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Weight Gaining Sisters Parts 1-3, by IrishFA (SSBBW (Multiple), feeding, stuffing)

Dimensions Magazine

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Monkey Daze
Aug 22, 2006
SSBBW (Multiple), feeding, stuffing, ~XWG - Three sisters vie with one another to see who can gain the most weight over a several-year period of time.

Weight Gaining Sisters
by IrishFA

Part 1

Kim, Sara and Melissa were three young sisters who together embarked on life in the fat lane. It all started when Sara went to college and gained a good few pounds in the first term, which was found to be exciting by her sisters at home.

Kim started college in August studying business and economics. It was her first time away from home and she found it difficult to cope at first. She found it hard to make friends and began staying in, watching TV and eating snacks. After about two weeks, she had noticed her clothes getting tighter on her. She decided to weigh herself and found she weighed 145 pounds. She reckoned she must have gained at least 10 to 15 pounds and actually liked the idea.

Kim continued in her new lifestyle, going to college, watching TV and eating. She had once been fond of sports, but in October found it more difficult to keep up with her friends on the track. She also had bought new clothing, looser to allow her body to expand more. She was enjoying her new size. Boobs began to appear; up to now she had been quite flat up top. By the end of October she was up to 165 pounds, her belly had a slight bulge, her boobs had swelled and she was much happier.

Kim arrived home from college in October for half term.

“My, you have grown,” her sister Sara said. “You look swell!”

Sara was a slight, waif-like 16-year-old female who was feeling envious of her sister’s attractive body. She weighed herself, the scale reading a measly 108 pounds. Sara and Kim had a long chat and Sara admitted that she wanted to get fat, really fat. Melissa was still at high school and was disgusted with Kim's change of appearance, saying she was just too fat.

That very day, Kim and Sara made a pact to see who could gain the most weight during Kim’s next term at college.

Kim went back to college and decided she was going to win this pact. On arriving back to her dorm, Kim went shopping and stocked up on a huge range of goodies. That night she munched her way through 4 gallons of ice cream, 12 large packs of crisps and about 10 chocolate bars. She felt it all settle inside her tummy and it felt good.

Over the next weeks she continued this lifestyle. Each night after school, she would arrive home, weigh herself, and strip nude to eat more. She was turned on by stripping nude; she imagined watching her belly get bigger as she ate every night. Kim also found a boyfriend to help fatten her up. By the end of term, Kim had gained a lot of weight and was up to 205 pounds; her boobs were bigger than ever, but most of the weight was in her tummy.

This was nothing in comparison to Sara; she had gorged herself up to 170 pounds in the same period and was delighted with her new body. They agreed that they would get to work on Melissa and see what would happen.
Sara woke up at 7:30 and looked down at her bigger body. After just two months she had gained 62 pounds and there was definitely a much bigger belly and boobs, and her ass had developed a nice round shape as well. She got up and put on her school uniform; the skirt she had bought a month earlier a size too big was becoming tight on her. She put on her shirt and buttoned it up.

She went for breakfast and had a big fry-up with lots of bread and butter. She was still hungry. As she walked to school she was dreaming of how big she might get, and she planned a trip to McDonalds that evening with Melissa, as she had to be worked on. During class, as Sara munched on chocolate, she could feel the skirt getting tighter and tighter. When she sat down, it rolled up her legs and was bursting at the seams; eventually during the morning she had to lower it down from her tummy, as it was just too tight. Her chubby legs were clearly showing. She eyed one of the boys in the class, a fat boy; she was getting turned on.

She met Melissa at McDonalds and ordered three Big Macs, two large fries and a milkshake, while Melissa had a burger. Melissa was 17 years old and weighed a slight 120 pounds. She and Sara had a good chat and Melissa decided not to condemn her weight again. Sara was still hungry and ordered more food. She could feel it settling in her belly, then the button on the school skirt eventually gave way and popped off. Melissa actually found this exciting and began wondering, “What if?”

Meanwhile, back at college Kim was enjoying life with her boyfriend, eating, loving and sleeping. One night after a club, Kim just felt hungry and she ate and ate. She got home and did a fridge raid, brought all the items out and got her boyfriend, Dave, to feed her. She lay down while Dave fed her with biscuits, chocolate fudge cake and ice cream.

The next morning she stood on the scales, which read a whopping 254 pounds. Her belly had two rolls of fat when she sat down and her boobs were a whopping 48 inches; but it was her belly which was protruding the most. Dave measured Kim everyday and recorded it all, so as to have a history of her weight gain.

Sara was up to 190 pounds and began to find it difficult to stop eating. Her appetite for sex also grew. She began dating the fat boy from the class, who also dreamed about her gaining weight, and was there to help her.

Melissa gained a few pounds too, to 135, and she noticed how good it was to have boobs for the first time. She was beginning to borrow Sara's old clothes and had decided to fill them out.

Kim arrived home from college and was met by Sara in amazement. "My God, you have really grown big, and you look so well; I want to be that big too."

Kim was delighted; she was appreciated at her new size, a jiggling 254 pounds of young, tender fat. She was also amazed at how much weight Sara had put on and told her so.

Kim and Sara sat in the TV room, relaxing and watching TV. "How is Melissa Sara, has she grown too?"

"Well, only a little," was Sara's reply. "About 10 to 15 pounds, I guess."

Kim sat on the sofa, wearing a t-shirt and shorts; her belly hung over the shorts. Sara asked her, "Can I see your wonderful belly? I want to see what mine will look like soon."

Kim stood up, her blond hair blowing in the wind that came through the window, and unbuttoned her shorts to let her belly hang out. There was a mass of lovely fat flesh, all round and smooth.

She rubbed it gently saying "Now, Sara, do you like it?"

"Yes, I do. I definitely want mine as big as that, if not bigger. Do you want to see mine?"

"I would be delighted to look at your belly, Sara," was Kim's reply.

Sara took off her top and stood there, her big firm boobs sticking out, her belly lovely and round. She held her belly from below and squeezed it upwards to see how many rolls of fat she could make of it. "Only two yet", said Sara, "I'll have to work harder at this."

The two sisters stood there admiring each other. Melissa walked in. "Hi girls! I've a confession to make. At first I didn't like the way the two of you were putting on weight, but now I actually find fat attractive. Can I join you in a weight gaining exercise?"

Kim and Sara looked at each other. "Yes, you most certainly can!" was Kim’s reply. "We'll help you catch up with us if you like."

Melissa was delighted and said, "I'm off now to start my program of weight gain. I have a lot of catching up to do."

The next day the three girls were having dinner at McDonalds. "Let’s see who can eat the most!" Melissa said.

They each went to a separate counter to order their food. Kim and Sara agreed that Melissa needed to eat the most, so they secretly ordered some for her. Kim came back with 4 Big Macs, 4 large fries and a box of 20 nuggets. Sara ordered the same.

Melissa had only ordered 2 Big Macs and 20 nuggets. "My tummy is much smaller than you two, you know; I need time for this." Melissa ate her food with delight and was still hungry. She ate some fries and a Big Mac and some more nuggets from Kim and Sara. Their idea of ordering extra had worked. Melissa could feel herself getting really full. Her belly began to ache and she could feel her sexy mini skirt getting really tight. Melissa was always wearing skimpy, revealing clothes.

On the way home, Melissa could hardly move she was so full. In total she had eaten about 40 nuggets, 4 Big Macs, and 2 fries.

They arrived home and Melissa needed to take off her mini-skirt for more freedom. Her belly ached from all the food. Sara went to the phone to call her love, Fatboy Pete. Kim and Melissa were in the front room.

"Does your belly still hurt Mel?" asked Kim.

"Yes it does, but it feels good."

"I'll help you, Melissa," said Kim. She went over to Melissa and started to rub her belly. "Here, I'll help all that glorious food settle inside you, to make room for more." Kim loved to help people and was a big girl with a big heart.

"I'll help you fatten up, Melissa, with pleasure. Look at me. Since I went to college, instead of the Freshman 15, I had a Freshman115!" Kim rubbed and rubbed Melissa's belly.

As she rubbed it, Sara came in. "I've just got a great idea. All our birthdays are next month in June; Kim will be 19, Melissa will be 18 and I'll be 17. Let’s have a feeder party, just us, and we will feed each other all day, with a weigh-in before and after!"

"Great idea Sara," replied Melissa. "I'll have to practice for it, gain more now as well, to make my tummy bigger so that it will hold more food."

Melissa had about a month to get prepared for the feeder party. She woke up the next morning and weighed herself. The scale stopped at 143 pounds, a small gain on her previous 135 pounds. A lot of work had to be done. Melissa was a girl who never stopped at anything until she succeeded. She was excited about getting big, really big, just like her sisters. She went for a shower and felt her slightly bigger body. Her boobs were bigger and she began borrowing one of Sara's bras for more comfort. Her ass had become firm and she admired her curves in the mirror. "Why didn't I do this long ago?" she asked herself.

Melissa made her way to breakfast. Sara was still in bed, feeling a bit sick, and Kim was back to college for the final term. She made a huge fry-up with loads of bacon, about a half pound of sausages and some eggs. She topped this off with ten slices of toast, heavily buttered. She felt her stomach swell, and it felt really good. She put on her uniform for school. The skirt was really tight and she decided to borrow one from Sara. Her old size 10 was no use, and neither was her new 12/14. She needed a size 16/18 for comfort.

At school that day, she didn't get to eat much because of school activities. When she got home she decided to get into something more comfortable and put on a big t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She went to the supermarket and bought loads of goodies for an evening of feasting. She arrived back home and went to her room. Melissa was happy with her newfound pastime. She sat on the bed and switched on the TV, opening a huge five-pound box of chocolates. She started nibbling them, found herself wanting more than one at a time and began stuffing herself with the chocolates, all sorts, caramels, creams etc. She stuffed the whole box in. "That felt good, really good,." she thought. Melissa had always had a sweet tooth for chocolate, but had always denied herself for fear of getting fat. Now it was the opposite; she wanted to be fat.

After the chocolates she turned to the bags of crisps and munched on them while watching TV. She took off her shorts and t-shirt and lay on the bed wearing just her bra and panties while she ate. She rubbed herself as she ate, feeling herself getting bigger and bigger. She was turned on. She wanted just to lay there and feed. She had never felt so turned on before. She continued to eat crisps and had made her way through 14 large bags in between 3 packets of chocolate biscuits, and drank 3 liters of Pepsi to wash it all down. She eventually turned over and went to sleep. She made up her mind to ask someone to feed her the next time, perhaps Sara.

A couple of days later, Melissa arrived home from school to find Sara in the Kitchen. In front of her was a huge apple pie, with loads of cream on top. She was about to cut into it.

"Are you going to eat all that Sara?" Melissa asked.

"Yes, indeed I am, Mel, I'm so hungry today."

Melissa stood there while Sara swallowed down the entire pie. Melissa was getting turned on by the sight of her beautiful younger sister gorging herself to even more beautiful.

"I want to become a Big Beautiful Teen as soon as possible, that is my intention Melissa."

"Okay, Sara, so do I." Melissa went to the fridge and pulled out a cooked chicken. She pulled off a leg and gave it to Sara. "Go on eat it, let me see you eat it."

Sara put the chicken leg across her mouth and began to eat. Melissa went over to her and felt her tummy. It was big and soft. Sara sat there on the chair in her tight figure-hugging school uniform. The skirt now really hugged her body when she was in a sitting position. She had ripped the side at the bottom, so it would not burst, but would give her more comfort. Her lovely, chubby legs were bulging from the sides of the skirt. It clung to her body, showing a huge roll of fat that hung out over her knees. Over the skirt, there was another roll of fat, holding up lovely, big, fat boobs. As Sara finished one leg, Melissa immediately shoved the other one in. She swallowed that down really quickly.

At that moment, Sara said to Melissa, "Now it’s your turn."

This is what Melissa wanted, someone to feed her to a huge size. Sara started to pass some chicken pieces to Melissa. She dipped them in high-calorie sauce and put them one by one into Melissa's mouth. Melissa just sat there, feeling her body swell as each piece of chicken went down her throat. She was getting so excited. "Feed me Sara. Feed me quickly."

Melissa suggested they move to somewhere more comfortable. She went to her room and lay on the bed. Sara came in with loads of food to feed her hungry sister. She spoon fed Melissa with 4 gallons of ice cream and rubbed her belly to help the food settle. She fed her chocolates, biscuits and loads of cream that was left over from the pie.

Story continued in post 2 of this thread

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