillingness to undergo the subsequent self-examination this movie inevitably brings. There is a truth to flights 77, 175, 93 and 11 that is self-evident, and any politics that can't incorporate that truth can't be worth holding onto.

If ever I am placed in a similar situation, I hope I have the foresight and courage to make the choice the men and women of Flight 93 ultimately made. In a day where our principal complaint is about the impact the price of gas will have on our summer vacation costs, I hope we all accept the gift of perspective that this movie truly brings. It is the highest calling of art to do that, and United 93 succeeds in all respects.


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